if this woman gets job ever again in her life, america should set itself on fire
If this woman gets job ever again in her life, america should set itself on fire
Pay your own staff. I'm not tipping.
>carry-out order
Hahaha, wtf?
I know people occasionally tip on carry-out, but it is literally like tipping at McDonald’s.
Also she looks like a godless heathen and since she knew it was a church group I bet her disdain was obvious to the people picking it up.
Tipping on a carryout? Seriously?
>Tipping for carry-out
What an entitled cunt, you had to hand someone something, wow. You must have handed to them really good to think you needed a tip. She deserves to be fired.
>on a take-out order
This I'm sure her post was extremely vitriolic
It would be a nice thing to do even if she remains unemployed.
why are you so against complaining on facebook
she was just talking shit on the internet who doesn't talk shit on the internet
I've delivered pizza orders over $100 and gotten stiffed. Never gave a shit. There are good tippers, poor tippers, and people who never tip. At the end of the week it all balanced out. People who complain about tips are just whiny bitches.
To be fair that’s the entirety of their job anyway
No delivery or table service
Why would anyone expect a tip?
the only FACTS known at this point was that the "church group" was black, amirite?
Women are entitled, infantile creatures who are emotion driven. Obviously she saw the huge order come in and immediately felt entitled to a fat tip.
Actually you only get paid 2.13 an hour as a carryout employee you are paid in tips.
You are probably one of the niggers who never tiped me when I worked there.
Have you tried getting a better job?
Churchgoers are about as bad of tippers as niggers, it's well known in the industry
That news photoshop though
In my state if tips and wage do not add up to the state minimum wage the employer must pay the difference. I'm so tired of hearing WAAAAAH BUT WE LIVE OFF TIPS when people literally have no idea about the laws.
>tipping for carry out
Why? You tip a server because they make your meal comfortable and actually provide personal service.
>b-but she had to put so many things in bags!
So she had to do her fucking job? How is this above and beyond what is expected of her?
its a employer job to pay living wage to workers not customer ...basic fact
There's only two reasons to not tip.
1.) You're visiting from a country where waitstaff's service is already factored into the bill and you forget you're supposed to.
2.) The service was truly awful. Not just bad, because it was busy, or simply average but awful... And I've only had this happen twice in all the times I've eaten out.
Otherwise, tip. If you don't, you're a fucking asshole. It's stupid to complain about it on the internet, but rest assured that everyone in the restaurant will be talking about how much of a cunt you are and if you ever return you'll get shit service.
I mean, the concept of tipping is fucking stupid. But since that's how the service industry works in America, don't be a dick.
Why would you work there then?
Why not get a job where your primary source of income isn't based on tips? Chastise me all you want, but tipping is retarded.
>balances out in the end
This was hard for me to grasp when I had gotten my first job delivering. I would feel so wronged by stiffs on large orders, especially since it usually meant I lost money delivering it.
>just making shit up
Restaurants I worked at always paid minimum for carry out. No way they would do that if they didn’t have to.
>tfw paid full wage at restaurant
>tfw get tipped for carrying orders out to cars, sometimes huge amounts of money
lmfao all i do is chop mushrooms and onions, living in a majority rich white suburb is king.
Everything you said is correct but you get fired if you don’t make minimum wage in tips since it’s obvious you are fucking terrible at your job and also their most expensive employee.
Get a better job then, wagecuck.
>carry out
>expected $110 for smile
Its not that good.
Tipping should just be abolished, fuck that. Or at lease impose the same minimum wage regardless.
Dude you chop mushrooms and get tips, yet you act like you've accomplished something.
>The service was truly awful. Not just bad
kys cuck
>In my state
It's all states.
>carry out
Who the fuck tips for carry out?
I have never tipped carry out, why the fuck would you tip carry out?
Tamalyn YODA, amirite?
As an ex-server I am very, very observant about the service I receive. I will give poor tips or stiff servers who simply aren’t doing their job well.
I always go during slow times though because I want good service and properly prepared food.
