> The U.S. Marine Corps will no longer require prospective officers to pass a punishing combat endurance test to graduate from the service’s Infantry Officer Course.

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>ITT: skinnyfat nerds insult brave women who were ready to fight and die for freedom while said nerds masturbate to anime

You’ve reached a new low pol. Those women risk their lives so you can own a computer to shitpost from. They’re tougher than you, smarter than you, and you’re jealous virgins.

So tough and smart that they need standards lowered or, as in this case, completely done away with.

>implying the US army serves the american people

Why does ZOG cripple its army?
if the army is full of women, niggers, trannies and faggots who will destroy isreal's enemies?

Jesus fucking Christ. What does anyone gain by lowering the standards for females?

God has a plan for us user

Implying China isn't just as fucked.

Kill yourself queer. I'm currently under the command of an infantry officer and the man is a goddamn marathon runner. I might not like fucking officers, but they earned their shit. If I have to take orders from some hairy cunt, it'd be fucking agonizing.

The state of the United States Minority Corps


Join the military and take orders from deadbeats, women and niggers. I wonder why all the good Marines get out after their first enlistment?

the american military do not serve the american people but they do serve our government

How come the marines became what they are? they originally were only supposed to be military police of navy ships

shiieeet actually it means the US marines will use exoskeletons

Between this shit and Obama's portrait i'm getting really fucking upset today.

they are terrified of a US awakening

only the most morally depraved, sick and twisted societies send their women to the frontlines. and to actually be proud of this? absolutely subhuman

i cant see trump putting up with this

"As long as they meet the same standards", they said.

They’re supposed to be an amphibious infantry and an expeditionary force. They served their roles pretty damn well in the pacific. But since then there haven’t been any conflicts that need amphibious and expeditionary forces so they’re basically a second army. If we go to war with Korea the marines and army will have very different roles again.

It just so happens that the Marine Corps is at the exact same time worried that maybe the lowered standards fuels a lack of respect for female marines, imagine that.

That's a female lower enlisted soldier, and she isn't an officer.

I'm sorry but we live in a clownworld where YOU are the traitor for even suggesting such a thing.

He didn't stop the diversity quote in the military. And Kelly is letting trans, on medication, to enlist

>They’re tougher than you, smarter than you

And yet they couldn't pass any of the endurance tests?

i hate people

What the fuck? I had to get a fucking waiver and almost get DQ’d because I took acutane in high school. But let’s just let dickchoppers in as long as they take their hormone replacements!

I could not give less of a shit about the fact they may be in better shape than me because they are clearly not in good enough shape for the marines

>they’re tougher than you
Then how come i passed boot camp fine but they had to have the standards lowered for them? And the Mairnes higher ups wonder why no male Marines like female “Marines”

Yeah, there' no active or former military in Sup Forums

Why would trump lower the standards like that?

I always give this picture a (You)

>That 1,000 yard deathglare


Q predicted this five times

Pretty soon the US military will be just as fake and pussified as the IDF

The CSM has already killed everyone within 100m of this cunt 10x's over in his mind.

The Marines I served with just 15 years ago were hard motherfuckers. We get invaded today, we’ll have to use nukes because fighting age men are too soft these days, we couldn’t fight a conventional war.

so this is where this meme came from

This is completely irrelevant for the supremacy of the MIC, and the US Army only ever was a tool of the MIC

- Wars are going to be increasingly done by PMCs
- Human soldiers are on the way to obsolence because robots

Soon the process for joining the military will go like this
>are you alive
>here's your gun

>dont have enough new meat for the grinder
>hurry find a way to put more meat in quicker


That’s how the Army already is. They’ll take anyone with a pulse

>Be me
>Try to join military
>Left shoulder is scarred up due to being in a knife fight and getting cut when walking through dense brush
>MEPS Doctor says I did it to myself and disqualifies me
>Military only wants soyboys and females who are not physically capable of doing the job
Modern veterans deserve no more respect than a gas station clerk.

those two things dont go together

Mattis has to stop being a faggot.

Look here faggot I didn't ask for anyone's protection or permission to own shit.

These women can't even pass the basic requirements to be a 0311. They will never be equal, we evolved this way.

Top kek, join the military then get back to me on what a wonderful contribution women make to our armed forces.

Shut up fag.

This kind of jewish poison always starts in the chair force, then spreads to the army, and then a toss up between the marines and the navy. Though it's probably the marines first, since it's already inundated with mexicans, and women seem to not like living on an aircraft carrier or submarine for months and months.

It's designed to kill off pride in nation and manhood, and replace it as a government jobs program to send muttified peasants on fool's errands.

That is a pic of a US Army female enlisted Soldier. Not a US Marine Corps officer.