Obama Portrait

You know what to do.

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that is seriously a really really shitty portrait

I'm anticipating a Snoop Dogg edit

I literally don't.

coolest monkey in the jungle

Couldn't be any better.

Needs little boys popping out with hotdogs

Look how big his hands are loo


Whiten it?
Oh, severed noghead might be okay too.

holy fuck, he will be laughed at for the rest of history.



Looks hotdoged as shit

Someone with better skills than me needs to shoop this guy into the shadow on Obongo's chair

checked faggot

oh my sides!


Good one, fucking faggot

>Boy i'm sure sick of these workshy niggers now can someone please do something for me right now

Smoke weed every day

someone shop the leafs into weed

Another one!


Co- co- co- combo breaker

fucking shits on everything sacred to American heritage. fagot

I'm pretty sure that's what happens with all of them when things get too hot.


It doesn't work without a quote

Do you really think we care about this clown?
Also your one to talk canada, with your rapefugee cocksucking faggot of a leader

>be Presidential Portraits
>always have a solemn-looking white man posing against a drab brown and black background
>be Obama's painter
>realize Obama will blend in to a drab brown background
>frame him against a tacky psychedelic green background so he'll pop out of it

Is this too overt?


Lookin' like a GTA loading screen


Kek, very nice user

I kind of like it. He sitting in front of George Bush’s legacy on a humble wood throne because Kangz. It’s nice metaphors.

Lol fuck you, checked

>literally in the fucking jungle
what do they mean by this?



Fuck off

Luv ya mum

Nice get

Can someone make it look like a giant turd is coming out of his ass and somewhere on the photo says SHITTED

Would appreciate



This came to mind.





>uh can someone do this photoshop for me

im not even going to reply to this post

just think about how ridiculous it will look in 20 or so years when its sandwiched between trump's dignified portrait and the rest of the classical portaits
if it even stays up that long


Niggers are lazy, what's your point?


Fuck you but good one

Should be a (((medical boot))).


Give me (you)s



Stop being cute, Bill, you're a terrible person. Turn your wife and Obama in, redeem your soul for the ages.



Underrated gold



top qeq




Fuck you nigger

Coolest monkey in the jungle



>punch lines
>on first meme attempt
you have to go back, faggot

How long until the rappers parody his painting with an album cover replacing the leaves with marijuana leaves?



Not today.

Top quality

Oh God, I love my mom


He looks like the coolest monkey in the jungle

can we get one with the fuck my shit up dude hair ?plz thx

>Obama's portrait is the only one with a jungle motif
What did he mean by this?

Underrated. Doesnt need the text though.




God dammit circumcised penises are disgusting



got some skills bro

He looks like he’s taking a shit in some bushes.

We should take it like HWNDU.

The monkey looks like he's home in the jungle again.

Fucking saved jerry!