Always tip delivery, 5 if they smile, 2-3 if they don’t.
Then find a better paying job. I do not tip because the price of service is covered with the price of the meal. If you are working for 2.13 an hour you may as well be sucking ALLLLL the nigger dicks you fucking cuck.
>accepting a job at 2.13 an hour
> You tip a waitress for their good service and atention in your meal.
> carry out customer dont get that atention
> you need to tip anyways
How can you be a bigger nigger then a waiter/waitress? Actually expect people to pay you to do the job someone else pays you to do. Fuck that. Never tip.
Fat disgusting swine.
>Used to work in a restaurant
>Waiters were in charge of carry-out
>One night had 10 needy ass tables
>Spent literally 8 minutes putting together a carryout
>0$ tip, tables salty
>Lose potential tips on tables for not being 100% on top of it
I get if the restaurant is dead or there is a carryout person, but if the waiters are in charge of carryout and it's busy, fucking tip
Are you fucking kidding me? How is that the same person?
Well, if she was smart she wouldn't be a waitress at 25.
Funny thing is I go to that church. Litterally went yesterday.
He is just trolling to get more people to support his anti-tipping agenda because he wants to be forced to pay more for food rather than enjoying his free ride on the tipping system.
You absolutely don’t need to tip carry out at all. Maybe give them scraps if they are a particularly pleasant person and you are feeling generous.
Social media exists so our parasitic rentier-caste elites can attack working class people.
And I'm active in the services too...
Did you know that in WA, CA, OR, and AK there is no 2.13 minimum wage but instead the minimum wage like all other jobs?
Did you know that tipping is still the same in these states as it is in the rest of the U.S.?
Did you know that the reason is because tipping is a nigger-tier practice?
>Actually you only get paid 2.13 an hour
worked in restraunts, trie mentioning this to others that tipping is not mandatory and should not be your wageespecially since they tax your tips.
it's up to the restraunt to pay you for your labor.
they look at me like im a heretic.
realized restaurant workers are dumb as fuck
good learning experience
>hurr I would do anything again like I did
>and lose my job again
based restaurant did not only fire her but made a full refund for the church
You just know she is the type to wonder "WHAR R ALL DA GUD MEN?"
Why the fuck would anyone tip when they pick up a carry out? WTF is wrong with you expecting tips for handing a bag to someone? KILL YOURSELF IMMEDIATELY
They didnt get serviced tableside, they picked the food up themselves. You deserve nothing.
Guess she should just live on welfare then?
What on earth have you just said about me, brother? I'll have you know that I have personally signed over twenty thousand thank-you cards, hand-roll my own ribbons, and have access to the complete inventory of the Florist's Network. You are going to get validated with charm the likes of which has never been seen. Even as we speak my valued partners are backtracing your IP so we can send you a box of Sherri's Berries. Have a nice day buddy, I really mean that.
It's always the subhumans that defend tipping because it allows someone with the strength and mental abilities of a teenage girl to make $400 a night easily. It is life on easy mode all you have to do is deal with the occasional shitty customer.
How am I supposed to know if the waiters are doing carryout or if they have a dedicated person?
>schilling against tipping
You do realize your endgame is having a tip forced on you via price increases rather than enjoy the free ride that the current system allows you?
Like you are literally fighting tooth and nail to be forced to do something you don’t want to do.
I’m sure you’ll fire back as if it is some moral imperative and you are an ethical arbiter of justice; and it will be embarrassing and everyone will have a good laugh.
It always fascinates me that there are people as dumb as you around.
fuck you, I´ll spit n your fucking meal next time bitch
>disagree with companies payment schema
>agree to work there
Jesus Christ this thread is full of absolute retards.
Next time you got to walmart, if you don't tip the cashier for putting your shit in the bag next to them, you should kill yourself. Holy fuck wtf is wrong with you? You think you should be tipped for handing a fucking bag to someone? Unreal.
In most countries, people are just paid by their boss and don't expect any tips
Nobody never tips anything in France, people are paid by the company they work for...
