Why won't Trump #ReleaseTheMEMO?

When will trump release the memo, and why is he suppressing it?

Because it's funny, because rushing to release it will gain him nothing, and because we love laughing at the things he does to you losers.

>be democratic scumbag
>put top secret information in memo so Trump can’t legally or morally release it
>Trump denies release to protect secrets of country
>”Trump is hiding something!!!1!1!11!!!”

Literally exactly what happened

So, you think thats why the president is keeping information from us?

You have exactly zero clue what you are talking about.

of course I don't. Thats why I'm asking questions.

Questions like, why won't the president release a simple memo about the russia investigation?

What does that matter? He is not obligated to release classified information and particularly not obliged to appease leftist losers.

Your question was answered but shockingly you'll keep doing this pointless exercise
Why not take a real interest in something instead of living a fake life?

Most likely it's just partisan bullshit arguing against the Grassley and Nunes memos. Which isn't Trump's responsibility to release.

Trump playing the democrats game

If this were true I'd hope Ryan would have blocked it first. It's possible the initial Democrat memo was rejected out of hand this way.

More like not playing. Shitlib press has blacklisted the Republican memos, he's responding in kind, and likely to a less substantive and less relevant report.

Did it already pass a house and senate vote to declassify, like the Nunes memo?


Eat shit, libfaggots!

>you losers
>people who don't blindly follow a side

what is wrong with you

Only the House committee has to vote, which it already passed, then the President gives a yes/no. Likely Ryan allowed them to get through a partisan, non-substantive bill that Trump nixed.

Just look at MSM outlets for the lefties' perspective. They are essentially calling nothing-burger, a tactic straight out of Rules for Radicals: accuse your enemy of what you are doing.

The Nunes memo was literally written by WH staffers as bullshit propaganda. Why the fuck would Trump release something that discredits it and makes him look bad?

It would prove he colluded. That's why.

yeah thats what I meant, sorry

Democrats would never ever release a memo that would even have the slightest hint of favorability for republicans. Republican losers like McCain, Graham, or Ryan would release a Democrat memo.

, which I just addressed here

but why cant you simply be accusing both sides of doing the same thing? why are you even picking a side when both are terrible in their own ways.

shoo cunt

If they had proof there would be an indictment, shithead. If they had real dirt they wouldn't care about public opinion.

That's not really an argument. But this comes out of the Russia investigation, which you implicitly just agreed is bullshit. So why lump more bullshit on top? Why be deceptive about something when the truth is on your side?

It would be very easy to show if they had proof or no proof.

Release the memo.

Yeah the whole 'principled conservative' business has to go out the window when your opposition doesn't have any respect for responsibility or rules.