A new Shoah is up. Featuring Andrew Anglin

A new Shoah is up. Featuring Andrew Anglin.

They are roasting Sargin's ass.


Other urls found in this thread:


For the record, that was one of the worst debates I've ever listened to.

They get to that in this episode.
It's hard to debate someone who agrees to a debate, then shows up saying they don't want a debate.

everyone involved in this is a fucking autistic faggot. enoch and anglin are both cringe inducing queers

Anglin was just as much to blame in this. Although it's true Sargoy was baiting him the whole time.

Oh hello Mike

Anglin can't debate/present an argument to save his life. He sounds like an emotional teenager who just spurs thoughts out randomly without thinking them over twice. He does not seem intelligent in the slightest.

Also he does not even look white to begin with . But that is a whole other story.

Friends. Wayne Lambright here. I own "TheDailyShoah.com".

I'm willing to donate it to the cause.

Aaaaand THAT is why you listen.

Anglin is a good writer. And he's obviously white you kike he's just ugly.

Daily reminder leftypol shills always post negative stuff in TRS, Anglin, Spencer, etc. threads to try and divide and conquer.

Anglin is a writer, not an orator. I have no idea why he decided to engage Sargoy in this format.

That said, it was fairly clear that he got the better of the exchange; Sargon admitted that an ethnically homogeneous state is preferable, but that establishing one would be immoral because it would require violence. Which is a solid position, because you could do a lot of ethnic cleansing by just cutting gibs and requiring nowhites to pay jizya.


He is not a good writer though. He writes at the level of a 9th grader.

He presents himself as unintelligent and an edgelord. He makes white nationalism look like something for white trash. And even if he is white then why is he going to Philipines to fuck ladyboys and filipino girls?

TRS is kike shit. The owner or whatever married a kike and when the internet found out about it he divorced her and made a bullshit excuse. And his retarded followers continue sending him money. It is so easy to profit off right wing people its pathetic.

Anglin is a white trash nigger.

Spencer is intelligent but at times I think he is an FBI shill. I would rather have him than Anglin though.
>Anglin is a writer, not an orator
Well then you're right that he should have not even done what he did. Or go on skype and try to debate people. He makes himself look like a fool. He gets so emotional and baited so easily and worked up over little things which makes himself sound like a stupid high schooler.


>meme flag
>obvious subversion
CIA nigger detected

if i click that link are they going to jew my cpu into mining fucking crypto for them?
or is it going to just make me pay to listen to these jews pretend to be white

Hey Mike.

Why is it ALWAYS the meme flags? Why?

The thing is; he totally did. The daily stormer is full of shit about how he wants to gas the kikes (Racewar yesterday or we're all lost)
Then soon as he gets into a stream with Sargon and Sargon goes 'Right so you're cool with violence to enact your goals' Anglin goes 'WHEN DID I EVER SAY THAT'
Right so you don't think the white race is the most important thing? Because, as Sargon said, if the white race were the most important thing you'd totally be down to herd all the blacks that refuse to leave into Detroit then irradiate the entire damn thing if that's what was required.

But Anglin knows that isn't something Sargon would agree with so he autistically screeched about how 'by any means' is a strawman rather than his position any time he isn't faced with someone willing to frankly call him out on body count.

>people who talk about white identity and the jewish question to all of their listeners are CIA plants
For what purpose would the government do that? Fuck off back to cripple chan you schizo retard

Get rid of the meme flag and I'll read your shilling

>Kike Enoch and his B'nai B'brith active jew wife
Get this shit off my board.

to control the opposition? if you expect a backlash, to have it form around your people rather than some randos?
i dont even believe this, but people parroting this argument without examining it should take it easy with the kool aid probably

Isn't there a dude on the show who is married to a jew chick?


Aren't you a jew though? It's weird for you to call attention to it.

So to control the opposition they employ people to redpill them on the nature of the jewish control of our countries instead of someone like Alex Jones who will steer them clear of the real issue altogether?

It just doesn't make any sense. Think critically about it.

