I bet you couldn't name a more incompetent politcian
Lets play a game
Jeremy Corbyn will save the country.
Are you even trying op?
Lennu is running Finland into the ground.
This is now a Corbyn thread.
Rare younger Corbyn.
>building a country that works, or everyone
thats deep and the problem, everyone is socialism meaning genelets and amerisharts advocating for jew and nigger-rights creating dysgenics that destroys everything. im going with the first part of the sentence thank you
>when the capitalism is not for the many
>couldn't name a more incompetent politcian
Easy, just look to the US niggers
How does it feel knowing Corbyn fucked at least half of Sup Forums's mothers?
Justin Trudeau
Based Corbyn standing up for the Irish people's rights.
This, hold my beer
Fresh out of Corbyns. Somebody else post images of the saviour of their nation.
maxine waters crazy
Every socialist I swear in the 70's looked like this.
True Dough
how did she even fuck up this badly? She went from being anticipated asf to the worser. She's the same authoritarian wanting big governemnt in everything yet she cant tell the eu niggers to go take a hike. Pathetic
hmm he is a close second.
Reminder that Corbyn is hip, cool and on the rise.
How bad is Corbyn? I heard he's a commie in the closet
A country that works OR everyone.
Yeah, I'll choose a country that works bitch. The alternative is everyone. Somebody was trying to tell us something.
He's just as useless Honestly, cant even win against Theresa May.
Trudeau is worser than May desu.
Corbyn's policies will reduce immigration, will ensure British jobs for British people, will expand our armed forces and will make us a better nation all round.
He spergs out a bit sometimes, but he's not a proper commie.
Watch out for the new Ozza Mozza
Nah, Labour is recovering from Milliband under him. The youth love him.
From himself?
When you're a loser who leeches off of others and projects it onto everyone else
You're a capitalist bootlicker.
Corbyn is so retarded he thinks nations are for racists, unless they're for non-whites
Did corbyn really stick that pig?
>"What did you just say to me, corporate poofter?"
Labor have been recovering since Tony Blair. I don't think there is a future for Social Democrats in the west anymore.
Fuck I lost.
Laughed at a lefty meme
Wow I can't believe I got here before any Justin Trudeau.
Nah, the future looks bright for social democracy. Our Marxist school system has got to our kids, good thing too.
Yeah nah here is facts.
Yeah that doesn't work anymore; unemployment is at a forty year low, export industry is booming, we're projected to have billions more to spend on ourselves once we're out. Plus why would someone from an irrelevant nation post this anyway?
Because she was never a good choice in the first place.
We need Mogg
You're a socialist faggot with no talent or work ethic, you might as well be a nigger or a feminist
fuck off with that bullshit, none of that is true.
The only good thing about jezza is his hatred of jews.
He will flood more pakis and nogs.
Trading one for the other is not a solution.
>I bet you couldn't name a more incompetent politcian
>This is now a Corbyn thread.
Correct hahahaha
>reduce immigration
His entire voter base is immigrants.
That's just old farts voting against it.
>it's a good thing that we indoctrinate kids to be losers
No. Most of them are young white Brits.
You don't even know me, poofter.
As an Ontarian, it feels good to finally be the best at something.
The gifs are out in full force today, laddos.
Nah it's really not.
IDGAF about foreigners. Britain shall be a stronghold for social democracy while the rest of Europe becomes a totalitarian capitalist shithole, like Britain pre-Corbyn.
>UK foreign minister
Now that's what I call a joke.
>IDGAF about foreigners.
>Britain shall be a stronghold for social democracy
>The youth love him.
no we dont
fuck off
The new UK flag in 2022.
goofy ass nob
awkward mongrel
Special snowflake, yes you do.
Corbyn WILL win, you cunt.
That's one tit more than you've ever touched, salty Tory soyboy.
bet i could
Nah, Corbyn wins every time.
>dumb remainers
>"Durr I want to leave vuh Eeyoow becoz it redoosiz Muzzlem moigwashun"
Dilma Rouseff
not a tory fuck off
even if, way better than the jew-hating jew
>Corbyn WILL win, you cunt.
by pandering free school to mindless youth? kek
let him win, clearly you dont learn from history
Im leaving the UK
Good, and don't come back, shitskin. You aren't welcome in Corbyn's ethnostate.
>68 years old
What happens when he dies? Who'll lead the Proletariat revolution then? Diane? (((Lansman)))?
Obviously John McDonnell or Russell Brand.
I can unload my John McDonnell folder if you want me to.
>Russell Brand
Dont die Jeremy!
Angela Merkel
I win.
I'll take that as a yes.
By youth you mean commies and non-White subhumans?
Hey Britdog, be nice with Sup Forumss hononary whites
No, I mean white Brits.
No crowd will ever chant Theresa May's name.
G'wan John!
>white Brits
only London likes Corbyn
>only London likes Corbyn
Such ignorance.
He won 2% less of the votes than May.
dumb niggah
>on the verge of the great economic success they're having now
She means after the subsequent decades of Dengism and marketization followed by the annexation of a British-built financial mecca? Or does she just mean after the 30 years of the KMT building infrastructure, educating commoners, and reforming the army with modern equipment?
Mao is the worst part of the Chinese 20th Century, and that's saying a lot.