Have we reached peak degeneracy yet?
Have we reached peak degeneracy yet?
Poor cunt can't have a flog
it's only beginning. you have no idea how much worse it actually gets.
w-what the fuck is this..
Boy, I'm sure glad that Hitler guy didn't win
So brave. So powerful. My mind has been changed.
Nazi watch out
Not even Jean Raspail could've predicted this.
Peak? This is Wiemar-tier. Just go to any random porn website and you'll find 100s or 1000s of videos depicting depraved acts, many of which had not even been conceived of before a few years ago.
That's fucking hot.
I'm horrified but intrigued. Where is the rest?
Those people are definitely going to hell. We all fall short but they are clearly being as degenerate and blasphemous as they can.
Does she sing contralto?
Absolutely. So glad we live in a timeline where the good guys won and Europe isn't a 100% pure white continent with ethno-states.
Well. I’m angry now.
Gas the kikes.
I'm sorry Hitler, please come back
If I ever need to kill an erection fast, that image will do just fine.
When the time comes, we need to go harder than Hitler ever did.
This is literally what happened to Germany right before the french and English buddied up with the Jews to begin The Great War
I'm getting the guns. I'm getting them right now
This is only the beginning.
No, we can go much lower
Democracy. By the jew, of jew, for Jew
I feel sorry for them
real intimacy is never public
>jazz's genitalia is very interesting
I ain't clicking that shit nigga
what the hell is going on
The sad part is that they probably received good money to put on this show. Fuck this, day of the rope when?
Lower than this? This is sodom and gomorrah, lower than this is hell.
>peak degeneracy
It hasn't even begun
Animal and Child fucking is still illegal. At the rate of degeneracy we're going I'd say both will be allowed by 2025.
What is this about?
This looks like a private event thing which weird shit like this happens.
context? Where did this abomination happen?
Two consenting adults, what's the problem???
you have no idea do you, we are only at phase 4 of 10.
Do you want Slaanesh? Because this is how you get Slaanesh.
is that at least a real girl?
It's an art.
I can't even begin to imagine how vile phase 10 will be.
>t-rex fucks a roastie.
>right before the great war
weimar era was between wwi and 1933
I can feel the horror coming, next (((they))) are going bring mongoloids on stage to breed with 10/10 cuties w/ a follow up performance 9 months later.
You mean "A art", right?
WHERE IS THIS FROM? My guess is either Berlin or jewmerica
unironically, where can I get tickets for this?
No son, i mean An art.
is this Bilbo Baggins brother?
lol hilarious!!!!1
>implying that makes it better
If you're gonna be gay, be gay. Don't mix it up and contaminate everything.
While playing Battle Hymn of the Republic
These people need to die
obama set the stage
These phases of decadence and grand faggotry always precede the fall of civilization as the people know it
>He believes Sup Forums is satire
You are in for one hell of a bumpy ride son
yeah what is this? if this is cathy griffins i swear to god
This was on our national TV
Brave powerful and stunning
>t. CNN
Quick, name some famous Jewish Artists!
That hero picked the wrong furry convention to gas.
flid getting more pussy than me
fat bastard getting more pussy than me
what am i doing wrong?
>can things get any worse!?
stop saying that, it's a powerful jinx that ALWAYS results in things getting worse
The thing is, those are restricted to porn sites. Shit like OP's video is shown at performing art centers and nightclubs in SF every week. A bunch of fat dykes doing burlesque and sick shit and then have the nerve to call it "art."
it is tiem
t. faggot
t. based
Bro this phrase is only going to end with the last fucking cunt on this planet.
Animal fucking is already legal if you're a fucking leaf.
>can things get any worse!?
>stop saying that, it's a powerful jinx that ALWAYS results in things getting worse
I see you've been around these parts for awhile.
they're both white at least
Cry more, achmed.
No. We need to advance. We need zyklon c.
I'm starting to think the west is beyond saving. Maybe we should meme nuclear annihilation into reality.
Hitler was the wrong side of history they said, Hitler was crazy they said...
What comes after the carcass though?
What will rise out of this corpse for real?
Thanks USA for spreading your great culture everywhere.
Sorry but this causes more laugher than anger in me.
We need to get all the way to Zyklon Z
This is Art!
Thanks for reminding me, Franz.
The wonders of what liberal democracy can enable.
The pleb is pleb.
We shall remember.
Why are they doing this?