SUSAN RICE emails HERSELF on inauguration day in an attempt to cover for OBAMA/COMEY!!!!

What are these retards thinking?

Other urls found in this thread:


Grassley letter to Rice

She covered for Obama, not Comey. Stop injecting Comey or Rosenstein, or McCabe, or Horowitz, or Sessions, or Mueller into these posts.

If you do you're a zionist bitch.




I found this on page 10

Hardcore Sliding today.

is there more?

The whole thing is here.



Bump for fried rice

Fucking fatty 8ball bump for this shit

>sending an email to yourself is a crime

This is what Trumpcucks actually think.

And what happens when she refuses to answer any of those questions?
Oh yeah, nothing
Because nothing ever happens to these people

less pen pal, more penitentiary

Nah, you are just too lazy to read the information need to formulate an cohesive counterargument. No one said it was a crime, merely a pathetic and suspicious last minute effort to fabricate some alternate timeline where Obama wasn't balls deep in the DoJ and FBI attempt at illegally spying on political enemies on her Govt email account. Unluckily for Rice, NSA has all the real details of it all from their private email correspondence.

fuck this bump

Checked. Use the catalog, newfaggot.

They sure did ask a lot of questions about Obama, didn't they? Who's gonna actually go down for this shit?

Sadly I somewhat agree. Hopefully with the departures of those who were providing cover, the new administration nails these fucks to the wall.

bump. is this from the Grassley criminal referral for Steele? or is this a different thing?

New. Different.

>>sending an email to yourself is a crime
>This is what Trumpcucks actually think.
no, Obama sending an email to Hillary on her private email server is a crime under 18 USC § 793(f). 10 years in prison.

this Rice thing is clearly just her trying to create a paper trail for a false narrative. she's pretending that Obama had nothing to do with all the horrible crimes they committed to keep Trump out of office.

Large if marge

>Obama sending an email to Hillary on her private email server is a crime under 18 USC § 793(f). 10 years in prison.

Oh wow, do you have a copy of that email? I'd like to see it.

Lazy strawman, go back to CNN comments.

Being so retarded that you don't know about the emails sent, stating he sent her emails from a .gov address and it needs to be taken care of. I'll let you do your own research on that, sloth. Nigger shills crack me up.

Yeah.. Strzok and Page had a txt about it.

>oh shit, I can't respond cause emails aren't a crime

Drumpfs JIDF shills aren't bringing their best.

Cucks stay btfo

>Oh wow, do you have a copy of that email? I'd like to see it.
nope, but pic related shows how I reached that conclusion.

source documents are here: hsgac.senate.gov/download/appendix-c_-documents
pg 16 of the PDF has the original. you can ctrl+F for the rest, using the images from this post and my previous one as a guide

suck a dick you fucking faggot. 10 years in prison.

(don't get me wrong, I find it hard to believe that Obama will be locked up - but it is IRREFUTABLE that he broke the law)

So....you don't have a copy of it?

F predicted this.

>Drumpfs JIDF shills aren't bringing their best.
sorry, it took me a minute to post the source FROM THE HOMELAND SECURITY AND GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS SENATE COMMITTEE - FAGGOT. go read Vox and Mother Jones, I'll read official government documents detailing actual crimes

>So....you don't have a copy of it?
nobody has a copy of it you strawman faggot nigger. what the Senate released is the original letter and the modified letter from James Comey admitting that Hillary and Obama exchanged emails on her private, unsecured server.

18 U.S. Code § 793 - Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information

(f) Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense, (1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or (2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer—
Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.

that last sentence is my favorite.

Barry's cover name was blown. You can find 5~ emails from him on wikileaks.

>shill alert
>paid troll

>thinking a sitting ex-President is going to get a 10 year sentence because he didn't check the addresses he replied too

He'll serve that 10 year sentence as soon as Hillary does for the private server nothing burger LMAO


Here nigger. Now go play with the other shills.

youll go insane if you dont use the catalog faggot




I>hardcore sliding today
there was certainly a sustained increase in slides leading up to and ever since the Release Memo raid on twitter, etc.

Probably because of the QR codes


digits confirm, rice gets the chair.


