Here we go, hope you enjoy it.
Sorry for taking longer than last time.
Since apparently people started collectively getting strokes during the later parts I took the liberty to just do the short version.
Sup Forums sings adrenaline!!! (Eromanga-sensei ED)
Other urls found in this thread:
This was pretty good.
I personally find it lacking in comparison to the OP, but at least I learned my lesson to not do two Sup Forums sings of the same series in one season. People seem to not try very hard on the second one.
Why's it so depressing
Did you include your sisters so that it seems like there are girls here and we have muh equality on Sup Forums? Fuck of SJW cuck. Don't forget to include muslim and jew chants next time. Now take this trash to reddit fuckface
Good job!
Hello newfriend.
Kill yourself.
>Girl voice
Oh wow. We have real faggots(boy) in Sup Forums.
Because NEETs couldn't sing with a cheerful tone if their life depended on it.
As expected of neo-Sup Forums. You ruined this site already, why do you still stay you degenerate spades?
Sup Forums and Sup Forums memes Kek
Amazing Op thank you
>people started collectively getting strokes
I was really looking forward to this earlier in the month, but halfway through I thought you might've given up. Really happy you made it. The editting is great.
Oh, that's a quite upbeat ED. Picked up.
Male voices??
There are males here?
I thought Sup Forums was only little girls.
I like it
Little girls(adult males)
Voice modulators user don't worry
Sup Forumstard who let you out off your cage? come on now, let's get you back in there where no scary jews or women can hurt you
>r/anime sings
t. lefty/pol/ falseflagger
Do Aho Girl OP next.
wtf i hate Sup Forums now
I probably won't do anything this season. angela is one of my favorite bands, but that song really isn't up my alley.
t. numale
How about stopping entirely? This isn't r/anime
Sup Forums sings actually started at a time when Gaia Online was still the bogeyman around here and reddit wasn't even close to relevant.
Since you're new I'll forgive your ignorance, but now you know.
>buuhuuu why are there grils on muh interwebz
Yeah, I remember my first Sup Forums sings. Good times.
Mods = Gods
Pretty gud famalam
>Sup Forums sang both the OP and the ED
Sasuga eromanga-sensei.
More like sasuga samefag that got me to do both.
And what's wrong what that?
Nobody forced you to participate on both.
Good. But why's the intro look like it's 240p
You're delusional if you expect autists to happily yell "YEAH" multiple times. This result was nice, good job.
I'm OP though. Not participating would be pretty hard.
Probably. My main problem though was that lots of people got the lyrics wrong on many parts so from the 30 people that submitted maybe 10 were actually fully usable, which is why the later parts feel a bit overmodulated (because they are). I couldn't have the people that got the lyrics wrong on too loud since you'd notice the parts I had to cut out, so I had to make the others louder.
This usually happens, but the ratio of people that got the lyrics wrong to those that got them right was unusually high which I guess is because people were tired of Eromanga-sensei and didn't give a fuck anymore.
I like how everyone almost whispert to avoid getting heard outside the basement
Actually it was pretty good. Made me smile
Hard lyrics != lack of interest.
Fuck now looking back at older ones this one is a masterpiece.
Would you not be too embarrassed to take your neighbors hear you sing in Japanese seemingly out of nowhere?
Sorry for making you wait.
Can anyone reupload it into another site? I can't see it since It's blocked in Japan.
Just leave, user. I don't want anyone to be over there while I'm not.
Here you go:
Alternatively just substitute the tube with pak like
I didn't know about youpak. Thanks.
is this your first Sup Forums sings user?
why wasn't i told of this user. i want to sing cutie anime songs. you better make another one soon and tell me how to send you my mp3 file
>only part I can fully discern as being me is the "dun dun dun" part at the beginning
Well at least I know I'm in this.
Lack of confidence. You have to sing with confidence to avoid this.
thats really good actually, well done
Should I watch this show or is it too late?
its never too late for best girl
Then don't post worst girl.
The power of autists never ceases to amaze
I don't want to listen to it. I love that song too much so I'm afraid this will ruin my image of it.
Do it, shit cover for shit show.
Shitto tastu.
Why is Sagiri so perfect, Sup Forums?
Traps purge when?
Brb posting this in Reddit and raking free karma