'Thanks to cheddar man, I feel more comfortable as a brown Briton'

Where were you when racists were dealt the final crushing blow by archeology and science?


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fookin cheds get out mah fookin country la

cheddar man got to uk by stealing a white mans boat

He fucken was black. That isnt british. If cultures and races can change then brits did and they became white.
To put it in words niggaboos can understand
Ooga booga fuck off immediately.

>non-whites feeling closer to the white country
What is wrong with this? It makes them feel more included and united in the British nation.
t. Poo in UK.

Go back to india

cheddar bob

exactly. It's obviously fake and that is what this was designed to do my little poo.

So what? Fist of all are you really going to take a (((scientific))) discovery by a bunch of millennial fags playing scientist at face value? Secondly if true all you proved was that whites evolved and you niggers are about 10,000 years behind us on the evolutionary ladder. Fucking sick and tired of niggers.

this is how much shitskins hate whites, if you ever shitcuck for a non-white or accomodate them in any way shape or form you deserve everything you have coming. the sooner you realize they do not exist the faster they will go away, don't even look at them in the streets

For the zillionth fucking time, skin colour doesn't denote race, skeletal structure does. If tone of skin = race then Koreans would be white and mediterraneans non-white. Further, if you actually read the report, they claim he was "probably" dark skinned. This stupid head is nothing other than an artistic interpretation or a 'probability".

No, I was born here and like it here. I have nothing against Brits but kind feeling.

Yeah, no shit. Of course the ancient Brits weren't brown haha.

When will this shit end

this. dont worry m8 we know. Dont bother trying to explain that to niggers though, theyve got shit for brains.


that's like saying an Indian man is the same as a Samoan because both are brown

>We Were Britons, Good Sir.

Time to stop larping white boyz

When you make it end.

Original tests concluded that cheddar man belonged to haplogroup U5 (see picture). Getting a full genome sequence from a 10,000 year old non mummified skeleton is ridiculous and I'd love to actually see the paper and/or results anywhere since they seem to be non existent.

Headline says:

>The first Britons were black, Natural History Museum DNA study reveals

Paragraph from the article:

>“The combination of quite dark skin and blue eyes is something that we don’t imagine is typical, but that was the real appearance of these people, something that’s quite rare today,” said Professor Chris Stringer, research leader in human origins at the Natural History Museum.

So what is it, "black" skin or "quite dark"? What does "quite dark" mean? Just significantly darker than modern Europeans?

For another estimation on what dark skinned European hunter gatherers probably looked like see pic related:

>Hunter-gatherer European had blue eyes and dark skin


And even if Cheddar Man had "black" skin that does not mean he was Sub Saharan African. Race isn't just skin color.

how do they know it's skin colour besides a (((PC))) guess?

There's more to race than just skin color. You'd know that if you didn't have nigger-tier intelligence.

I want to purge this filth from the Motherland.

Why is it called cheddar man when its ovbsly made of chocolate lolllll

>about 10% of the genome of many white British people alive today from this man's dark-skinned population

I don't understand why an Indian/Paki/African would "feel more comfortable as a brown Briton" due to the revelation about Cheddar Man. He is the ancestor of some portion of the native population, recent arrivals have nothing to do with him. And the "Out of Africa" model has been widely accepted in the scientific community for quite some time. It's not surprising to learn that at some point in the distant past European's ancestors had darker skin.

Obviously being brown was a disadvantage. Apparently a pretty big one too, since it only took a few thousand years to hit modern Anglo pastyness.

DId he have other nigger features or just a nice tan going? I could live with the latter.

>Not black

See this is how race wars will be set off after whites are dead

You have blue eyes?

It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, identity-less, subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.

In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and to discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the past and present in that effort.

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:

Why people are afraid of the facts about the Jews:

Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:

Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:

Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:

The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:

White Genocide is real - In their own words

Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:

also see

The facts about slavery in North America:

Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:

The Jewish role in the porn industry:

Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)

The Holocaust:

when briton became archaeological

Are we the kangz? Do we need to stop LARPing as Englishmen?

The tan is actually a guesstimate they've made. It's all about drilling in normie's mind that white people are an unnatural and passing phase.


I wonder (((who))) funded this research?

Why would we want that?

>race is a social construct
>racists BTFO by science!!1!

sew yew bee saiyan we wuz pooos n sheeeiiit

>niggers in Europe evolved higher and became white
>niggers in Africa didn't evolve at all

Yes, this is much better for you.


Nother brain fart 2 keep u Britfags properly sedated with the latest psyops.
This garnishes UR soyboy Prince marrying a nig nog, soon all of Britain will B filled with darkies and the Kingdom of Wakanda will B born.


They don't even have the fucking tech to see what skin color people had thousands of years ago.
Did they have some sort of new technology for this particular finding that they won't tell anyone about?

I have a feeling that pic related is involved in the funding of this research.


>leftist delusion now avaliable in (((science flavour)))

>No, I was born here and like it here. I have nothing against Brits but kind feeling.
Poo yourself shit skin

Why would it make him feel more comfortable, Cheddar man is not his ancestor.

as if they're not entitled enough already?

>how the discovery of a corpse affects some random nobody


Cheddar man has descendants living in Cheddar.

IDK people want to warp narratives, wtvr, he was basically a heavily pigmented Briton. Way to not get all skin deep racy on us.

Are you fucking illiterate? He literally explains its because Cheddar man disproves the notion that you have to be white to be British, since the original British people were black.

No they weren't. They had darker skin than modern British people, but they weren't "black".