Holy fuck can you be any more kosher?

They'll all get away with it.
Not going to arrest 1st black president because meh white people
Clinton's both been untouchable since forever

susan rice admires michael flynn. go figure. she did it intentionally. she knew it will be discovered.



she's going to jail unless she talks, please dont talk rice.

What the fuck?

bump for rope

these people have only been untouchable because they are deep state stooges and the deepstate has had people in potions to cover for anyone they want.
Slowly they are being rooted out.

Oh shit fried rice on the menu, my fellow heterosexuals

>people still don't use the catalog

>a sitting ex-President

[email protected]



Remember this?

> 'If that fucking bastard wins, we all hang from nooses!


>shitty ex-President

>What are these retards thinking?
that their base is more depraved and intellectually emaciated then they are

That's like stealing money from your job and writing a letter saying you're testing security to keep in your pocket in case you get caught

Is the only cure for this RWDQS?

Can't wait for the habbening

It's true

As someone who works in the big Gov, I can tell you that not checking the addresses you reply to can be the difference between keeping proper confidentiality and leaking classified material. Not doing so is negligent and therefore grounds for termination and possibly prosecution depending on the scale of the negligence and the contents of the leak. Couldn't give two shits if you think I'm a LARP either. If I'm teleworking I can't even let anyone see my laptop's screen so we need to keep our backs to a wall, check for surveillance devices and always lock when leaving it unattended even in our own homes. Not doing so gets me fired and possibly charged if I've managed to fuck up and leak something important.


And Podestas password was..

checked and wew'd


Yes- see all of these people didn't take any of this shit seriously because they expected to be in charge for the next 4-8 years and if all went well, forever, and could thus cover their own asses by abuse of power. But because they let it slip through their fingers, all this shit they thought wouldn't be a problem is coming back to bite them in the ass.


> I can tell you that not checking the addresses you reply to can be the difference between keeping proper confidentiality and leaking classified material.

does it make you feel like a big man to lie on the internet?

it really is amazing to watch. They are like the Keystone cops of corruption. The best part is, they keep trying to say all the evidence coming out is just to distract from Trump's Russia connections (of which i have seen no real evidence) when in reality we are shining a big spotlight on that probe to show how full of shit it really was. Fucking morons.

Speaking of rice. What ever happened to Condi?


Are you retarded?

You know, Wictor predicted all this,,,,



this is important


Again, don't give a fuck if you think I'm lying or not. Just think about it. You receive a group email that has emails you should not send classified things to. The content of the email requires you send classified material to some of the senders, appropriately.

Instead you hit reply all and send. Get it now? This is just one of many scenarios.

She's going to be the head of the NCAA, after the current president resigns for failing to report sexual assaults at Michigan St.

What have we here?

>does it make you feel like a big man to lie on the internet?
nice gaslighting you fucking nigger

it's very simple: if you send an email to [email protected], you're gravy. if you send an email to [email protected], 10 years in prison

is that so hard?

wtf is (((Wictor))) trying to say there? Susan Rice sent this to herself deliberately so should we get brought in for questioning so she could bring down Obama? That makes no sense, she is a true believer. She would take a bullet before she threw King Nigger under the bus.

Came here to post this. Suspicious af. It reminds me of Comey's bizarre decision to "memorialize" his meetings with Trump, only done two weeks after the fact and put into the official archive.

Reeks of desperation.

What's your point? It's easy to be grossly negligent?

Nothing to see here, go to bed.


>You receive a group email that has emails you should not send classified things to.

Classified information is kept on classified systems accessible by people with classified access. That's why it's a crime to mix unclass and class, knowingly or not.

It's always a good idea to check reply to line though.


Ever since Biden gave his NBC interview about our retaliation against Russia for their interference in the election, I have been paying attention to his public statements. Personally, I'm convinced he knew.

>The question is, what did the Vice-President know and when did he know it?

Please do talk so Hillary and Obama go to jail instead

QR predicted this.

They're all involved. But obama is the real prize here. We're hunting big game.

Obama's entire cabinet knew. The working theory is that the unmasked activities of the Trump campaign were included in the Presidential daily briefings.

doesn't matter they are above the law