Why Japan which is considered sexist by American feminist standards can make more likeable "strong female" characters than America which is more concerned about that shit?
Why Japan which is considered sexist by American feminist standards can make more likeable "strong female" characters...
Because there are female writers in the japanese manga and video game industry.
Attractive women of any kind are considered "sexist and unrealistic"
Because Japan embraces the reality that men and women are fundamentally different creatures, working with the fact rather than trying to fight against it when writing characters. Unlike the west, where most attempts to make a (non-femme-fatale-sex-object) 'strong female' character are to strip her of pretty much all her femininity.
>strong women in the west
>butch, immature dykes with daddy issues
>strong women in the east
>jaded, wordly, tough as nails christmas cakes who got their shit together but are growing pretty weary of living, they might also be lesbians but you wouldn't tell at a glance
Western feminists think women need to become men. Nips don't hold such ridiculous notions.
There's a lot of female writers in Japanese fiction, especially in the adult market.
Hollywood has coasted for a long time on deep pockets and having a golden age 60 years ago. Original entertainment was long ago outsourced to Black musicians and Japanese artists.
Nep is written by a woman too right?
Also drawn by one
Because Japanese female creators helped build the industry and are therefore less insecure and less likely to listen to the whining of people not in their target market.
They can also tell the difference between fiction and reality, which is something many Western feminists seem to have trouble with.
Different definitions. When it comes to some stories, both western and eastern, the "strong" female ends up getting dominated and attracted to the weaker male who ends up stronger, so people don't see that as true strength. What American feminists want is a modestly-dressed character that is shown to be perfectly capable of handling herself and has her own ambitions as opposed to being a wife/assistant.
There's heavy emphasis on the modestly-dressed part since a vast majority of characters that would fit the criteria would also be seen as mere sex-objects due to their attire or behavior. Given Japan's love for those kinds of outfits, many of their characters are dismissed for being more on the risque side.
That explain a lot about how eastern women think.
The entire strong woman thing is a canard constructed to turn women against families, children, their own natural sexuality, society, and make them into mindless debt slaves and child producers(who'll inevitably raise a child to hate whatever sucker they got to knock them up and force them into whatever social mold the television box/academia tells them)worker bees who'll live long(if they don't get obese or suicide themselves)lonely pittiful lives.
They love being strong, but have no idea what that means other then acting like a man and doing what the business controlled media and dyke academics tell them.
Japan doesn't care about the provably false and destructive equality meme.
What do americans get as strong female in their comics and cartoons?
I didn't know Lazzarato posted on Sup Forums
i want to slap her tits
because asian cultures don't associate the word 'strong' with 'masculine' like america does. in america, being called a woman is an insult, even if you are one. so they're 'sexist' themselves by thinking women need to be like men in appearance or behavior to be strong. to an american feminist, being strong means being completely unfeminine, because they actually believe femininity isn't something that comes naturally to women but just something women do because they're either brainwashed by muh patriarchy or because they're cock hungry slutbags.
also no matter how well a female character is written and how deep and human she is, some american feminist will bitch because 'durr hurr muh male gaze', ignoring that not all men look at the world the same way; especially gay men who don't care how a female character is dressed. also ignores actual lesbians(not the ones who are dykes just because they hate men), and the women who intentionally dress their characters revealing because women have power fantasies too.
rather than bitching about how the industry is sexist, japanese women actually work in the industry and produce stuff. kind of pathetic that a lot of the game and anime that american 'feminists' call 'sexist' are drawn or written by women. (like bayonetta)
female versions of male superheroes
Steven Universe, because skinny attractive women piss them off
Not to mention that they think any woman that actually enjoys femininity or "male power fantasies" is accused of internalized misogyny
America walks on eggshells when it comes to female characters because no matter what you do, you're practically guaranteed to offend everyone. That's why the only kind of female character you can have in the West is basically variations on Ray from The Force Awakens. Vulnerability, for example, can be perceived as weakness, so depicting a woman as even having moments of vulnerability opens you up to the accusation that you're depicting women as weak.
They're not any more well-written or interesting than Western female characters, (You) just want to fuck them more.
They shouldn't. Even in the west they almost never get it right and, as a result, they sell horribly.
Case in point, look at Marvel comics at the moment. They've shifted to pandering to SJW's and now they consider a "success" to be what was considered an abysmal failure a decade ago when the industry was in freefall.
western comic market was dying 25 years ago, long before any of this current shit going on. huge part of it is business and economic, like the distribution system. still, it's pretty funny that marvel movies make billions and no one buys the comics.
and even then, rey is a 'mary sue' because she's too perfect. you can't win because american feminists don't agree with each other about anything. japan has it right; they do what they want creatively and just say 'that's what I wanted to do as an artist, it's my thing so fuck off.'
Because western feminists are just retards.
>F: We need more women in STEM
>M: What was the problem you specifically had when trying to get into it?
>F: Eh? No, I don't want to be in STEM. What a stupid question, fucking opressive cis shitlord.
>gay men who don't care how a female character is dressed
hmmm no sweetie
>women have power fantasies too.
