/Itapol/ All links in English [RaceWar Edition]

Partito Democratico [Globalists] fears massive loss of votes (Eng Translate)

Right-Wing Leading In Italian Election 2018 (English)

As Elections Approach, Italy Shows Record Alienation from European Union (English)

Pamela didnt died of overdose, she was raped and then killed by 3 boat "refugees" (Eng Translate)

Salvini (Lega):
"The day we find out how Pamela died, leftists talk about racism.
As Italian I'm ashamed about antifa rally in Macerata." (Eng Translate)

Meloni (Fratelli d'Italia)
"When we will be in government, we will outlaw antifa"

Fascists enter Chamber of Deputies. Leftists on suicide watch:
"President of the Republic should do something, someone should react to this". (Eng Translate)

Lvca glorified by Italians as National Hero. Banners and messages written on walls all over Italy. (Eng Translate)

Financial support from all Italians, Luca "The Saint" Traini:
"I'm honored, please give all the money to poor families as long as they are Italian families" (Eng Translate)

Luca Traini arrives in Montacuto Penitentiary, welcomed with applauses. "He's an hero" (Eng Translate)

Refugees hospitality center set on fire in province of Naples (Eng Translate)

Immigrants in Rome on suicide watch: "We are scared now" (Eng Translate)

Pamela's Mom: "Thank you, Luca" (Eng Translate)

Luca "The Roman Legionary" Traini to prosecutors: " I Have no regrets, I'm sorry they are not dead" (Eng Translate)

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Nation Election Day 4 March
Last Polls:

Forza Nuova [fascists] 0,2%

CasaPound [fascists] 0,6%

Right Wing Coalition: 37,4%
- Forza Italia [conservatives] 16,1%
- Lega [identitarians/nationalists] 13,9%
- Fratelli d'Italia [nationalists/fascists] 4,6%
- Noi con l'Italia [christian democrats] 2,8%

Globalist Coalition: 27,9%
- Partito Democratico [liberals/globalists] 22,8%
- Più Europa [globalists/progressives] 2,1%
- Insieme [greens/social democrats] 1,6%
- Civica Popolare [liberals] 1%
- SVP [South Tyrol identitarians] 0,4%

Movimento 5 Stelle [populists/greens/pirate party-esque] 27,3%

Liberi e Uguali [progressives/social democrats/SJWs] 5,2%

Potere al Popolo [communists] 0,8%

This is the last week before polls will be outlaw, I'll try to update them daily.

dovete impegnarvi di più coi meme
t. pd shill

>pd sotto il 20

Thank you based OP.

vote Lega

Che succede se nessun partito fa il 40%?

America, America
Prima o poi qualcuna
LA fregna me darà

long live Lvca
long live Italia

>Che succede se nessun partito fa il 40%?
il piano è quello ragazzo
berlusconi ha fatto un keiakoku segreto con Renzi per un Governo Gentiloni II

while luca is dyin in jail after sacrifyng his life killing nigger invaders, you masturbate with japanese anime
what a sad ending for this legendary country.



post some IRA murals pics

(((they))) win

Ricordatevi di non rispondere ai bolognesi.

no, because in that situation people will flood the streets and there will be civil war.

e al polacco del cazzo

Do you think that girl likes to be dp'ed?

I've a lot of pic to rotate with, the importance is the Italian flag in the background.
We're nationalists after all (so if you want to create some ner OP pics remember the Italian flag)

Vote Luca!

Lets try and get Lucas name on the ballot paper for local elections in March.

latest polls


voting by age/gender/occupation



ita/pol/ is a board of peace

those (bolognesi) are mossad behind proxy,i swear.

>Forza Italia [conservatives] 16,1%
>Lega [identitarians/nationalists] 13,9%
Berlu fucked us over.


As many of you know, Italian wämän go crazy for Swedish and Nordic men in general. Why is it that they hate Italian "men" and only go for Nords?

When Giancarlo and Matteo are sitting at home in their boyish rooms, still living with mama at the age of 26, Francesca and Gianna are out riding the Nordic wheel of fortune, so to speak. Could it be that I, as a NORDIC bull who lives in his own apartment and is 191cm tall is simply a better choice than the halfling it*Loid "man"?

Feel free to discuss why you think this is. Italian men are obviously welcome to chime in, but please try not to lash out in impotent insecurity, alright? I don't want to be "that guy" but it's not my fault that one day Caterina feels like having a dish of big fat Swedish Meatballs, with a side of Norwegian salmon, and maybe even a little bit of Danish sausage? Hell, she might even be hungry for Asian food in the form of a Finnish bull sometimes. But never, never is it an Italian man. Will we be seeing Italian Elliot Rodgers soon?

reminder that polls were quite off in 2013


Can they do that?

