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kys kike.
it was just cocaine for bumps
i get them all the time in mail
btw - bump
So despicable, and yet, I am not surprised this happened
the absolute state of secret service
Quick rundown?
someone mailed white powder to him and his family
I feel awful for them. If it was fentanyl they’d be dead. Shame on you for laughing. They’re humans cunt
Is a kike, an kikes are not humans
yeah let's laugh away about a terror attack and at the same time put a picture on our facebook page saying " JE SUIS CHARLIE "
put it on a t shirt
Homework done already?
>spend every day wishing death and misfortune to everyone who isn't like you
>immediately switch gears once its /yourguy/ who gets threatened
this is all either larping or this site really is nothing but boomers and children now
The question is, did YOU do my homework already? I mean that's what I'm bullying you for everyday until you shed those soytears
lmao do you think anything you said was funny? you reek of highschooler
In soviet russia, krokodil snorts you.
and I agree.
Im pretty sure it's all deliberate. And I'm also pretty sure the intelligence quotient in the States dropped even higher than it dropped after the Holodomor.
Kill yourself, faggot
C'mon, lad. If you are going to take the bait, don't choke on it.
Let me know when you see serious advocation for sending toxic substances through the mail to leftists. There's a huge fucking difference between
>I wish those rat-faced kikes Feinstein and Schumer would drop dead.
>Let's send anthrax through the mail.
You're trying to equate distaste for people with actually harming them. There's a reason the latter is always met with replies in the vein of "hey there FBI". You can't hang in a war of ideals so subversion and violence have become your tools. You faggots will learn eventually that "constantly blame others for things you're guilty of" is going to get you killed if shit ever actually hits the fan in this country. Recent shooting of republican congressman ring a bell? You're trash.
Literally the only reason they target Junior so much is they know he has the charisma and smarts to be #46 and follow in his Dad's footsteps as President. Stuff like this just makes it all that more likely t.b.h.
Q predicted this:
>Some of you are alright. Don't go near Trump Jr's mail tomorrow.
It's not illegal if the CIA does it.
Based CIA taking out the Jewish trash