Deficit Hawks

Where you at now?

Shits just getting worse with this new budget.

Other urls found in this thread:

>shovel money at worthless niggers
>tax cuts for bringers of wealth so they can bring in more wealth

Hmm yes identical uh-huh

So you are okay with the deficit continuing to get much worse? I bet you sure weren't two years ago.

Hoarding money in offshore accounts and buying yachts isn't helping your economy much you stupid 56%er

see the Sup Forums sticky on logical fallacies

What do you mean, surely we needed to give the billionaires more money so that they could make more jobs! Surely they could not do that before without this money! Surely trickle down economics works, surely they are not just hiding billions and billions from taxation...

Just one question: when will the fucking budget be approved?

It's not a versus scenario, the recucklican party is doing both. Which means the debt will go up and we will be Venezuela.

You mean Trump's budget? It cuts the deficit by 3 trillion over ten years. No one proposed a budget cut this large in my whole lifetime.

Don't whine at me about Congress. Everyone hates Congress. They haven't hit double digit approval ratings since the Iraq War. Everyone knows they are hypocritical douchebags.

You don’t need to be a billionaire to own an LLC lmao this country’s budgeting has always been a joke. You’d have to wonder if we have any intention of paying back our lenders, or if there is some other subversive end game strategy our gov has in mind. I bet you if the trillions of dollars that go missing every presidency were put to good use, we wouldn’t be arguing whether or not socialism/ancap/dems/gop would work because it would be irrelevant.

Am I seriously the only one who knew the politics around the deficit and national debt was all bullshit? Of course neither party cares about fiscal responsibility. But if we're going to run giant deficits then I'd rather it be because I get to keep more of my money than giving it to other people.

>if i give the rich more money they might pee on me

its official... the jew propaganda has successfully cucked the republican party

Republicans were never fiscally responsible. Only Democrats are.

"Money" isn't real.

Ergo neither is the debt.


People are so fucking retarded. Thinking this is aimed exclusively at billionaires. Small business people need to comply with business law too and you need to own an LLC to qualify for one of the tax cuts....soooooo it’s not just billionaires. *facepalm* high school Econ experts here.

>For every dollar (or equivalent) in the world, there are three dollars of debt

When every dollar is borrowed, debt is wealth.
You cannot repay the debt without removing money from circulation. If you paid the debt entirely, you would need to borrow one dollar to print the first dollar.

The internet did that brainlet

Paying debt doesn't remove money from circulation, that's just silly. Paying off debt just mutually removes an asset and a liability from the economy in equal parts.

This. 1 - 1 = 0.

You ask Cathy Newman level questions. Various things contribute to federal spending. The biggest chunks are SS and welfare benefits. Are YOU okay with the deficit getting larger because of welfare programs?

Bush had the internet. Still crashed the economy.

I'll take Discretionary versus Mandatory Spending for $100, Alex.

>Not paying the government money is the government paying people

Wouldn't Bill Clinton be considered far-right these days considering his views on immigration?

slashing revenue + spending hikes = deficit down

What did he mean by this?

Republicans are shit with money

Analysis: Government set to borrow nearly $1 trillion this year, an 84 percent jump from last year

Fiscal responsibility did that you drooling moron.

Military spending takes up over half of discretionary spending, and Congress approved a $140bn hike in defense spending.

We need to shut down bases in Europe and Japan. You freeloaders can pay for your own military. More importantly, we need to stop fighting Israel's wars in the middle east.

Whatever happened to America FIRST??

>democratic governments run up massive amounts of debt because the burden doesn't fall on them
Woah who could have predicted this

The Reagan and Bush administrations ran up debt like crazy, Bill Clinton gave us a surplus and Obama extended the Bush policies cause he's a nigger faggot.

Show me who claims to have a comprehensive list of every dollar and loan ever created and paid back so I can call them a liar.

Europe, Middle East, yes. Japan -- absolutely fucking not. There's a certain country over there that absolutely can't be trusted (and I'm not talking about Best Korea). Those naval and air bases are prime real estate and Japan provides billions in discretionary funding to keep us there, so the rent is cheap.

Again, everyone hates Congress. Everyone thinks they are lying hypocrites spending our future down the drain.

I'm talking about Trump's proposed budget released today.
My point was just that mandatory spending doesn't effect the deficit. It's essentially a separate budget with a separate treasury that (theoretically) pays for itself. Obama doesn't give enough shit for his payroll tax cuts, which while nice cut a gash in SS and Medicare.