Then just schedule demolition for the Hoover Building with whatever remains inside
kill niggers
Take off your proxy Vlademir
decentralize it
centralization of influence leads to ease of corruption. the FBI itself should be split into diverse elements and always keep each other in line so we can't have criminal mobsters running the show again.
This is exactly what needed to happen, the FBI has become far too political and it’s a direct result of their proximity to DC.
West Virginia is a bad place for it, Ohio or Chigago would be choice, Birmingham or Huntsville would great as well. A headquarters in Phoenix is also a good place for them to cover the SW
Yeah, nothing as corruptible as federal agencies should ever be put into Chicongo
waves like this could wash some bodies on the shore.
>Hoover Building
Why is there still a building named after him?
Talk shit about WV again bitch. Whitest state in the nation.
Kind of tells you the kinds of people they've continued to employee i'd say
FBI already has a big facility in WV, its where all their background check/fingerprint stuff is located.
Their has been a big push in the federal government in the last few years to use already owned/leased government property fully, which is one of the reasons GSA (which acquires space for agencies to use) is proposing moving non-beltway essentials out of the area.
Also, after 911, the FBI itself started to relocate offices out of city centers and into suburbs, in case a WMD attack on a population center occurred, so they would be able to respond.
That is genius!
Better yet, dissolve the whole agency and scatter its human and other resources among the federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies that actually have a constitutional and statutory basis to operate.
>West Virginia is a bad place for it
WV is a great place for it.
A move like that will have several effects.
>increase land value (which WV needs)
>an influx of FBI will lead to a huge decrease in drug use in that area (fbifags won't want drug users lowering property values)
>many jobs created in that area, to help build up the local economy. (support jobs, food, services etc)
I fully support a move to WV.
but there does need to be an FBI that can work with States across lines and provide assistance for Federal resources. It's way too bloated as it is and the only thing these faggots seem to do is set up mentally ill gets to push a fake red button, then have a parade for themselves for 'catching the terrorist.'
I'm sick of seeing those headlines.
The U.S. Marshals Service can and should take on these legitimate federal law enforcement duties. What we don't need is a secret police service, which is what the FBI has always morphed itself into.
But this is definitely a chicago/cook county move. If you want to brick someone and make them quit, move them to various undesirable locations and departments.
Experts in moving one fifth of the FBI? Must be a niche profession.
Et, tu, Bulgaria?
Put those sons of bitches where someone honest can keep an eye on those corrupt bastards