It's been a month since last thread.
Can we have some Slayers love?
Other urls found in this thread:
lina is love lina is life
I love you user!
I've really missed these threads.
Would you watch a modern AU school parody of Slayers?
Yes, just because I love the characters.
But I'd prefer a Slayers Special TV adaptation.
This. And a translation of Slayers Special beyond the first volume while we are at it.
I'm not really a Naga fan, so I'd only want a Slayers Special TV series if they find a way to include Amelia and Zel like they did in the drama CD adaptations of Special. I'm sure they can incorporate both them and Naga while respecting the "Amelia must not meet Gracia" rule if they get creative like in Evo-R.
went through all tv series and OVAs and movies these last two months
only left with Evolution-R and frankly its weak
I liked the Zelgadis flashback, but you are definitely right. The lame final battle and handwaving character motivations with the magic pot didn't help.
>Special has 30 volumes
>Only the first one is translated
Can we see this translated in our lifetime?
Probably not. It took forever to get the original series translated in the first place, and that was with half of it being done professionally and the fanbase being at its peak. It is sad as it is second only to the original series in having canon information. Maybe when AIs can automatically translate text we will see some progress.
You can always learn Japanese.
OOOHHHOHOHOHO not a Naga the well built sorcerer, but a fan of the child and the rock
I agree. Zelgadis is one of my favorite characters so I enjoyed seeing his backstory, but the season as a whole was incoherent. The main plot meandered all over the place, while the filler was too puerile, like they were writing with a little kid audience in mind compared to the original 3 TV series.
what a coincidence, I'm watching the whole thing, currently began TRY
Forgive me, Naga-sama. The child and the rock are my reasons for the series being my favorite.
Amelia is best girl
You speak the truth.
I am not sure why Pokota was added in the first place. Kanzaka seemed to have been following a pattern as the Aqualord manga had a shota faggot MC, but he wasn't quite as bad. I really thought that the direction in the later LNs, suffering and all, was great. It is a shame that they went a much more kid oriented direction with later installments as with Revo/Evo.
I don't recognize anything further beyond TRY, all that came after that was garbage
couldn't they just adapt another series revolving around the 3 remaining grand demons? zellas, dynast and dolphin
was Zelgadiss ever cured in one of the novels or something?
I love you, Naga-sama
The other Slayers installments did. The LNs had the entire team fight Dynast in the second half. Zellas was the main antagonist of the SNES game. Dolph's minions were appropriately the villains of the Aqualord manga, though Dolph herself never shows up and just gets teased. The anime however went full retard with with the direction of Revo/Evo.
There's a ton of material they could adapt into anime. And since the characters and setting are so rich, if they wanted to make good anime original material, they could do that too (provided they hire decent writers).
I think the real problem is that there is no new material to promote, since Kanzaka is pretty much done with writing Slayers, and nowadays most adaptations only get made as a way to promote their original manga/LN.
No, he never gets cured in the LNs.
>The anime however went full retard with with the direction of Revo/Evo.
that's a shame, considering how much material they had to choose from and use it
nothing beats the finale of the first season for me, copy Rezo nuking Sairaag and the gang barely being able to face him got me hype as fuck
How can one girl be so ________F__L__A__T__
No. Kanzaka said that Zel will eventually be cured, but refuses to reveal to the public how it will happen. (He gave permission to one of his friends to reveal the method after he dies.)
>(He gave permission to one of his friends to reveal the method after he dies.)
are you fucking kidding me?
that is from the first episode of TRY right? goddamn it still makes me laugh like a madman
I'm pretty sure Pokota was just a badly executed attempt at getting a new generation of kids to watch the show, and probably a cynical merchandising cash grab at that.
Royal also had a shota guest lead, but he was an elf so he acted more maturely.
I would really like to find some interviews or something that explain how the planning process for Revo/Evo-R went, and how much involvement Kanzaka actually had. But they never even published any artbooks for those seasons, in contrast to the earlier seasons, which contained a lot of background information.
That's what he said in an interview. He may have been joking, but I think he probably just wanted to torment the fans. He has said after all that each one of his characters are shades of his personality, which presumably means he has an assholish trickster side to him somewhere like Xelloss.
I hated the most recent movie that came out (was it Evolution? The one with the stupid octopus plot)
I really wish they did make a new series that captured the spirit of the first 3 series, and maybe even the OAV.
Who would win in a fight?
Lina or Megumin?
That was Premium. I liked some individual scenes in it, but it was pretty dumb on the whole and the characters didn't act like themselves. Blame Junichi Sato who wrote and directed the thing (his one and only Slayers credit).
Everyone wants a new series that feels like the first 3, but lightning usually doesn't strike twice. An OVA would be nice though, even if it's filler.
