>*takes black dick on camera for money*
How do we fix white women?
*takes black dick on camera for money*
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you don't.
Do it like they do in Russia, make it legal to hit them.
We let islam run its course. All degeneracy will be destroyed.
By becoming someone who they find interesting and worthwhile sexually and romantically speaking. Stop being failures.
link to vid
>islam runs course
>white race exterminated
i wonder who is behind this post
we take their rights away
Remove the Jews from the porn industry
sauce me up bro.
No voting, Make divorce difficult again, make miscegenation illegal. Make women wearing pants illegal again.
you're woke my friend
she is not white
We make them get a mandatory tattoo that symbolizes that they've been with another race sexually. It can be praised and highly encouraged.
And white men can freely shun them.
Watch them go entirely fucking straight.
implying they don't do it for free
>not french
>Be successful so you can claim Tyrone's leftovers as your own
Fuck yeah where does the line start?
That is just her porn name dude.
ah ha
Lmao very true
Remove degeneracy
What is considered white now? Haha
let them go.
women are a lost cause. it's time to move forward.
We get ahold of a cloning machine, then we clone white women and raise them in a Jim Jones-esque compound to keep them away from the rest of the world. We make the Normies give birth to their clone babies as revenge
I don't understand, explain yourself toothpaste
interesting point, could work
Yes, islam the only way.
Whites should just stop being such fucking soyboys and do what we Mexicans do against our enemies
true.. I too would rather not have some left over skank when I have a lot of success and money. we deserve better than trash for all our hard work.
She quit porn, married a white dude, has one baby with him and another on the way.
stop fucking them
stop giving them money
stop giving them emotional support
let them kill themselves
they are not important
Kill the Jews.
Certainly not portugal, considering that would bring in Brazil.
This is why women get away with this shit - soyboys and pathetic cucks reward them
i had a girlfriend that looked like her, pic related.
ignore them to death
>How do we fix white women?
White-only, pro-White country.