They're pushing this hard right now. Any ideas on how to subvert?

yeah, stop giving them attention

>all fields

But can't we push the all-black Wakanda ethnostate into reality through memes?


Twitter has an official account dedicated to non-white people? Why isn't this racist?

>Twitter has an official account dedicated to non-white people? Why isn't this racist?
because they are non white people

Now you're talking!

good catch. i'm getting sick of this bullshit.
>all black
what the actual fuck? people need some education on what "diversity" really means.

Somebody go on there and post the picture of the black women holding the white beheaded...heads.

is this post going to be screencapped for your epic blog post about the ebil raysis on pol?

> people need some education on what "diversity" really means.
The only diversity in my college is that of skin colour and not that of thought and opinion.

stop paying attention to it?

>They're pushing this hard right now. Any ideas on how to subvert?
Sure, sage and hide all of these NIGGER PUSSY shilling threads.


I fucking love papa don's now.

Nice digits. I'm going to post a bunch of 10/10 Black Panther reviews on RT with thinly veiled racist statements that liberals make about minorities all the time. It's not worth flooding them with all my bots so I'm just going to do a bunch manually for fun.

"Wow it was incredible that a black person was capable of making a movie! Even though the movie was bad you could tell they did their best! 10/10"

"This movie showed me for the first time that blacks can actually be educated and live in civilized society. 10/10"

Good luck on your "This is the racism I saw on Sup Forums" article.

Lads, you win some you lose some. Sometimes Sup Forums is not always right. This is one of those times. Not only do normies not see Black Panther as alt-right, they see it as the film of the year.
So pretty much this

This is a good idea. A really good idea. 10/10 condescending reviews. Rotten Tomatoes already announced they'll delete all negative reviews, so hijack the positive ones. DO IT.

Now we're cooking with gas

>film of the year
>a b-list superhero special effects exhibition
Not even likely, something about aids or jews or slavery or transexuals or whatever else will come out in the fall/winter gunning for Oscar season and panther will be forgotten.
Sci-fi pics never win for best picture.

Not subtle enough. You sound like 15 year olds from rebbit


Yeah this is what I've been thinking too. Use this movie as a way to introduce the idea into mainstream culture

you can't, its called advertising and its already been paid for by the jew.
so no need. Just wait for the movie to bomb. It will do alright for the first weekend but the black audience does not have any money so they will just priate that shit instead.

all these jews understand is money. so vote with your wallets. Don't go to see it and wait for them to whine. They want you to react so they can point and use you as the villain as we have seen today with a number of hitpiece's blaming the "alt-right" and an edgy facebook group claiming to have used bots to alter review score's. Which the jews are using because the review scores are average when they think this should be the biggest movie since you mums sex tape.

so sit tight and spam WE WUZ KANGZ. a shit movie is a shit movie.

Bad idea. all that matters is the percentage. The movie will be mediocre at best and the score wont go above 60%. The studio Is banking that the black audience and SJW's want to watch superhero movies. Because SJW's fuck with the market research. They are trying to do a ghostbusters again and we all know how well that worked out.