You will never again experience a pre-internet society

>You will never again experience a pre-internet society

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That's such a shame.

I miss Blockbusters.

Kinda blows makes my job easier as a salesman but also makes it so I don't really have an excuse for not doing work at home when I NEED to get a quote out

Me too
>Tfw no real m80s

Early internet society > pre-internet society

>Friday night 1996
>take blonde QT to blockbuster
>pick out lame chickflick
>go sit at her parents house watching the movie
>get bj after parents go to bed
Fuck I miss the 90s

Boomer here. Back in my day we didn't even have video games really.. maybe some of us played an atari 2600 once with the younger kids. Instead of playing video games all the time like kids do now, we drove our cars a lot and met up at parties, cruised, etc. So much of life seemed to spent outside, especially on summer nights.

You can still do all those things today...just not the blockbuster thing

Me too

Nope now the bitch will just text and snap chat the whole time. Bitches today can't even make it through a casual blow job without checking FB. Fucking sad.

nice larp

>beavis & butthead
is this a joke? AOL was already a household name before that show even premiered. how millennial are you?

OK here, you on Friday night 1996
>go to blockbuster
>get Jean Claude van damme movie
>fap to the blind scene in bloodsport
>Waite for mom to sleep so stepdad can molest
Fags in the 90s

No that wasn't the internet you think of. It was 56k and sounded like eirrrreirrreirr buzzz bing bing eirrr. Then it took 3 min to download one fucking tit pic.

>dick pic
Fixed for ya m8

>>You will never again experience a pre-internet society
Don't be so sure.


Early internet was okay, but it had nothing on Dial Up BBS culture, it was like being in an elite club. Internet took away all the exclusivity.

I'd like to experience a pre-television society.

play doom and battle isle on a 486 Komputer . go to the disco on friday night , meet gf , fukk her on ze Autobahnrestaurant , meet Doom-mates , play doom , back to ze disco , party on meet 2nd gf fukk her on the disco parking platz disco more , get hammered , watch Motorkopf on vcr , do some blackwork on saturday , earn some cash , play doom fukk gf Nr.3

So, I had to track down some ancient drivers, load them up on 3.5" floppies, and bring life back to an old laptop the other day.

Does anyone accurately remember how long it takes to write a floppy disk? cause I don't remember a total of 8mbs taking that fucking long.

Thanks leaf.

You won't write 8MB to a 3.5" floppy, it will only store 1.44 on double density. Single sided will only hold 400KB. So you'll be waiting a while.
Of course, if you use SLICE you can span that file across multiple disks.


If you live long enough you just might.

Are you some kind of technology archeologist?

No he's probably just older than fucking 30, kid.

you mean your mom gave ur dad a bj while you were swimming around in his balls. She forgot to swallow you

No my dude, I lived that shit! I remember when floppies were the go to storage medium. A friend of mine was the guy because he had a 105MB hard card in his machine!

Yeah but you will experience a post internet society

I said floppies, plural. And the words "total of 8mbs".

You can always move to NK

i like you guys though

It really won't be that long off.
Remember (((who))) to kill when the lights go out.

Fuck pre-internet. I just want to see what a consistent work schedule with two, simultaneous days off looks like, particularly one where I'm not getting up at 3 in the morning.
That'll be 3 years experience and minimum wage, goy. Also, if you make a facebook post we don't like, we'll fire you


Woah there, richfag.


I miss blockbuster too but I'd never trade the convenience of torrents to get it back

Okay, my bad, so how are you spanning the files? If they're factory disks, they may have gone bad, or the drive went bad. Try running FDISK

These were the BOMB! I still have one.

Fuck I'm 36, who the fuck remembers that much about a floppy disc? I haven't even seen one in almost 20 years.

>0 day warez
>ascii art
>ascii animation
>turbo button
>sound blasters
>20MB HD
>digital dynamics .jpg pron

The first game I actually had to pay money for was Battlefield 1942.

Going to parties and not having to worry about cellphones or social media was a plus. Still, I like the internet age better. Need something that's not available in stores? Buy it online. Want to watch a movie you can't rent or find in catalogs? Download it. Want to keep in touch with close friends who move away? Message them on facebook.

I would. I was actually thinking about this a day or two ago because I now have a family of my own. When I was kid we'd load up the van and all go to the video store on a friday night and each pick out something we wanted to watch. It would be like an hour long family social event/field trip we got to do as a family every week. Now we don't have that and I'm sad I'll never get to experience going to the video store with my own kids

While looking for some anime porn to masturbate to back in the 1990s somewhere, I stumbled across the original Urotsukidoji, and then the 2 sequels. At the time, that was pretty impressive, and probably resulted in a pre-internet emotional scar.

Aahaha, roasted.

Helps if you're almost 45 young man.

What really sucks is the smartphone shit, I remember when you could actually talk to a person for more than 5 min without them spacing off into fagbook land.

True, I had a bunch of friends that rand different boards, one of them ran a 0 Day called Masquerade, they got nailed in Operation Sundevil.

