> Conservashits
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> They are our greatest allies!
> Lets take care of them more than ourselves!
And liberalism says to feel shame for things that somebody from the same continent as your ancestors did centuries ago. What's your point, shill?
> leftism, teaches you to be ashamed of shit you haven't done and love people you've never met
This is how retarded you sound
>social justice
>teaches you to be ashamed of shit you haven't done & give money to people you've never done wrong
Everything's equal till the cartel/pirates/ISIS flay your children alive infront of you then cut off your head.
>not understanding nationalism
“Patriotism does not require one to agree with everything that his country does, and would actually promote analytical questioning in a quest to make the country the best it possibly can be.”
The French really are our greatest allies.
What's wrong with it? It works, doesn't it?
>Libshits: gib monies to gubbermint to fund mudskins
It's not about hating people it's about hating other countries. Also anything your country produces you ultimately do have a hand in just by participating in the economy.
Fixed a typo.
But it's okay for blacks on twitter to go full pride-mode because of a movie made by jews shows them having an advanced society?
>you shouldn't use your observational and critical thinking skills to form opinions about people you've never met
What a meaningless platitude. Are they going to take their own advice over Trump, Religious people etc.?
>libturd hating on the only kind of political system and ideology that led to sustainable prosperity
>literal insanity
>sustainable prosperity
That despots and thugs have always existed does not mean despots and thugs are causally responsible for the good things they exist around. Those good things exist DESPITE the despots and thugs.
>Their glorious leader
>Their great religion
>Their noble populace
>Their poor refugees that are fleeing poverty and danger and must come to us
fixed it for you
Does nobody realize this same argument can be used against [insert skin colour and/or ethnicity here and/or sex] pride?
Communism: Teaches you to work for things you'l never do and hate people you've never met for having a different thinking
Nations don't exist and you never belonged to one goy, do you understand?
no thats progressivism. liberalism is about free markets and democracy. please learn to say liberal right