How does that makes sense to let the customer decide / guess that he needs to pay a certain amount for some basic services ??
not the same, you confusing apples with oranges
>mfw american tourists tip me
I carry bags in a hotel
>how does it make sense to reduce the price of meals by allowing a customer to appraise the value of the service they received rather than the state?
Found a colored.
Whatever faggot. I've gotten some of the best tips as a server waiting on church groups
>not the same, you confusing apples with oranges
No I'm not. You're handing a fucking bag to me. You aren't even necessary for that. I'd gladly walk and extra 3 feet to the kitchen counter to grab the damn bag myself. What kind of faggot thinks they deserve a tip for just handing a bag to someone? You have to be the must cucked stupidest person on the planet.
>Muh price increases
I'll pay more money (which I'm already paying via tipping) for increases in food prices so the free market can correct itself. Shitty restaurants go out of business, single moms can no longer clear $400 a single weekend night, all customers get treated equally.
But you have already stated yourself to be an ex-server so you can't have an objective opinion on the matter anyways.
What the fuck is carry-out? And why would anyone ever expect a tip under any fucking circumstances?
They really are everywhere these days aren't they.
Your only purpose is to ensure I don't steal it if I haven't paid ahead of time, or take someone elses. You are protecting the restaurant's assets and you want me to tip you for it? FUCK OFF, get a tip from your boss.
This is not true. you always make at least minimum wage in a restaurant. The restaurant must legally pay you out of pocket if you make less federal wage in tips +2.13/hour during a pay period
I'm going to USA next month, explain me this tipping bullshit.
The eternal boomerang strikes again
jewish scheme to pay lower wages
>Actually you only get paid 2.13 an hour as a carryout employee you are paid in tips.
You're paid minimum wage and are only contracted for $2/hr because it's assumed you will make tips that will break minimum wage for the hours you work.
Wait are you supposed to tip carry out orders now? I usually tip whatever the first whole dollar increment is over 20% for service, but I don't tip carry out.
holy fuck, these people saying they should be tipped for handing a fucking bag to someone
Yes but explain how it works so no one spits on my food
can you kindly put your picture up, so we waiters can identify you and spit in your meal next time?
it doesn't makes sense for something so simple as delivering, as long as the customer gets what he bought, the service is always the same
And any company can estimate the value of the service and pay its employees with a real salary...
I don't even know how people can accept to earn their lifes with tips except if they grew up in a weird system like that, if you provide a regular basic service, you deserve a constant a basic salary, not random tips
no one tips for carry out faggot
if you actually ever worked carry out you'd know that. No one tips because it doesn't even remotely make sense.
If there is a waiter or waitress that brings food to your table, and delivers a check to your table, you are supposed to tip. 10% of the value of your bill is the normal baseline. If you enjoyed your service, tipping higher then that is considered a classy way to give thanks.
That never happens. If it does happen, it is because you are a notorious customer. Tipping is done at the end of the meal so if you are visiting once why tip? You will never see them again.
Fucking called it and you still couldn’t resist.
How fucking embarrassing. Lol
Homeless beggars have more honor that you. Disgusting faggot.
>I handed you a bag so you owe me money!
And for a second I thought there was one white person left in America.
Oh well.
>red hair
>eye color changing contacts
What's with these stereotypes
in most countries, the 10% are already in the bill and all the waiters are paid the same...I think it makes way more sense
>Allow yourself to voluntiarly be jewed by your owners
>Rely on the goodwill of others instead to pay you
>Realize not everyone will
>"Better spit in their food that will show them"
If you want to be paid more why not spit in your owners food or face? Surely they will realize the error of their way and pay you. Surely you are valuable enough to be paid?
i used to be a pizza delivery boy a while ago so a cool tip is like 3 dollars for a delivery. at a restaurant, you're "supposed" to pay 15-20% tip if you sit down and eat. just be cool to the waiter/waitress, unless you're taking food home with you, you don't have to worry about the tip and them spitting in your food lol