Why do people defend marijuana so ardently?

Whenever I see/hear a discussion about marijuana use, those defending it always do so as if their lives depended on it. Anyone who thinks using marijuana is dumb or a waste of time is immediately hounded by several stoners shouting about it just being a plant and to stop being a boring stick in the mud. Why is this? Does it not occur to people that being a little less autistic about their vice would make people care less about it?

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Because being high compared to any other intoxicant is childs play but the state wants to pretty much rip you in half like a phone book for getting stoned and watching anime

Have you tried weed? Only sexually repressed faggots would want to ban it.

because the defenders usually get high therefore are biased towards because they want to keep using. jesus christ that was hard.

Doesn't seem to be the case considering many states don't give a damn at this point.

Are you actually this much of a retard, or...?

dude weed lmao

>Why do people defend Sup Forums so ardently>
>Whenever I see/hear a discussion about Sup Forums use, those defending it always do so as if their lives depended on it. Anyone who thinks using Sup Forums is dumb or a waste of time is immediately hounded by several Sup Forumslacks shouting about it just being a plant and to stop being a boring stick in the mud. Why is this? Does it not occur to people that being a little less autistic about their vice would make people care less about it?

>Why do people defend marijuana so ardently?

Because it permanently makes you dumber than you ought to be, that's why.


A fair and accurate post, other than Sup Forums being a plant. Also checked.

Because these damn big government folk banned weed when it's our god given right to smoke weed. Who do ya think got it right, God or the government? If you answer the government you're a degenerate prole. Weed was in the garden of eden. Was the DEA there? Nah bruh.

Stoner culture is fucking lame and snoop is a faggot puppet. Weed is good but Meth is the true White man's happiness medication.

>Why is this?
I'm high right now. It's because drug addicts are liars and its easy to kick weed for a few months so they think it's not addictive.

>pic related

Because they hang out with stoners, and if you hang out with stoners while you're sober, you'll want to blow your brains out.

This, me and my parents take meth together every Sunday after attending mass in Utah.


This. Former everyday smoker.

It doesn't matter what effect it has on your body. It matters if you add or take from society. If you're getting high and watching anime every day I can't help but imagine you don't have a full time job.

Most potheads think it's easy to quit but how many of them stay off it? How many of them do it once a month? Few and far between. It's not just a drug, it's a lifestyle.


>many states don't give a damn
>still illegal and a punishable offense in majority of states
>still federally illegal, meaning any legitimate business cannot secure banking or declare taxes without violating the 5th amendment
>still can't feel /comfy/ being stoned watching anime
Why can't you just accept some people like watching TV and browsing image boards instead of getting smashed at clubs?

>checking singles

Because like the Germans for WW2 crimes they didn't commit mj has been demonized for crimes not associated with it.
Hemp is the reason mj was controlled in the first place

If you want to have a legitimate discussion that's fine but you said yourself that people say it's "dumb" and "a waste of time." Those are pretty agressive terms to start a conversation with, does it really surprise you that the response is defensive?

>Why do people defend marijuana so ardently?
Same reason there are always fags on here that leap to point out that there's "good" hip-hop out there and only the stuff they play on the radio is bad. Same reason people claim that jerking off to traps isn't gay.

Cucks will always have a hard time abandoning degenerate behavior they enjoy.

I would be 100% less productive if I didn't smoke weed. Just knowing I have a stash at home after a shitty day of work (IT) greatly improves outlook and happiness.

Blaze it faggot.

Maybe because society wants to throw them in a cage and steal their property due to their choice of vice.

Annoying stoners are a very acceptable price to pay with legalization/decriminalization. It basically comes down to regardless of what you think about recreational use of weed it's absolutely retarded to continue the current policy of criminalization.

>it's a lifestyle
So are alcohol, cigarettes, video gaming, watching the news, being well read & educated, having a strong sense of justice, and ultimately being a good person. Why isn't there a law mandating "everyone should only choose productive lifestyles." Oh ya, because that's fucking moronic.

>if you watch anime every day while getting high you probably don't have a full time job
>he thinks the money is made by people clocking in 9-5
You probably didn't mean to give it away but I know you aren't actually a valuable member of society, as in dollars of wealth per person. Also, if things which make it difficult to have a full time job should be illegal, then being black, being low IQ, being disabled, and being a non-college graduate should get you killed. After all, correlation is causation!

