>When you realize the world ended in 1945 and we're living in hell
When you realize the world ended in 1945 and we're living in hell
Your hell is my somewhat happy reality
>When you get to a certain point in Mein Kampf and realize the bad guys won.....
So it’d be better to live in a world where critizing your leader leads to imprisonment or death?
>when normies don't realize this
The guy who planned to subjugate millions of Slavs and jews is the good guy…
That happens in America too you just have to know which ones to name.
I hardly like the way things are now but let’s not pretend totalitarianism is okay
If criticizing Jews and blacks lead to prison half of pol would be in jumpsuits. False equivalence
as opposed to all western Europeans being raped and replaced by negroids yes
He clearly states that technology had progressed to a point where it wasn't a must to enslave people. He even says every society that has had slaves even thousands of years ago eventually gets ovverrun and left in ruin.
There was no law against criticizing Hitler. There were an active opposition. What was banned was agitating against the good of the Reich and the people, which of course includes internationalists like the communist trying to give the resources of the Reich to foreigners, namely Russia.
the world began in 1945, it ended on september 11, 2001.
im half way through mein kampf, don't spoil it for me!
Go to your nearest city and stand downtown and criticize jews and blacks and see where that gets you. You can fuck a goat in any American forest it doesn't mean there won't be consequences if you did the same thing on main street.
Celine was right. The white race died at Stalingrad.
It's just pre-hell. Things will get much, much, muuuuch worse.
What i'm talking about is described in the first half. Basically his warning for the world. The rest is more of a personal story. After I read that first half i had to stop for a few days because I had to re-evaluate life. That book also made me enlist in the military because even though it is ZOG owned we need people on the inside and I could use the experience and potential political leverage.
behold our descendants