To paraphrase Chaucer, feminism is about treating women as individuals with individual desires.
The Japs who make the stuff we like are already social pariahs, so they're predisposed to individualism.
The one thing to remember is that Japan tends to be a bit more capitalistic in their philosophy than America is. There's also a lot of social pressure about making huge scenes or overly shaming another person in public.
"If you don't like something, don't watch it, don't read it, don't buy it." This tends to be how most Japanese people approach things. If guro/rape/tentacle doujins make them uncomfortable, they don't purchase them and that's the end of the story. If something is bad, people won't buy it or support it and it will eventually vanish on its own.
But in America, if you find something offensive, then instead of simply voting with your wallet you need to raise a big stink. Get on social media or on TV and tell everyone how terrible this thing you don't like is, berate them for enjoying it and do everything you can to have this thing either changed or stop its production entirely. In America it's not about you avoiding something you like, but making sure that nobody who does like it gets to enjoy it.
So this tends to carry over to Japanese media, where you have a lot more people who do their own thing, especially when you start looking at smaller video game companies or light novel authors. They write or produce what they want, and they stay afloat or sink by their own merits. And thanks to social customs, they don't have to worry about a huge public outcry occurring because someone feels they did a poor job representing a character - if anyone was unhappy with the character, then they wouldn't have purchased the product or would simply refrain from purchasing any other products from that author rather than making a big scene about it.
People who think that women who actually appreciate their femininity are misogynists are fucking retarded. I'm a woman and I'm happy with being feminine. Just because I'm not a butch-dyke doesn't suddenly make me a person with the belief that women are all cock-slaves. The SJWs honestly just love making a problem out of nothing.
Cause western feminism is actually all based in insecurity.
>don't make female characters attractive because it makes me feel bad about myself
Actually being competent, capable or a good person always comes second to that.
What sucks even more is the fact that they don't realise that both genders get sexualised in the media anyway. It's just media-culture: shut up and enjoy it or don't consume it.
Feminists are scared of 2D in the same way they are scared of porn. I takes away the power they have over men.
>still, it's pretty funny that marvel movies make billions and no one buys the comics.
It's because movie industry is out of ideas and churns out only shit, that even Marvel stuff seems refreshing and fun.
What the fuck is wrong with America?
I wish Baiken was my mommy-gf
>But in America, if you find something offensive, then instead of simply voting with your wallet you need to raise a big stink. Get on social media or on TV and tell everyone how terrible this thing you don't like is, berate them for enjoying it and do everything you can to have this thing either changed or stop its production entirely. In America it's not about you avoiding something you like, but making sure that nobody who does like it gets to enjoy it.
Yeah, like certain people boycotted the new Star Wars because there it has a female lead and a black guy as a supportive character.
It's the difference between western culture encouraging individualism while japan encourages collectivism. You are more important than the group vs the group is more important than you.
It's not as simple as just saying one is strictly better than the other though. Sure japan doesn't have people throwing hissyfits over everything they don't like, but never complaining about anything leads to shit like 100 hour work weeks with no overtime, rampant bullying and suicide, failing relationships and birthrates.
Because Japan often makes the cast of an action series all-female to appeal to a male audience, and in America you can't do that.
Also, pic related
You just answered your own question.
Nips aren't as self-conscious, so "strong and interesting" female characters come more naturally to them.
Ironically, it's the fact that these characters are MEANT to be appealing to both males and females is what makes them succeed more at creating female characters.
>failing birthrates
That's honestly not so bad. Japan is already one of the most overcrowded countries in the world, and people have to pay exorbitant amounts of money to live out of a bathroom stall. Falling birthrates will help to fix a lot of Japan's problems.
It's bizarre to me that pic related assumes that people who argue about this shit have ever heard of Monkey Island. Good niche content has always transcended discrimination politics and always will.
Not a problem now, but when the low pop generation is workforce age and the high pop generation is at retirement, benefit leeching age, there will be a labor/economic crisis.
Will Japan be the last fortress in the world against the SJW?
Only if you don't consider that it places an exorbitant amount of pressure on the younger generations to fund the pension and health care of retiring workers. It's not sustainable, and everyone knows it.
>implying feminism makes sense at all
They'll fix it with automation.
Remember when the UN was considering trying to implement a ban on depictions of violence against fictional women in video games or movies? They find western feminists to be morons.
>We are absolutely in agreement that the protection of the rights of women in Japan is important. On the other hand, we think it should be carefully and seriously evaluated whether the measures taken to ensure those protections are valid ones or not. If we are asked to consider whether “Protecting Women’s Rights in Japan” requires us to “Ban the Sale of Manga and Video Games Depicting Sexual Violence,” then we must reply that that is an absolute “no.”
>Reason #1 – The so-called sexual violence in manga and video games is a made-up thing and as such does not threaten the rights of actual people; therefore, it is meaningless in protecting the rights of women.
>Reason #2 – In Japan, and especially when it comes to manga, these are creative fields that women themselves cultivated and worked hard by their own hand to create careers for themselves. If we were to “ban the sale of manga that includes sexual violence,” it would do the opposite and instead create a new avenue of sexism toward women.