>I would be 100% less productive if I didn't smoke weed.
If you really believe this then you drank the Kool-Aid hard. You probably have mental issues which will likely be exacerbated by daily usage. I'm going to go on a whim here and say you have a shitty day of work everyday. I don't and I work in IT as a programmer.

How many times are you going to make this thread? It seems to me the only people that won’t shut up about weed are faggots like you that want to dictate how people choose to spend their time. Work on yourself.

Haven't smoked any in two weeks. I would love a bong now as I have had a slight decline in my mood, still feel ok though.

I'm saying marijuana usage is a culture, a bad one at that.

Also, inferring I'm a worthless member of society is bretty good bait there, pothead. Go smoke another bowl. Make sure you use the hempwick, don't want to inhale any butane!

"Multiplying these totals by U.S. DOJ prison expenditure data reveals that taxpayers are spending more than $1 billion annually to imprison pot offenders. ... more Americans are arrested each year for violating marijuana laws, costing taxpayers another $8 billion dollars annually in criminal justice costs."

Well some people would say that caffeine culture is a bad one as it has more of a negative physiological impact on users.

How would you retort?


I personally don't care if people smoke weed. Just wondering why people who do are so autistic a lot of the time.

>Works a job so stultifying he needs nepenthes pharmakon to endure it.

Human trafficked whores would be less productive if they couldn't slam heroin into their veins at the end of the night too, no one would claim that means heroin isn't degenerate though.

It helps lessen obsessiveness.

I'm definitely agreeing that we shouldn't imprison users (I would argue it's significantly over $10b per year honestly.)

I don't see how caffeine is worse than marijuana. Can you explain?

Instead of paying money to punish weed smokers through incarceration, it should be taxed so weed smokers counter-balance any negative effect they have.

that's /thread

Yea I don't smoke anymore because of work but if it were legal I'd prefer smoking over drinking anyday.

>Same reason people claim that jerking off to traps isn't gay.

>I work in IT as a programmer
>inferring I'm a worthless member of society
>as in dollars of wealth per person
I meant what I said and I said what I meant, the fact that you believe that working hard at your 9-5 as a programmer already gave away that you don't really have much money, because the actually rich don't need "jobs".

I own my own bitcoin mining company with approximately 10 pth/s that I run out of a rented garage in the house I'm using the 25% stake in a construction company I some legal work for after Harvey as the income stream to green light the mortgage on said house; I rent the other two bed rooms to my pothead friends that are my housemates.

In this society, I command value, not (you).

i like smoking pot, but its not good for you.
anyone who thinks it is safe is a stupid faggot

People who work hard don't have much money? Not really following your logic there.

>You probably have mental issues which will likely be exacerbated by daily usage.

Easy there, Freud. I first smoked at uhh 19 I think and there was zero change in my personality before & after.

If you're lambasting the laughable notion of like "marijuana cures cancer, it's just a plant bro it's all natural!" I get it, that shit's annoying. That being said, smoking a moderate amount even every day has zero serious side effects unless you have a family history of like psychosis. The worst that's going to happen to me if I stopped smoking is I'm going to be irritable for a few days and I might have some trouble sleeping, which I do already.

The debate about it's recreational use is a waste of time. Medicinally, though, there's no good reason for it to be a schedule I. For fuck's sake, cocaine is still a schedule II because it's still used as a topical anesthetic.

>we judge things on their consequences
Then alcohol should be illegal, and we already tried that. Why can't you just accept that some people are meant to succeed and that others aren't?

Because they are worthless addicts.

its because there are so many anti weed faggots still. both fucking suck. get over it its a fucking plant and move the fuck on, it should be a non issue.

>it's absolutely retarded to continue the current policy of criminalization.
The only people that suffer are the potheads.