Literal schizophrenia
>nothing about the cable indicates it was being used to indicate Jews
>if it was CIA practice to indicate Jews then you'd be able to find other examples - you can't
>the audio echo was used on the Merchant Minute long before the text echo started being used, you would expect it to be the other way
Telex machines send plain allcaps text - if you want to emphasise a word the only way to do it is to surround it with punctuation.

They don't redpill them at all. They spread anti-Semitism towards the Western Jews while spreading support for Israel. Just a trick but you already know that.

Oh look, its Moarpheus. Why don't you get your trip back so you can be filtered?

guys what if these people are fbi agents and controlled opposition?

that skin head is a moron. I can't believe people let a moron like this lead a movement. I'll take spency before this moron.

>They spread anti-Semitism towards the Western Jews while spreading support for Israel
Spreading support for Israel is letting people know about AIPAC and all of the support we give to Israel and the need to end all aid to them?

These CIA agents are playing 309485d chess apparently.

they know that only brainlets and schizos will fall for alex jones shit. to control the really smart people who are able to use critical thinking they use therightstuff.

sargon is a dishonest moron, but he came off cool and composed. For us he seems arrogant but for others he seems sane and correct. THis andrew should take some logic/argument lessons.

>spreading zionism is not supporting israel
lel wut?


then use critical thinking you stupid faggot

You don't understand, Richard Spencer once said that he understood the Jewish impulse towards Zionism, therefore the entire alt-right are the tools of Zionist Duginite CIA niggers. Also there aren't actually any such thing as ethnic distinctions between whites and Jews, so we should totes convert them to national socialism and let them live and breed among us along with all the based blacks and other ethnics. Also Trump somehow isn't a Zionist despite literally praying at the wailing wall
>this is what Moarpheus actually believes

I've never seen that before but I mainly listen to Fash the Nation and they constantly talk about getting rid of the dual citizen kikes and stop aid to Israel. I guess I've been unwittingly supporting the kikes this whole time.

Only asking because I remember way back that these people who talk about jews and such while one of them has a jew wife and it was a big deal.

If you send all the Jews to a nuclear armed Israel you're only making all other nations sitting ducks. Israel is so wealthy after decades of American gibs that it does not need our money any more. Threatening to cut off its aid is therefore a Jewish trick.


The outsider/superhero secret identity thing they are talking about is interesting. I never thought of it like that before desu.

Lmao you are utterly shameless
>if you stop giving the Jews money, they win

You can stop giving them money all you want. It won't matter now because they're wealthy from decades of American welfare. Israel is now self-sufficient and even admits it doesnt need our aid. So again: threatening to cut off aid is a Jewish trick. Why not threaten to de-arm the Jewish State instead?

>Israel is so wealthy after decades of American gibs that it does not need our money any more.
This doesn't make any sense. US has given Israel about 3 billion a year in military aid the past 40 years. That's just not very much money - e.g. about $10 per US citizen per year.



>writes at the level of a 9th grader
That is the point dumbass, Anglin set up the site to appeal to highschoolers

t. jew

nice argument braindead kike.

link it you jew


>the idea of the "outsider" is a jewish subversion tactic
i'm 100% white and i never fit in
these guys are high on their own farts

JF & Andy Call in Show Sign Up

You don't undersand jew psychology and how they operate.

They project. They'll accuse you and see to it that you end up feeling guilty of what they are guilty of.

This is jewery 101.
Lurk more.

>Super man is not originally from this world
>Written as a chosen man to defend the human race
>Jews are not originally from Europe
>Jews were chosen people to rule the world

Thats what they meant.

Awesome. Enoch is great. He's going to kill a Jew over live stream on Warski, Wednesday.

fuck off enoch. you're the biggest "how do you do fellow white people?" ive ever seen.


My point is that there's nothing about that story that is decidedly jewish. The idea of the outsider is a universal. Someone writing about being an outsider and others finding it appealing has nothing to do with jewish mindcontrol or whatever they're larping about.

The aid should be ended for sure. But it really wasn't very much to begin with - so I honestly don't think israeli-us governments really care that much.