>There is nothing to be gained from regulating fictional sexual violence. However, while you’re trying to fix the rights of fictional characters, you’re leaving the human rights of real women in the real world left to rot.
>Manga is a field where women have put in their hard work and effort to cut forward paths and cultivate a place of their own. We believe that in order to protect this place from being trampled on, it will need our continued hard work to pass it on to the next generation, and it is this effort that will link to the greater freedom and rights of women.
I remember this and that's why I said
Counterpoint: Tomboys never win.
It's ok because tomboy a shit
Are you familiar with the horseshoe effect?
Because Japan was introduced to the term "feminist" from the outside, in Japanese "feminisuto" means "doing things for women" in general.
Japan sees America as a very feminist country... but sees blue-haired SJWs and "Let me open that for you, ma'am. Oh and to show your gratitude you have to have sex with me." as the same mindset on different sides of the political spectrum.
Even prostitutes hate and fear things like sexdolls because "it's not a REAL woman"
Western women are brainwashed trash.
Because within even the female community there's xenophobia against Japan, if it's not western it's not right. They're too stubborn to admit wrong and deny that maybe women outside of their influence might be doing something better than them in one regard.
Well, their fears justified, sex doll might kill their income.
>Hey guys lets talk about feminists and a little bit of anime until we end up talking about comics, movies and politics
This is a Sup Forums tier thread.
Yes, actually. People in the west, regardless of their political position, simply don't know how to enjoy things.
You see through me so well, senpai.
Literally jews.
Why does a thread like this have serious replies on Sup Forums?
Fucking newfag.
Too many moralfags on all sides of the political spectrum clutching their pearls here and fighting culture wars to give their empty lives meaning
Crossboardes think that is ok to talk about politics in here.
>It's the difference between western culture encouraging individualism while japan encourages collectivism
"Western culture" isn't monolithic. Most countries counted as part of The West don't take individualism to America's extreme.
Even the UK is a lot more collectivist than the US is.
>American feminists get angry about Senran Kagura
>the entire dev team for the series is female
>when asked how they feel about their work they say they are proud of it and 'this is how it should be'
Left unrealistic
Right realistic
What is your point?
The hell is this garbage thread. Go somewhere else to complain about petty politics.
If that's true, then the point is that 3D is inferior in every way.
Point is that left is so much better.
Why do Japanese women write the best male characters?
Well then those points are stupid and don't have much to do with the thread
Sjw fear is overblown. They're just internet critics. They have no power unless you give it to them. Be like Japan; if you don't like something don't buy it. Giving them attention is what they want.
Not the same as straight guys though
Those women are batshit. "You're wearing a dress? Oh sweetie, you must be such a cock slut. You need to get woke and wear baggy jeans. Do what we tell you; that's liberation."
Nigger, this is Sup Forums.
what the fuck
Needs to be updated now that Steven Universe and Star Vs are a thing.
Yes but this thread isn't really so who cares.
Steven Universe and Star Vs are magical inspired shows where feminity is portrayed positively and the male MC of the former is a whiny, girly shit that literally cries half the time. They're also very tumblr pandering have a shitload of problems themselves.
Too bad Neptune is an annoying Mary Sue
>Americans can't praise one thing without condemning its opposite
Why is this
I don't watch Steven universe, but star vs the forces of evil has a girl mc who is very feminine but also likes beating the shit out of monsters. it's the one western cartoon that contradicts the right side of that picture. She's like an anime character; shows a bit like urusei yatsura but for kids
Take that back, freak.
>Sjw fear is overblown.
In Japan? Probably. But you shouldn't ever let your guard down.
What's your fucking problem?
Let me guess, you like Noire.
>implying I care about westaboo shit
>But you shouldn't ever let your guard down.
Call me when they actually start killing their politicians again.
Whoever came up with the notion that sexual attraction is diminishing to women should be sent off to the working fields.
>people actually approve of that psycho
Fuck yeah, democracy!
They're like a cancer. Once they spread, you can't get rid of them and they ruin everything. It's hard to imagine Japan falling for this shit because it's so diametrically opposed to their culture, but still they should be careful.
I dunno, I really like tomboyish girls, I'm kinda ok with the direction society is taking.
Just as long as they're not fat. Fat people are scum.
There's your mistake.
This chart is the perfect example of reverse-SJW shit. I hope your kind won't start replacing SJWs once their fad dies out.
Keep your shit politics outside of entertainment.
Also, the bottom left point belongs to anime just as much.
>There's a lot of female writers in Japanese fiction
That's not exclusive to Japan at all. There's a shitload of female writers, usually terrible, in western entertainment business.
What causes the difference is not presence of female creators, but their goals and general attitude. Japanese understand that the purpose of entertainment is to entertain, while western female writers tend to focus on preaching on a soapbox and/or shining their own halos of how progressive they are.
Does anyone have this reaction image but with glowing multicolor face? I lost it from my old reaction images when I got a new computer and I always liked that one.