TRS is a cult

Mike "Jewish wife" Enoch is banning people for disagreeing with him. It's pathetic how dishonest and unprincipled the alt right has become. "Framing" the debate? How is that different than lying?

>one sperg being a sperg
> people tell him to stop being a sperg and constant blackpilling
>gets banned

The principle is winning. In that context, everything the alt-right does is principled.

They banned him because he didn't want to go along with blatantly lying about something. How could anyone respect the "framing" the debate to make it look like Anglin won when he obviously lost?

they should stop talking about having the truth on their side if they need to deceive people and be underhanded

Because lying works, you retard.

>they should stop
Why? Because you said so? Lmao

k then im out

>Being hypocritical is okay if it makes you money but not if you're Jewish

nobody cares

I need context. What was the lie and/or framing?

>Because lying works, you retard.

not when you present yourself as a truth teller but tell blatant lies.

>principles come before survival
The gene pool will be better off without you t b h

Fuck of wyatt. You made an embarassment of yourself, and imo the best solution in an hero :)

>not when you present yourself as a truth teller but tell blatant lies.
That actually works too.

No matter what you succeed at there are always spergs that will do everything they can to ruin it. The OP is probably some autistic muh principles faggot or some blackpilled asshole that finds a loss in everything. People like him are cancer and should be banned from any movement that wants to succeed longterm.

>Muh survival

Lol, and how exactly are they at any risk of perishing? Or is that just an excuse to be a greedy cunt?

Good, fuck that controlled opposition faggot

Mike makes a thread telling his cult followers to harass and bully Sargon of Akkad into submission. An original member of the TRS forum chimes in with his opinion that they should focus more on improving their debating skills rather than lie and try to spin the debate into a victory. Mike "Jewish wife" Enoch warns him to not disagree with him, then he bans him .

How about some context you fucking retard

>no context
fuck you man

Show us the context.

>not when you present yourself as a truth teller but tell blatant lies.
thats how the left and jews function for the last century and longer

also you are talking to a leftist larper trying to frame us with some bullshit about these kosher controlled opposition faggots

Dan Bongino does the same shit.

God this board is so cringey. It was way better in 2015 when there actual politics here and not this "tactics" "principles" shit like we're in fucking debate club.

Stop entertaining "sowing discord" threads everyone

commies talking about muh ecelebs Sup Forums BTFO le sharia blue if you dont subscribe goys

do you need an more context to sage this shit?

If you know anything about awyattmann on the 504um you would know thus is entirely justified. He's a bigger fag than even you op

Anyone who knows him knows why
>Our framing
Yeah thats pretty fucking gay, suck a dick Enoch

>They banned someone because reasons.but I'll give no context in order to make it sound worse



>2015 when there actual politics
There was a lot more porn though

Jews are the biggest threat to the future of humanity.

What did you say? What did you disagree with?

Wyatt you're a fag. See you in a week

reich enoch is based and /ourguy/

>e-celeb drama
Don't you faggots have a containment general to keep this stupid shit in?

What is this? Some guy being a retard and getting banned?

He is disgusting. How anyone that fat can show their face in public is beyond me.

Watch your tongue, young man.

Strange that you left out whatever he was responding too...
>make it look like Anglin won when he obviously lost
In the debate he had with Sargon? Anglin obviously won that, did you not watch it?

He's a spawn of a literal demon.

(((Alt right)))

yeah but he couldnt have done worse even if he tried

he isnt just fat, but also genetically inferior with disgusting, beady eyes and a grotesque face.

he's a walking disaster of a man who uses his gay internet fan club to compensate for being ashamed of being such a disgusting untermensch

TRS do good work. Mike Enoch might be chubby and have shark eyes but his work is done of the best out there. If this is over pushing harder against sargen of mossad then I'm fine with that. I don't see a Wyatt Mann doing anything of much worth.

No one cares. Stop being obsessed with these people and go outdoors.

Quick Rundown:
awyattman is known as a "Serial Blackpiller" on the TRS forums and always doing his Chicken Little "the sky is falling routine".

Mike told him that he's sick of it, and to either conform to the narrative that Anglin beat Sargon in the debate or leave.

awyattman then proceeded to post several more times denouncing TRS and calling the place gay and everyone fags and then he was banned.

The End.

Good, so nothing of value was lost. Move along Sup Forumsacks.

Reminder that (((Alt-Right))) is an psyops employed by the left in order to divide and dehumanize the Republican supporters.

screen the thread or gtfo.

>irony bros in charge of adding context

They did the same thing with the Spencer porn discussion

quick rundown

Yes, surely the best path to victory is being an atomised and incoherent group with vague contact through a Javanese vase painting fanzine

"Serial Blackpiller"

Actual autist and sperg. Already a faggot but after Charlottesville lost his mind. He's actually been banned like 10 times previous for the same thing.

I can't believe he had the gall to come back after leaving us when it got tough

Skimming through this thread I've come to this conclusion: op is a deceptive assblasted faggot who needs to keep his drama on another site contained to that site.

Not your personal army, now fuck off.

desu i think a russian (lol) stole my TRS password. but its public now so i just lurk.

TRS has its own issues, but banning awyattman isnt one of them

How is the trs forum in general?

Not really worth it in my opinion. It's sort of a rehashed Sup Forums but with more TRS memes.

Certainly nothing wrong with it. I just check General and News once or twice a day and read any drama/news. There isn't much going on there and honestly a pretty slow post per hour and userbase.

I thought it was funny that people in their forums were calling out TRS staff for making paywall-show advertisement threads on Sup Forums like "anyone have the show?" waiting 10 posts then posting it themselves.

I've notice the free show have mysteriously stopped being posted since then...


Oh hai, Malachai. Nice day to be a hypocritical kike faggot, right?

We the jew now, anons.

Is that the real a wyatt mann?

