Not popular compared to the fat loli and cowtits serpent

>Not popular compared to the fat loli and cowtits serpent
>Canon dyke with zero interest in dicks

Being a Tohrufag is suffering.

Other urls found in this thread:

>caring about flavor of the month shit in [current season]

>zero interest in dicks
Fucking anime only faggot retard OP.

Only time she cared about a dick was when Kobayashi had one.

I am not Kobayashi.

cool shinja's works are timeless pieces for the ages

Feminine dicks aren't dicks

>Canon dyke with zero interest in dicks
Except when she literally wanted Kobayashi's masculine penis inside of her when she got turned into a man.

/u/ still froths over that if you bring it up.

>masculine penis
Nice try, trapfag

>Canon dyke with zero interest in dicks
>implying that doesn't keep her pure
Does believing this make a yurifag even though I rarely fap to such material?

I'm not gonna say yuri is superior to anything, but I am gonna say that yuri without dicks or boys in the mess is superior yuri.

As stated above, Kobayashi literally gets genderbent one chapter and Tohru lusts hard after her at the thought of Kobayashi impregnating her.

She's full on Kobayashi-sexual. Prefering men or women isn't even part of the equation with Tohru.

That's even worse to be completely honest. Can't even have her as a waifu if she's monomaniacally obsessed with one person only.

No, she's a lesbian. She wanted to fuck that thief girl before Kobayashi, and she hates men. She's only okay with a feminine penis when the girl she loves has one

I mean, what the hell, Tohru is by far the best girl.

Wanting a penis in any context disqualifies you as a lesbian.

We need these hard rules because I don't want to see a dick in my yuri. Something tagged "yuri", only to have a futa penis and a response of "It's okay since it's a girl's cock" makes my blood boil.

>girl's cock
Am I the only one who gets extremely turned on by expressions like this?
I agree by the way.

So this is why everyone hates /u/..

Nothing wrong with futas but he has a point about the tags

He's not wrong though. Penises are not yuri, there is no way around it.

Kobayashi got fully turned into a man that chapter. She refers to herself as having a male body and being a guy several times. It wasn't just "girl with a dick".

>She wanted to fuck the thief girl
Never happened user. It was just the first human she found interesting and wouldn't mind meeting again.

>She hates men
She dislikes most humans in general by default. Men is never specified. The only thing even close to that is when she thought Takiya was trying to steal Kobayashi from her.

I used to feel this way until I read Rondo Duo. It's girls with dicks fucking girls, but it feels like the most yuri thing ever

I love futa, it's just an everything in its proper place thing.

>Rondo Duo.
Sequel with angels when.

Tohru is pretty great but you simply cannot compete against /ss/ Lucoa and t h i c c loli dragon

Then why do most lesbians enjoy dildos?

How can you say this and post that adorable picture proving you wrong.

Tohru is immensely loyal and cute as fuck with an adorable voice.

>Tohru is pretty great

What part of that did you not understand?

Because they still enjoy penetration but don't like penises.

It's a toy.

What would sex with Tohru be like?

Then why is it still penis shaped?

Not all dildos are penis shaped.
Are you trying to say lesbians are actually straight?

The tail freaks me out desu. Makes me squeamish but that might also make the sex better in a masochistic way.

How can you say you love her if you can't even eat her tail?

No I'm saying it's not the penis they dislike. It's the overall shape of a man they dislike. The same reason some anons say futa isn't gay in a male/male context.

She can make the tail disappear.

I don't get it, but this is now a fat loli thread.

Fuck off, she's not welcome here.

What does Tohru's tail taste like?

I wish Tohru was my mommy.


Salty milk and coins.



That's a point. If you were to ask a lesbian what she found unattractive about men, she'd probably mention facial structure, broad shoulders, barrels chests, facial hair, and other things before penis.

Then again, those are things that are always on display, while we usually keep our genitalia covered. We think of those things first. And when we see someone that attracts us, we kinda expect that the dick or the pussy to be part of the package. I can't imagine many lesbians would be happy to take a girl home and get "Surprise, I'm a tranny!", just like many straight men wouldn't.

I just don't get Kobayashi-san is so against eating Tohru's tail
I mean sure it looks kinda weird but it's from a different world so she should expect that, and Tohru can make it look different if that's what's weird about it. She can even put it in other foods so the taste would be really subtle, you probably wouldn't even notice it. I mean at that point refusing to eat it just because you don't want to almost seems kind of rude, doesn't it? What's up with that?

I mean, I would eat Tohru's tail if she offered for me to eat it. I would be really honored in fact! Letting somebody eat your tail sounds like a really nice thing to do for someone else! Refusing so strongly all the time is just mean. Tohru doesn't seem that upset most of the time but I bet inside she's really offended and hurt. Kobayashi-san should be a little bit more considerate of her feelings, that's what I think

Kobayashi isn't feminine.

The greatest truth is accepting that Elma is the unappreciated best.

She's the most fuckable but that's it

If the horn didn't look like shit she would be great

Imagine you friend serving you something and then going "Surprise! It's made from my ass cheek! Don't worry, I washed it first".

She's just weirded/grossed out by her friend trying to feed her body parts chopped off her. Hell, she's mistrustful of other world ingredients and medicine in general (And rightly so).

>not eating your friends ass

If Tohru was my friend, I'd eat her ass.

Animefag here, after seeing the mango page with the uncensored tonguebathing scene I wonder, is it revealed what the exotic food Tohru brought from her world in a box looks like?

Show proof.

That was an anime original scene.


I see, thanks user.

You already have a maidragon thread to shitpost in, pedo, this is a Tohru thread.

Tohru has the best personality.

Lucoa has the best body.

Kanna isn't fat, you cuck!

I want to impregnate Kobay!

I'd eat Tohru's tail and in exchange I'd have her swallow my load

Oh user.
That statement is only believed by future cucks and goldstar dykes.

Basically all men, the kind of men dykes go closet bi over, want nothing to do with lesbians and most women who had a serious "lesbian phase".

Bumping this thread.
No more responding to bait you faggots.

Just let it die

Fuck you, bug-eyed uggo bitch