Fucking stop calling the threads /itapol/
Use /italypol/ because it's easier to find with ctrl+F in the catalog

i am a master-chief of pasta and i recognize the flavour of this one.

you wish have more testosterone than us

unfortunately, unironically, yes.
but italy is a country of warriors
Italy Sup Forums doesn't represent really the real italians.
real italians don't masturbate on japanese cartoons pics

post IRA murals

Polls are a tool to create opinions in people and keep up appearances of the dominant parties as being popular. Do not trust any polls. They are literally (((FAKE NEWS))).

bye bye shill
swedese frocio di merda
non rispondetegli.


same idea as last thread,
get luca on the ballot paper,


Borghi is a fucking beast,our guy.

pls return white aryan romanian milkers back you can have the gipsies tho, thank you

Would you its/pol/?


I stand with Lvca



quanto ti pagano?

I once met a PD voter cuck from Belluno when I was on erasmus. He was such a fag.

anchovy's cute smelly feets


oh mio Dio... unironicamente questo potrebbe essere possibile.
Altra cosa che temo è che per il caso rimborsopoli ci sia abbastanza tempo per individuare i furbetti e cacciarli a calcinculo... Chi vota m5s non lo fa per il loro programma (qualunque esso sia) ma per la presunta """onestà""" dei suoi adepti (chiamarli politici è decisamente troppo). Un taglio di teste sommario gli farebbe guadagnare ancora più punti, sarebbe un bellissimo messaggio.
Ma un disastro per il nostro Paese.


they are born in soy,molded by it.

an entire nation stands with him.

Rundown for to know who he is?
I live in Burger land

Lo sai già.

Piddini are truly disgusting


are posting a pic of fucking pewdiepie???

Not the 70% who vote for PD, LeU, FI and M5S. But there are others like PCI and PaP too

Pic related, then read links in OP


i don't know anything about that

I see.

Based roman Kratos.

He's the spirit of Rome.


you speaks good english for spain flag
where are you reeally from

Ma la giornalista acida super faziosa? ormai mi isfastidiscono troppo queste trasmissioni, ma quanto godrò a mettere qualla bella X sul simbolo Lega.

Our Hero, the hero of all italian people.
his name is living legend.

Funny that these antifa rats never protested the Italian girl getting ripped apart by niggers.


shoulder to shoulder



English teacher. Actually I was living in Ireland for a couple of months. Had great craic with the lads. I was in Galway, not in Dublin shithole.

Anime was a part of image board sub-culture since forever...calm your tits :)

Lvca unloading his empy glock.
all the bullets were in niggers corpses.

These are projections...we can reverse them.

what the fuck are you talkin about, its the inverse, 70% of italy stands with him.

god help the fake refugees
they should go home as fast as they can


They commit more crimes because they don't have enough money and the racist police plants evidence on them to arrest africans when they're innocent.

fuckin love anchovies and pizza in

Generic skinhead who finally had enough and went on a rampage across town to shoot nig-nogs. Couldn't even kill more than one. Typical Italian: all flash and show, and no practical results.

Contrast this with Breivik who planned his attack meticulously and wiped out an entire generation of future traitor-socialist politicians.


>you speaks

you're irish and you don't know anything about ira?
it's like sayin an italian doesnt know anything about the fuckin mafia.

>you speaks
spotted the Mario diaspora

True. Which is way this election is very important.
Plus, let's not forget those are muslims only. Does not count nonmuslim africans

>Jewish wet dreams
Fucking oppose this.

>Vote Luca!

Anyone from Macerata on here? There's bound to be some councilors position up for vote.
Do people have to be a member of a party to get on the ballot?

Or becouse they are filthy subhuman and they reject any form of civilization?

the fuck are you talkin about, kid.
we arent this german-larping shit.
he was An italian, a son of rome.
we don't give a fuck about meme-skinheads.
also his tatto in the face was a Spartan sign.
2nd, he shooted down 11 niggers, alone.
he wanted to send "a message"
you lowlife pathetic prick.
now shut your fuckin mouth.

I was really Fascinated by the words in this article.
I read it and thought to myself, How Truly European.
Listening to the Most English music =) Sting - Fragile

He was really a skinhead though

breivick was an inbred psycho, was molested as a child, a retard or something.
he killed womens and childrens.

Italians are hot blooded after all.
Also majority condemned Brevik meanwhile majority in Italy are with Luca Traini.
This is also because hot-blood.

can't wait for fascism to return so we can lose another war with greece

è basato Tyler?