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Love it, let's do this.
Kill yourself faggot
not interested
Second Amendment.
Check. Mate.
No thanks. I like having food on my plate.
And not a single world about Venezuela by those niggers.
Soon comrade.
We're already starting to win local offices.
A socialist candidate for my city council won 40% of the votes last election, which was a plurality, but then all of the other candidates threw their support behind a single person to defeat the socialist in the next round.
We're very, very close.
[stomach rumbling sounds]
On what? Moving Alaska to where Mexico currently is?
Class consciousness is increasing in the western world. The fascists have had their turn and have utterly failed. All it will take is another capitalist crash for the masses to wake up and head towards socialism.
Venezuela is what happens when you base your entire economy on a single resource, and then that resource loses 70% of its value. Venezuela is tame compared to what happened in Capitalist Ireland, or Capitalist Germany.
>Soup kitchen noises
Replace it with a mcdonalds logo
So you are saying Venezuela wasn't real socialism and you can do it better next time?
I got the perfect video for you: youtube.com
hurry up and try it
you god damned faggots
we will break you and then slay your slave masters calling the shots.
I’d literally rather have the central government be McDonald’s than communists.
Oh good, another jewish messiah come to save me. That's jews for you. Always thinking about others, never about their own interests. Such a selfless people are truly a gift from G-d.
This this this this this this this this this
I'm saying socialism has nothing to do with gang violence and oil prices.
Why don't YOU explain why the problem is unique to Venezuela? Why isn't Cuba having Hyperinflation? Why isn't China? Why isn't Vietnam? Why isn't North Korea? Why didn't ANY communist country experience it?
Commie noggers are not even 0%
Funny I agree with some of both far right and left. Also why don't you commies put your money where your mouth is? There are plenty of ways to grow food and things like that through hydroponics and permaculture, this would feed into the dreaded capitalist machine less, make less of an impact. You could also mend old clothes, not buy from fast food chains, re-purpose old equipment, make yourselves look hearty and resilient and draw so many of the disaffected youth that are going to either end of the identity spectrum in regards to race. Skills don't cost money, be the bricoleurs of modern times instead of just the polar opposite of what the current far right is doing and bitching on the internet, then going and jerking it to catgirls later. You treat you movement like a fashion statement, and it's why you need to brainwash people into joining it through authority figures in schools instead of garnering them from your propaganda that slowly seeps it's way into shit from this damned website.
Better dead than red
Cuba and Vietnam have, North Korea is a closed system, China is not socialist.
Do you know what we experienced after the commies ravaged Bulgaria? Hyperinflation. My parents lost their life savings. It's nice to larp on Sup Forums when you are a basement dwelling neet with no comprehension of economy and no experience in life.
Would solve the obesity problem.
doesn't Venezuela have an abundance of various natural resources? kinda dumb to use only one. and ur right it wasn't real socialism because they SOLD oil
Nope, perfectly avoidable.
There are more capitalist failures than socialist. Literally every country that has implemented socialism ends up with a higher standard of living than those without. Russia went from the feudal ages to having a fucking space program in under 50 years due to centralized planning. China's growth is also due to centralized planning.
Socialism is THE fastest and most efficient way to reduce poverty and increase living standards. Now it has yet to be tried in a first world country but we surely are heading there.
kremlin communists can burn is hell like stalin and their mother
Go to hell.
Do you want a helicopter ride?
>being a godless commie
Hell is for ever!
Please try. It will be the grandest Civil War of any nation of all time.
Well, based on current suicide statistics, as a rural white male you're more likely to kill yourself without us having to lift a finger.
Anyway, armed revolt is so 150 years ago.
>The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But, under the name of ‘liberalism’, they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened
We've already implemented 7/10 of Marx's 10 points here in America. And considering the only ones of the 25 Nazi goals we have implemented are the socialist ones (like social security), I'd say we're winning.
>All socialists are one person. Specifically the one person in this picture.
Markets exist outside of capitalism. Capitalists don't.
>how to make a slide thread, the post
Indeed, public opinion has been shifting away from capitalism for some time now the next economic crash will do it
>being a godless commie
Hell is for ever!
>Not accepting Mohamed as the final prophet of God
Hell is forever.
Hell is for ever!