>I've been subjected to Jewish conditioning my whole life
>I act as the conditioning intended
>Trsodomites BTFO
You are really dumb sir.

>it really wasn't very much to begin with
pic related.

Why end the aid instead of ending Israel's illegal nuclear program?

Oh, yeah. You've convinced me: on the one hand a really smart and funny guy who puts out tons of great content and constantly exposes jewish bullshit, on the other hand a random faggot stranger who's jealous I'm not throwing him praise instead: you've won me over. After all, you have a retarded .jpg attached to your attention seeking.

>while spreading support for Israel.
I wouldn't call using jewsrail in arguing for the same for Whites spreading jew support.

Imagine still trying to run damage control on me in the current year. I stop that shit like Neo stops bullets, motherfucker.

Why do you imply white people need Israel's permission to do anything?

Really, because you just sort of seem like a pathetic lardass wasting his time in a thread on something he hates and is drawing attention to himself.

"I know, I hate cooking so I'm going to find some cooking forums to tell everyone how stupid it is." Put a gun in your mouth you little queer.

Sweet a bunch of internet retards complaining about another internet retard, where do i send my shekels?

Wait a minute, I thought you were that other guy. I don't know what the fuck is going on.

I don't think Anglin is a bad looking guy t bh

>white nationalist marries jewish spy and makes a podcast broadcasting their plans

lol keep running your mouth with school-yard insults. meanwhile, ill keep exposing your shit.

you cant be a white nationalist when youre a jew married to a jew.

They've stolen trillions in more than one instance and they have access to the trillions stolen by the world jew banking system, those jew bankers having been the ones behind the foundation of jewsrail to begin with. Why the gibs are nice at the billion level, I think it's more about draining and keeping tentacles in the opposition.

I know you have to seriously be contemplating suicide. No one else dedicates their time to stuff they hate, clinging to people that like the same thing. You were probably the kid in school who couldn't make friends so you made an ass of yourself because it was the only way you could get attention. Go ahead, sunshine, open up those veins. Just remember to make vertical cuts.

>stop hating Jews you filthy anti-Semite!!!!!1


What kind of adult heterosexual man has whole folders dedicated to other men so they can libel them in anonymous forums? It's some seriously gay shit.

Like how many weird psycho pics of Enoch do you have? Do you jack off to them?


>self hating jew marries a jewish spy and makes a podcast broadcasting their plans





you forgot to switch proxies.
samefag is same
how mad mikey?


I listened to the show and think its dishonest how they talk down sargonĀ“s view count of his videos. He has around 755k subscribers and a lot of his videos are more then half of that. Compare that to andywarski for example. He has 280k subscribers and his videos get 40 to 80k views. stay honest guys. sargon is hugely successful on youtube.

>self-hating Jew marries Jewish supremacist spy for israel
>da goyim will certainly believe this


Mike Delaney browsing Sup Forums confirmed.

I'm impressed. Keep em coming. Every one you have is proof of time you didn't spend working a job, paying a bill, fucking a woman, or having a normal life: just staying up until three AM collecting weird info-graphics of mike enoch or making your own.

Yeah it would be impossible to send two different messages to your paranoid schizophrenic ass. Proxies would be the simpler saner hypothesis.

>yes keep exposing Mike Enoch!! I want you to do that!
>"hehehe reverse psychology da goyim r so duuumb"





Good fucking god. You are the most miserable little shit ever.
>dur, dur, I've got a pic of someone's mom
>dur, dur, no one will take him seriously anymore
>if I keep posting my psychotic collection and typing "LOL" people won't know I'm crying on the inside and lead the loneliest life ever

Do you have his fucking cat, faggot? I want to see his jewish cat and zionist goldfish. Expose them!

>durr Enoch's mom supports Hillary
>durr Enoch's dad supports Schumer and is a Jew
>durr Mike is married to a Jew
>durr Mike is a huwhite nationalist!


How does this change how based enoch is for revealing jewish secrets?

nah but i have his Bernie hat

He's a fucking lunatic.

>promoting Zionism is exposing Jewish secrets