>b-but organized crime would go away if pot was legal...
The fact that construction is legal didn't magically drive organized crime out of the construction industry.

if it was legalized people would eventually shut up about it

replace marijuana with alcohol and reflect on history. bing bada boom your answer

Because people need their crutch to get through the day.

because it is addictive

i loved this

mostly because of communists. they want to abuse it to get high and religious people want to fight it because religion, so you're guaranteed to have a fissure there that you can manipulate and keep people divided. if everyone fought that hard to bring mass production of hemp to the U.S offset devastating logging operations and deforestation, we'd be bad goys
its the same as with everything

"Caffeine significantly increased blood pressure, and produced feelings of arousal, positive mood, and high. Caffeine increased the number of hits and decreased reaction times in a vigilance task, but impaired performance on a memory task."

"Matthew Lazenka, a researcher at Virginia Commonwealth University Health System argues that caffeine ticks off as many boxes as for drug abuse as THC, the active ingredient in cannabis."

"About 1 percent of the population is addicted to a drug that gives them headaches if they quit, and may cause jitters, anxiety, insomnia"

"It is estimated that in North America between 80 and 90 percent of adults and children habitually consume caffeine," according to a report from the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. "Caffeine use can be associated with several distinct psychiatric syndromes: caffeine intoxication, caffeine withdrawal, caffeine dependence, caffeine-induced sleep disorder, and caffeine-induced anxiety disorder."


Cannabis causes neurogensis in the brain which is basically a plant side stepping the need for stemcell research, as much of what that research is for medically, can be replaced with THC/CBD.

Look at Parkinsons disease for example and the immediacy of the effect of cannabis VS a millionaire like Michael J Fox asking to further stemcell research

It's criminal that this medicine is being denied to people.

Just like the fags shut up once they were allowed to get "married" right?

That's a fair argument, I certainly can't tell how stable you are over the computer based on what you've just typed. Still, it's fair to say you have to keep in mind that people who are mentally unstable can't really tell they're mentally unstable. There is certainly a correlation between addictions, _of any kind_, and mental instability.

Look at my comments, I just said we shouldn't jail marijuana users. Click my id?

Do you drink caffeine and consume sugar?

It's not logic; it's facts unless you think 80% of people aren't working hard enough in which case weed probably isn't the problem you're looking for.

because muh freedom dickhead. you should also legalize everything

>Comparing pot to sugar

Everyone I have known in my life who smoked pot regularly was a degenerate. A true Ubermensch does not have a need for these degenerate substances

It also eradicates the moral taboo associated with stemcell research

maybe because you're an idiot.
i used to work my fingers to the bone for $500 a week.
Now, i work a super lazy 35 hours a week and take in 3k

>not jailing = legal
Why does Anheuser-Busch get access to modern banking services but if I declare income from growing pot on my taxes I'll probably get arrested?

Do (you) know any true ubermensch?

sugar is worse

You know the colossal majority of people incarcerated related to drug crimes is because of drug distribution? A substantial minority of people in prison are in because of drug use.

I understand your point, but I would still argue the gravity of daily marijuana consumption on both a personal and societal toll are too much. There are direct links between marijuana and depression/anxiety, much more so than caffeine.

I also agree with the potential medical usage of marijuana, 100%, but I'm not taking gabapentin everyday either just because I get a slight buzz off of it.

People have a right to choose, there are pros and cons to weed, and all drugs really, it's up to each individual to decide if the benefits outweigh the cost. Nobody has a right to dictate to me what I can and can't do if I'm not harming anybody but myself. T. Ex stoner.

Sugar is far more dangerous than cannabis.

In fact, cannabis protects long term memory in users, while short term memory is merely affected temporarily.

Cannabis is on the frontier of Alzheimer's research.

I say there is nothing wrong with cannabis. People are the problem, not weed. We live in a place and time where a lot of people are brain dead fools. People lack self control, make poor choices, and fuck their lives up because of it. Addiction isn't a disease. No one will accept responsibility or shame. When things go wrong for heroin addicts suddenly they are a victim? They are only a victim of their own stupidly. Cannabis won't kill you, it won't make you insane for the next hit. Only massive degenerates burn themselves out on drugs and then blame society.

>Most potheads think it's easy to quit but how many of them stay off it? How many of them do it once a month? Few and far between. It's not just a drug, it's a lifestyle.
I know too many potheads, most are employed but they tend to suck at everything besides sales and always forget shit and therefor fuck up all their lies. None have quit though they have all tried at some point, pot is addictive and anyone that argues otherwise doesn't know any potheads.