Maybe you feel like you are the only one seeing your posts. TFW nobody else sees what is happening.
December 25 1991, the best day in history.
My fucking sides..........
Who wouldn't be happy about the breakup of a dictatorship that exploited millions of workers for the benefit of a ruling class?
I mean, not like things got much better with President-for-Life Putin, but eh, at least he's not soiling the name of socialism while he exploits his people.
Helicopter rides are too merciful for the communist scum.
rot in hell like your grandmother. too bad she isnt alive to drink piss anymore
Is he wrong, like be actually honest. Is he wrong, from what i've seen most communist failures have been thanks to you. The only country you were not able to to put your grimey disgusting hands on was Cuba. And Cuba actually has a very high quality of life
Damage control much?
Keep believing that, spic.
This. But we still need to get organized and their is a lot of the public that still needs to be won over
>smash capitalism and help the struggling proletariat
>rural whites make up a large portion of the proletariat in the US and are disproportionally affected by Jewish capitalism
>happy rural whites are dying
Really makes you think you smell kike.
I find it odd that Texas is attached.
t. podemita
Vete a vivir en Cuba.
Fuck no I'm not living in a commie wasteland.
White men are a thing of the past
Oh, here is the "better quality of life" in the Glorious Worker's Paradise of Cuba.
Revolutionaries are always the first to get executed
Only if the Chomskyites get traction in the private
Sphere, do you have a hope in hell. The irony is, when I quoted Chomsky verbatim to some of my fellow Mormons during the Obama years, they were in complete agreement with he sentiment. Depends on who's ox gets gored, doesn't it?
Want me to put pics of detroit for you?
... fascism is revolutionary idiot...
This is what happens when you're cut off from global trade.
Basically, what Trump wants to do to America.
No thanks, I have plenty of those.
Communism is just a Jewish ploy to centralize wealth, steal it then leave the population in poverty. I can't wait for shit to hit the fan.
It's a response to the slavshit, not you brazil.
I can show you a pic of every "inner city" of America and get 10x worse pics than Havana
Cuba traded with communist states during the Cold War. Hence, all the shitty Ladas you see on the streets in Cuba.
No real gommunism :DDDDDDD
Yet there are no homeless people. No one is starving. Everyone is literate(unlike the US) and has access to healthcare. Whats even more astounding is that this is DESPITE getting cut off from most trade with the outside world while being a small island nation with limited resources. Had Cuba been capitalist it would have been like every other Caribbean shithole, such as Haiti. There's a reason why Cubans in Cuba love Castro. His policies did improve their lives by quite a lot.
shitskin commie.
Yeah, that's why they're all drowning in an attempt to reach Miami.
I'm actually not a communist but i'm more sympathetic towards communists than capitalists. In the end, communists will be a bigger hurdle for us to get over than you capitalists considering your system is dying and people are waking up to that fact
Key words-"Inner City"
Outside of a few tourist areas, most of Cuba's cities are that way across the board.
Commie niggers should all be exterminated, commie noggers declare war on all peoples sovreignty.
Would love to see a small town filled with nothing but commies, go against a small town of fascists. See which ones would win, economically and militarily. Just to settle the score once and for all, see which one is the truly best ideology.
pole brother shoot the fuck out of communist rats
Detroit, Baltimore, Chicago, Cleveland, Flint, Buffalo, Oakland, LA, Milwaukee, San Francisco. None of those cities have had a Republican mayor since 1989. It's your comrades who did this.
Well i'm not a commie
Well you wouldn't know now would you ;)
All you faggots do is piss an moan.
Do something. Anything. There are those in this board who would laugh with glee at the opportunity to truncheon your reprobate skulls in.
Funny how anytime someone who has experienced communism first hand speaks up, the commies have zero response.
uh uh uh.
shut the fuck up commie fuck. tell the kremlin you offer great blowjobs
liberals aren't communists? And I'm not a communist. Liberals are just as capitalist as republicans
I've seen enough pics. Just like your experience with our nigger-infested holes is all from pics. :)
I don't speak russian and the kremlin isn't communist and i'm not communist. You mutts aren't very intelligent from what I can tell
movies, ads, youtube, books, pics. A lot of things
Wtf I love gommunism now :DDDDDDD
Helicopter rides are too merciful for communist scum.