That's not even a contest. megumeme explosion can't even a castle
I feel like all other "magical girls" (okay, maybe "witches") are a pale comparison to Lina Inverse.
Don't forget "dragon girls"
For me there's no warrior princess who can compare to my Amelia.
Why do they call her "flat" when clearly she does have, abeit small, breasts?
Been many years since I last saw slayers. I kind of want to, but I can't remember if the anime is plot centric or episodic.
Which OP song in the series is your favorite?
I dunno if the first one is simply that catchy and hard to beat, or more like it's because it's the "Ai Wo Toridomose" of Slayers
Because the illustrator is a titty fiend and is probably physically incapable of drawing a completely washboard flat girl.
Although some people attempt the in-universe explanation that in the Slayers world, Lina's breast size is considered flat, while their normal would be big to us.
She is a low to mid B and she is perfect that way. Also the world needs more little lina.
A tie between "Give a Reason" and "Breeze"
I don't know if this count, but I like it too.
That explain a lot.
She is not flat, she just far below averange.
I like "Touch Yourself" too, it's been in my mp3 playlist for 20 years.
My favorite OP is probably still Get Along because Megumi sings it so exuberantly.
I'm only 3 episodes into Slayers so far, but here's my favorite piece of art that I've saved.
The perfect combination of sexiness and innocence.
I love Slayers AUs, I honestly wish they would make an OVA out of one.
Is this the only time Araizumi has drawn human Zelgadis? I can't find any other examples in my image collection.
Is here the user that is translating Slayers Royal?
I'm here. Updates have stalled a little bit because I'm waiting for the official walkthrough guide to arrive via SAL.
For anyone might be interested, the website is
That mid-90s crap DVD releases. Even LD look better than that DVD. I wish they make remaster sometime.
Are the original masters lost or something?
That's what people say, although I've never found official confirmation of it.
Has anyone here played Heroes Fantasia or know much about it? I'd like to play it but I don't have a PSP.
At least I thought the Premium manga was better than the movie since it took the silly premise slightly more seriously.
Is this from Granblue Fantasy?
why is it that mexico of all places get's a BD release of slayers TV rather than japan?
I think it's Spain, and they just did an upscale rather than a true remaster.
That's Spain and is an upscale, not a true remaster
while they're at it, they could also do the other seasons
Holy shit, I need them
Is the cook there Zel?
If the original master are really lost, this is the best we can get?
Yes, cute isn't he? Araizumi should draw him as a human more often.
Should've stopped after Next finished. Everything since then has been terrible.
But Try wasn't bad.
TRY is my favorite season
Looks like they mess colors and make edges slightly sharper.
At first - looks really appealing. But in detail - artefacts exactly like on original R2 DVD.
Valgaav though.
That was fucking stupid.
Fillia? Fine. All the Xellos? Fine. All the Valgaav? Naw, son.
I found Valgaav more tolerable than Filia whose shtick of getting mad and swinging around her mace all the time got old real quick. The only thing I liked about her was her ability to annoy Xelloss. I also couldn't stand Jillas.
But I thought the main plotline was pretty good, just didn't like the pointless filler they put in the middle which broke up the flow.
I'd happily eat Lina's shit
I hate justice
Lina would Dragon Slave the fuck out of you out of pure disgust if she ever heard you say that.
Kanzaka didn't write him, and it tells. The crawling in my skin bit just wasn't compelling.
Dat fish episode
How long until the hiatus on the manga ends???
>LIna and company meets Mai hime girls and Keroro.
But justice is so wonderful! You should learn to love it, Xelloss-san!
What hiatus on the manga? Any of the Slayers manga series were finished years ago.
threadly reminder
Next > original > try
Is Naga holding a pocket edition of the Claire Bible?
possibly an excerpt, as I imagine there would be copies of excerpts that exist.
>Next > original > try
Quoted for truth
Waifu2x give very nice upscale results and can clean image. But source R2 DVDs need insane ammount of filtering, processing and manual editing even before waifu2x. I tryed, but give up because it really hard.
Example what waifu2x can do with lowres video:
Source 800x450
standard upscale 720p
waifu2x upscale 1080p
Some flickering (mb filtering can be apply to remove it) but lines and dots are much cleaner!
I think what they found in ep 2 of Next (and lost to Xelloss) was an excerpt of the Claire Bible.
That was hard to watch, and the ghost ship and the Alice in Wonderland parody episodes were even worse.
I liked the ghost ship episode
did someone else in this show got shat upon as hard as Sylphiel?
>Gourry never gave a damn about her
>hometown got nuked and famly killed due to a bunch of rogues provoking a perfectly respectable red monk
>hometown and family got killed AGAIN due to the same faggots messing with the Hellmaster
>probably ended up as a white whore ni Sailoon