Are all these people "black" to you?

And the people of the British isles became white long before any sort of nation state existed in Britain. To use this to justify non-white migration into Britain is absolutely ridiculous.

Nigger believing fantasy again, I am surprised.

the guy on the right is. abos are technically caucasian. Maybe abos are chedder man

Whoever wrote this retarded fluff piece is not a Briton though. Cheddar Man's skin color is not a matter of national identity, it is a matter of genetics. His skin had not yet evolved to take in more vitamin D. Nonetheless, he was ethnically European. Aarathi Prasad is ethnically pooish regardless of whether she lives in Europe or not.

>abos are technically caucasian

That's utterly false, they are as far from caucasian as you can get geographically and genetically.

One is black, one is poo, one is cheddar.

According to the theory, presently proposed. Everyone was black. It go's everyone was white, then lost hair cover, went black, then some developed white genes, so back to white.
Frankly it's bollocks. But nicely politically correct, look how long they denied Neanderthals interbred with homo sapiens.


>Whoever wrote this retarded fluff piece is not a Briton though.
Neither is Cheddar man. Britons are Indo-European, Cheddar man is a pre-Indo-European inhabitant of the British isles.

Left is Abo, middle is Indian, right is African.

All have the same or similar shades of skin tone, yet they're not all from the same group. Something to consider for people who believe that Cheddar Man is "black".

But his descendants are living in Britain already, represented by 10% of the population's DNA at least, the other guy has zero genetic link to Cheddar man, he is not his descendant, I can't see any reason why he'd feel some kind of 'ownership' of him, any more than a Somalian could feel ownership of Australia based on the skin tone of Aborigines 10,000 years ago, also, the link is even more tenuous than my example due to the fact that they actually have no idea what colour Cheddar man was and this is pure speculation.

Yeah, that's the point. I agree with you. I was just making a joke about the abbo being cheddar.

Female Uruk Hai.

He isn't British (ethnically) anymore than the Celtic tribes who once inhabited Austria and Bavaria were German.

im putting this shit on filter it's so fucking stupid. We are also related to Whales but i don't see anyone letting those motherfuckers live in London unless they are women.





Me on the left



>The team homed in on genes known to be linked to skin colour, hair colour and texture, and eye colour. For skin tone, there are a handful of genetic variants linked to reduced pigmentation, including some that are very widespread in European populations today. However, Cheddar Man had “ancestral” versions of all these genes, strongly suggesting he would have had “dark to black” skin tone, but combined with blue eyes.

>Cheddar Man had “ancestral” versions of all these genes, strongly suggesting he would have had “dark to black” skin tone

In other words, Cheddar had the similar skin pigmentation genes somewhat similar to Europeans of today just not exactly, thus "ancestral". Therefor they concluded he must've been blacker. That's their literal fucking conclusion for the skintone. Had they matched his skin pigmentation genes to any Africans, they would have said.

The NHM research team is completely unbiased on this!

make yourself useful then and start killing moslems

Ian Barnes and Silvia Bello are 2 of the other researchers for Cheddar Man, in case you're wondering of the context of these photos.

They're next to Chris Stringer in this photo

I'd do some more digging but this burned me out. Their names: Dr Selina Brace, Prof Ian Barnes, Prof Chris Stringer and Dr Silvia Bello

In case anyone else wants to dig into these (((scientists)))

Not really, it makes them think they are more entitled to the country than you are.

Jesus Christ, btfo. Honestly though, anyone who thought that the cheddar man, a 10,000 year old thing, was exactly like some sub Saharan needs to take an evolutionary biology course.

3 out 4 of the researchers for the reconstruction of Cheddar man, all have pro immigration anti-brexit tweets on their twitter. Only a coincidence right?

>implying this wasn't the bone of a dead native killed during the glorious conquest of Britain by the pure white Atlantis people.

Woah..never would've expected this

Sometimes you gotta point out the obvious when no one else is.

Yeah I know, good job user. It's just I saw someone in a comment section on a news site imply that the science could be a bit politicized in the current situation in Britain and a bunch of people jumped on the guy saying how these "hard sciences" can't be biased.

It just gets all so tiresome. The propaganda is plain for all to see but I guess some people have been too conditioned to reject it.

Totally not politically charged science. Look away #RefugeesWelcome

Fuck that, I've your back Britbros.

You were right kek.

NO chedar man was genetically far away from african than today european even if he have more brown skin

They won't release it now, the story went so politically charged (as I'm sure they intended) to release the genome now would destroy their careers.
>The team homed in on genes known to be linked to skin colour, hair colour and texture, and eye colour. For skin tone, there are a handful of genetic variants linked to reduced pigmentation, including some that are very widespread in European populations today. However, Cheddar Man had “ancestral” versions of all these genes, strongly suggesting he would have had “dark to black” skin tone, but combined with blue eyes.

another recontruction of western hunter gatherer with the same genetics as the chedar so more lying material

>the eternal anglo

>I saw someone in a comment section on a news site imply that the science could be a bit politicized in the current situation in Britain and a bunch of people jumped on the guy saying how these "hard sciences" can't be biased.
This rustles me beyond belief


another reconstruction of a whg like the chedar

Y she whyte do?

This is another reconstruction of Cheddar man.

Notice how none of these look like the others.

Nobody cares about how you feel. Its how the home country feels. You're just another parasite trying to take a steaming shit in the gene pool.

If everyone used to be black doesn't that just mean that white people evolved from blacks

WTF is this shit. Jews make up that brits were not white. GTFO
