This is their endgame

Take a look, Sup Forums. This is what they ultimately want when they're the majority in just a few years.

Other urls found in this thread:


I honestly can't believe that shit. This might start the civil war

It's fine

What's the sauce on these?

your an idiot, blacks will never top 20% without abortions being banned. 1/3 black babies are killed in the womb.

The artist:

>your an idiot

Look a nigger painted a nigger on wallpaper. The composition is crap.

This shit reeees with the politics of resentment. These bitchanzees are depicted like this because either a. the artist is a black chick who knows her face is objectively worse than whites or b. a black dude who cant pull white chicks.

I'm leaning towards the later since black males exhibit some creativity on the odd ocasion.

Blacks are never going to be the majority, hispanics will be. And last time I checked they aren't going around slaughtering the white people in South America.

Fucking chimps invaders why don't they fuck off to Africa free from da white oppressors?

Oh right, parasites can't live without a host.
Man, fuck niggers. I can't wait for the fucking martial law.

The black population has never budged from 13%. Hispanic immigration is down. They breed less as they integrate, and who really cares about mestizos anyway? (There's nothing wrong with Asians or Amerindians.) Nothing is happening. Nothing ever happens.


It's so obvious that it is some IRL bait.

spicks will outbreed us because they have a bunch of fucking catholics who dont believe in abortion

Nobody cares, normies don't give a fuck about anything.

>And last time I checked they aren't going around slaughtering the white people in South America.

You're right, they just slaughter indiscriminately

Wake the fuck up you stupid kike we have no choice but to engage in a racewar at this point

When Michele Obama releases the portrait, the Sup Forums tears will sustain me for weeks, maybe even months. I shall descend upon this board like a wolf upon a lamb, and bask in the unending impotent rage that this board will pump out. I will gaze upon the suicide threads and rage posts, and drink deep of their whining. When they actually start livestreaming their own suicides and self-mutilation, Ill know true ecstasy. I dont think my penis will ever be harder than it will be when a million Sup Forums tards cry out in itty bitty fashyboi penis fury simultaneously. Theyll try to convince themselves it was a bad painting. Theyll try to convince themselves that the critics had pulled a fast one on them. We will riot! They will say. Sup Forumsebelmedia! Trolls! they will cry. Time will pass, and they will do nothing because they only talk. They are too cowardly and weak to do anything. But best of all, none of their bitching will balm the pain of knowing that their golden emperor, their salvation, will go down in history as an embarrassment, as an amusing footnote at best, as the white trash who failed harder than any other president. The entire world KNOWS that blumpf is literally casual, that nothing you do really matters, that his story is shallow and worthless. But all this only drives home just how little the nazis think of Michael Obama painting. After all its bullshit, its lies, its dumbing down they STILL see blumpf as being superior to obama. When the denizens of Sup Forums come to this realization, they shall know true, soul-crushing, all-encompassing despair. Exquisite shall be their pain. I will look into their eyes and watch their spirit break, and wont reach my climax a moment sooner.

I need to fap.

their endgame is alluding to one of the most recognizable images in Western art?

stop being so culturally illiterate

These pictures are just screaming:
>seems like someone is jealous of white women

This is very similar to that artist Cleon Peterson who painted that mural below the Eiffel Tower. These are artists depicting mass anti White violence and they obviously have ties to political actors.

This painting that was under the Effiel Tower is called ‘Endless Sleep’

And here’s another from Cleon Peterson. Depicting mass anti-White violence

yikes, neck yourself


I am sure this is a cohincidence

Sure it was...


Yes because random white women are an appropriate fill in for a general of Nebuchadnezzar tasked with exacting revenge and eliminating the worship of any gods other than him.

hes portrayed as brown in the other paintings. Kehinde Wiley is a shitty artist but the ammount of buttblast over this is comical

Look at that fucking scowl. Jesus Christ. The anti-white sentiment is palpable.


Dafuq does Holofernes' appearance have to do with random white women not being a morally equivalent proxy for a military general tasked with conquest?

>morally equivalent
its not meant to be, Willey's work has always been about inserting blacks into a pictoral history.
Its shallow, no question, but thats always been his style.
If your looking to assign the same biblical/personal significance as did Caravaggio or Gentileschi then your misleading yourself

nice try, but you left nigger hand.


It's not a nigger hand, it's a reminder about the original anglo complexion

These need to be spread far and wide.

Enough with this nonsense let them do what they want, I pray for a race war. If they get to the point in which they think they can “kill whitey” I will be so happy because I can finally start killing niggers and lefties.


Fucking hell you’re a weird guy


how do you tell lefties apart?

Is Sup Forums really this uneducated? These are obviously spoofs of Judith Beheading Holofernes, a common biblical painting theme. Go obsess over something else.

Her right arm has a left hand.

yeah no. Not even close. Fuck off jew

Yet of all works in the western canon, he chose this one. And note that whine he doesn't fundamentally alter the color and appearance of the horses in his other pathetic cargo cult attempts at clever allusion. Yet he deliberately chose to alter not merely his Judith but his Holofernes as well, and if you can't see the underlying resentment (disregarding that the whole premise of his work drips with such), you're either lying or giving a hopelessly naive charitable interpretation of it.

good point m8. I love paintings of white women getting beheaded now.



This is good. Spread it on social media.

probably, but this isn't some clever inversion. holofernes was a dude, and both judith and holofernes were essentially the same race/skin tone. so what sort of narrative do you think the artist is creating by changing this to a black woman killing a white woman?


race wasn't a consideration for the old master paintings of judith and holofernes, the racial narrative was inserted by kehinde.

as a painter let me just say kehinde is a shit painter. if it weren't for the black empowerment angel he'd be a nobody, there are thousands of people who can paint from photos just as well in art schools around the country right now.


Fix the coal hand and you're golden. Nice job.

Go easy on them. Given their limited cognitive status, things like subtlety and the distinction between clever allusion and crass plagiarism don't come naturally.