Then you start a new tradition. You each go to some large supermarket and pick out food you each want to eat. Idk, that's what we do at Wegman's.

fucking hate social media with everything being exposed and remembered forever. No chance to go to a party and do something crazy then just forget about it a week later. Women are so much more reserved because of it.

you might experience a post internet society but literally the next 999999999999999999999999999999999 quadrillion years will still not be pre internet society

Be careful what you wish for, OP.

Hmmm ok, by the time I got to college they were almost obsolete. Sir.

This, really. So many people just drift about their lives thinking that it will just go on this way forever. Boy, are they going to be surprised.

>be me, 16 in the year 1998
>drive my first generation Dodge Dakota to pick up gas and cigarettes
>gas is about $1.20ish per gallon
>fill up truck, go to hollywood video
>rent movie and video game for my N64
>stop at friends house because back then you could show up unannounced
>watch movie and go out and grab other friends
>drink beer and hang out driving around back roads all night throwing beer bottles at road signs
>come home at around 11
>play my vidya all night

It was a comfy time.

If there had been smart phones in the 90s I would be a felon.

>be me
>be 44 this year
>remember pre-internet times
>(remember pre-PC times too)
>remember the awe of first modem
>remember the awe of first IRC
>typing to people across the world
>information superhighway at my doorstep

Now everything is bigger, faster, better, but dat feel of wonder is no more.

Maybe with the next tech revolution, whatever it will be.

On second thought, you may need to run a CHKDSK first; it may just be bad sectors. FDISK is more for fixing partitions.

>If there had been smart phones in the 90s I would be a felon.
Jesus...never thought of that

I did a presentation in high school about how mini-discs were the future.

Yessss. You didnt call you just showed the fuck up and was like get your shit let's go, and everyone was cool with it. Much more spontaneous.

They were used in broadcasting up until a few years ago. They still had their use.

>that spoiled brat life
This is why people hate rednecks

Go to see a movie at the theater or do this . Be just a little creative dude c'mon, it's not hard


>$2.50 to rent a movie
>richfag chads renting movies
I had to go to the .99 rental place. Tax was 8cents. Watched a lot of kungfu and shitty scifi. Good times. Two movies a night all summer long.

I do to, it was kinda nice getting out of the house and renting some games.

I understand "So einfach ist dat", but could you please translate this?

That's probably one of things I miss most about that time. No one really had cell phones so it was nice to have your friend or relatives show up randomly just to see what you were up to and then having the excitement of "well now we're hanging out lets get the others" and trying to find everyone who was in your clique. It's funny how technology made us have 24/7 communication yet we communicate less.

Damn man, I hope you rewinded that shit, that's an extra ยข50.


You will never strike up a conversation with a girl again without her being distracted by the beeping messages from other guys as you talk to her.

Do you remember when the home phone would ring before caller ID. You had no fucking clue who it was and there was a sense of excitement when you said hello. Bill collector, friend, didn't know!

I wasn't too spoiled. I had a job at that time, the truck was a hand-me-down admittedly but trust me I spent hours upon hours under that thing. I somewhat miss the plywood I nailed to the floor to stop the wind coming in from the hole in it due to rust. Rural life was nice back then.

Hell, remember Beepers? The beginning of the end.

Oh well, living in the past only leaves you feeling like shit and with nothing but disappointment
Work with what yah got otherwise the Jews win


my nigga.

I loved LORD and SRE.

HAH the best! Especially when you expected your friend to call and instead you get a call from grandma and end up sitting on the chair next to the phone (we still had a cord phone, with the rotating dial) and telling grandmother how school was going for a half hour, then missing the call you were actually expecting.

I used to work at their tech support call center
It was allright but I hated getting call from Texans the most
They were always drunk at like 10am and shit

Considering your inability in English, I think you have to go back. Sorry, Jose.

tfw im over 40 and blockbusters isnt a video shop, it was a gameshow contested by english college students

I tried to FDISK, nothing happened.

Those were good too. My favourites were TW2002, LORD, and an Amiga-only door called Hack n' Slash. Most of these are still around in some form, telnet servers and such, but the community isn't the same.

Fuck yes, beepers where the shit. I had the see through orange one, so fucking pimp.
>bitch just beeped me
>better find a pay phone.

Legend of the Red Dragon, my dood

There are still some in Alaska

You can. It's called going Amish or going Ted Kaczynski

Where I lived only important people had beepers at that time. Never had one luckily

It was fucking great. The internet was just a hobby for nerds instead of this all-powerful omnipotent thing.

TI 99 4/a, there's your problem.
That was my first home computer btw.
Can't help you though, I only had a cassette storage on mine. Wanted the disk drive badly though, but was a poorfag then.

Oldfag here (1970's)
that's how it was done my whole childhood
we used to go to our friends house
and yell "Oh Johnnneeey" or whatever the name

It's a damn shame, this monstrosity that the internet has created. We were happier back then, and honestly so were the normies, but there's no going back.

I loved pagers
a beep was a invitation to call somebody when you have time not a call coming in that must be answered immediately

If you were 5 yrs older you would remember using a cassette tape to store your hand typed pong game from a magazine and dot matrix pron.

Bumped with 80's hotness

I drive a lot but am antisocial. I like driving out to random places and love driving through random places