> would make people care less about it

Why the fuck do YOU care so much about what other ppl do?

>weed makes me mellow dude

You can't determine how much someone is worth based off of how hard they work. If you can provide me with some evidence I'd gladly want to see it so I can sit around and masturbate and smoke pot all day.

You specialized in a field -- congratulations.

That's a different problem entirely.

I'd agree with that, actually. Sugar is terrible for you.

Pretty much.

because politically connected monsters bribed the government to serve as their enforcers in an act of regulatory capture

>mfw potheads claim legalization drove violence out of the alcohol industry when there's an entire government agency whose sole purpose is to send out heavily armed brute squads to shoot your dog should you attempt to undermine the artificial barriers to entry set up by the dominant cartels of the alcohol, tobacco and firearms industries.

>Junkie logic

>Nobody has the right to dictate to me what I can and can't do if I'm not harming anybody
Watching Child porno
Consensual sex with someone not 18
Public Nudity
Copyright Infringement
^All things in which neither party is hurt, yet it is illegal at some level. So yes, the government does have the right to dictate to you what you can and cannot do, part of the social contract.

Because they're addicted to it and indoctrinated by it, weed is the shadow on the wall of the cave.

>sugar is worse
Sugar is the molecule your body burns for energy. You going to start bitching about how oxygen is the worst addictive substance of all because it makes iron rust and the withdrawal symptoms are 100% fatal?

>Why do people defend marijuana so ardently?
because they're degenerate cultists. they don't understand that they're no different from the wino you see laying in the street or the tweaker running around with no teeth. weed smokers should be put in prison for life, I lost some of my best m80s from weed overdoses.

Because it destroys work ethic, that's why people are getting lazier and lazier as marijuana becomes more and more popular.

I didn't call anyone a junkie for being addicted to sugar, it's a big problem.

It really has to do with how much you consume and what types. If you're eating processed sugar, you're eating a lot more carbs than eating fruits. A *lot* more. I'm anti-pot and anti-sugar, but we definitely have more of a sugar problem in our society than a pot problem right now.

The sweet danger of sugar - Harvard Health

calm down spaz, I'm just saying sugar is worse than weed in high quantities.

they are both harmless in the grand scheme of things with moderation.

Why do women defend pro-choice so ardently? If you don't want to have children then don't have em.

Idiots defend their idiocy. Liberals are truly demented creatures.

>you can't determine worth based on how hard they work
Then how can you say that someone who smokes pot and doesn't work isn't worth anything?

>I want to sit around and masturbate and smoke pot all day
Masturbating is degenerate.

>legal weed means not getting jailed
It's absolutely a double standard that sex culture and booze culture can be monetized but weed culture can't. Plus, if weed culture were legal then the tax base would increase and maybe less people would drink heavily or fuck black bulls.

Whoa buddy nobody said alcohol was fully legal, weed is just even less legal because there's multiple entire government agencies at federal and state level whose sole purpose is to send out heavily armed brute squads to shoot your dog; and I love skeeter.

Type 2 Diabetics are degenerates too, just like marijuana junkies.

Nothing euthanasia can't fix.

>nobody in my shithole lives past 50:the post

The sweet danger of sugar - Harvard Health

Have you heard of "The Twinkie Defense" ?

The Twinkie Defense. 374. Claim: During Dan White's murder trial, his defense lawyer successfully argued that White's judgment had been impaired due to his consumption of Twinkies and other junk foods

wow senpai, you are so wise

>The only people that suffer are the potheads.
The taxpayers suffer locking up people that are not harming anyone but themselves.
>The fact that construction is legal didn't magically drive organized crime out of the construction industry
So nobody should do anything to impact criminal organizations unless it completely stops 100% of crime? Fucking brilliant!


Well, at least watching Rick and Morty will give him a +25 IQ boost.

Yeah and too much water kills you, that doesn't detract from the point that it and sugar are substances the body requires to function, unlike marijuana.

Which is why comparing sugar to marijuana is Grade A stoner logic.
>inb4 "muh cabana boy receptors" as if that proves your body needs pot to function

... with everything except weed itself.

That's how I feel about drug use.
There's potential for increased awareness and self-improvement in general, but definitely not if you're hopped up on goof balls 24/7 fuckin' 'ell