Whats the difference between full metal alchemist and the brotherhood version? Which one should I watch?
Whats the difference between full metal alchemist and the brotherhood version? Which one should I watch?
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Watch the original then Brotherhood, of course.
Brotherhood is better but the endings for both are way different
Notable things
>Made up the story after a certain point pretty early on and it's not that great
>More focus on characters
>Filler (some people like it though)
>Skip the first episode it's just a filler intro type thing like they did with Gintama
>Much better story (one of the best all around in manga/anime)
>Less focus on specific characters
>The filler at the start isn't there so some people feel like the beginning is rushed
Brotherhood is shonenshit.
I only want to spend time watching one.
Watch brotherhood then but the movies go with the original if I remember right..
The Scared Star of Milos & Conqueror of Shamballa (and it's a good movie has to do with Nazi Germany)
Original adapts the manga with occasional fillers up to the halfway point, where it runs out of material and instead of going the Naruto route of endless padding they instead decided to write their own shitty grimdark ending.
Brotherhood is true to the source material but does a shit job adapting the early chapters because they were already covered in the 2003 version, so they just speed through them in half the episodes.
Both are flawed but Brotherhood feels more cohesive as a whole since it isn't literal fanfiction.
Watch 03 if you want excellent character writing
Watch Brotherhood if you want generic shounenshit
Men of taste prefer the original which is far superior thematically and philosophically than glorified shounenhood
So you're better off watching the original up to a certain point & switching to brotherhood? What would that ''switch'' point be though?
No, watch both
>Original adapts the manga with occasional fillers up to the halfway point
2003 adapts the manga for about the first 8 chapters. The manga has 108 chapters.
Episode 5 in brotherhood and episode 8 in the original is where the plots diverge, however what happens in those episodes is different between the two.
Also not 2003 has a LOT of filler. You shouldn't watch Brotherhood episode 1 because it's an anime-only thing that spoils character introductions so it's 4 vs 8 episodes for the same story progression.
Brotherhoods ending was way darker
pic related
If you're going to go that route I'd say watch the original up to around episode 25 or 26 (whenever it's the flashback to the Elric brothers on the island) then switch over to Brotherhood starting at around episode 13.
It's been a while since I've seen either of them but the 03 series might already have some divergences from the original story by this point since they were setting up their original plot threads, so I'd still recommend watching Brotherhood from the beginning. Better yet, just read the manga.
Really though opinions are split down the middle on which version is better, so is the best course of action.
Neither, both are shounenshit
I meant the halfway point of the 2003 series, not the halfway point of the manga. It has its share of divergences and tangents but is still clearly using the manga storyline as a base up until after the brothers reunite with Izumi.
Oh yeah I see what you meant. 2003 actually goes up to around chapter 20 I just missed that because of all the filler. It's like half filler up to that point and they make the actual story drag to fill time.
2003 is chunnishit.
Watch the first half 2003 then the brotherhood
what ep or 2003 and what ep of brohood?
>Brotherhood ending
How? Good guys win using the power of friendship, achieved their goals, and with no casualties except HHH and Olivier's underling who was cooler than the main cast.
spoilers dude
>spoilers for a 20 year old series
2003 until episode 25 then go watch the rest of brotherhood after episode 10
But isnt 2003 full of filler? How to skip that?
Don't listen to these retards OP. Dumb Sup Forums contrarians just want to trick you into watching the shit version that is literal fanfiction, just like how they tricked me into watching the old HxH.
Watch Brotherhood.
Brotherhood has a cohesive storyline that follows the manga, while the original has a shitty anime original ending and asspulls.
Don't listen to anything else, unless you wanna waste your time.
Thanks. I've just started brotherhood and enjoying it so far. From what I gather, the original has more filler which wasnt in the manga but they expand more on characters, which may be good for awhile but later turns into their own plot and non-canon , while brotherhood is entirely the manga so i've decided to stay with the canon authors creation which is clearly brotherhood. Cheers
Original has only 51 episodes Brotherhood has 64 so you do get more and the action is better also
Broterhood is better, but FMA has more nostalgia points.
>tfw listening to the first OP
Its his first time idiot
>he didn't watch the original FMA because Brotherhood wasn't a thing at that time
Fucking newfags
FMA: Edgy fanfiction
FMA Brotherhood: generic shonen
Pick your poison
Either way after he watches Brotherhood I almost guarantee he's going to watch FMA.
Then he'll probably watch both the movies.
It really was that good.
2003 has an original story after a while, and gives a nice spin on things, much better characterization and motivation for a certain bunch of characters. You should watch 2003 and read the manga. Brotherhood isn't worth the time since 2003 captured the aesthetic and atmosphere of the manga. It's is redundant for the most part.
>thinking 99 HxH is bad
shit taste is abundant in this thread I see.
No I've stayed away from anime for awhile but just getting back into it. I'm not a huge anime fan but did was looking around for something fun to watch, it was either this or code geass which I may or may not check out later.
U wot m8
Watch FMA then FMAB
Just watch fma:b and then drop it when you realize it's shit. If you start with fma you'll still have some (false) hope that Brotherhood won't be shit.
Both are shit, watch something else.
>being this much of an angry hoodfag
Im not american.
both are really good. yet sligthly overrated. i recommend 2003 and brotherhood later. while i agree with the general opinion about brotherhood being better than its predesesor, fma 2003 has a more bitter ending that is actually more interesting considering its a shonen for kids yet enjoyable by everybody
>people actually recommending brotherhood over '03
Bravo D&D
i agree with you and nice trips