The "Asian TradWife" Archetype

I'm sure you've all heard it before on one place of the internet or another. The whole argument that girls from Asian countries, particularly Japan, Korea, China and the Philippines, are raised to be good wives to their potential husbands and are a lot better off for it. compared to the supposed degeneracy of western white European women, who as we all know are impressionable and "encouraged by society" to be depraved and selfish.

Do we have any real evidence that this "Asian TradWife" trope is true at all? Could we take anything away from Asian women and try to apply it here in the West?
Pic related is just some girl I got when I searched "asian woman" on google

Other urls found in this thread:

everyone knows it's a meme, except for your 300 lb uncle who is 60 years old and hasn't been touched by a woman since his wife left him 35 years ago. He lives for the letters he receives from Chingy Chongy through the mail order bride agency.

I'm married to a born and raised asian woman, it's a meme, but it's also a fairly accurate assessment.

Asian cultures never had feminist nonsense corrupt it's traditional family and gender role culture. This is why every man that finds a woman there or from there, starts talking about how women in the west act like men and are complete garbage.

The only people claiming it's a myth are the stormfag types that think we're betraying our race(and i guess they're right although i was never under an obligation) and jelly white women that get assblasted when they see an attractive guy with a chink.

Here's a few things to know about being with an asian woman:

In their culture they run the house. The Grandmother is a fucking god in the family structure.

As a man your role is to work and provide, and in exchange they'll take care of the home and atleast in asia, they run the finances.

Women that come from provincial districts are largely very conservative and don't feel an obligation to work outside the home, although my wife has asked me if i'll allow it.

That's another important distinction, if the woman wants to do anything she will ask, not demand. This comes across in the west as "patriarchal," whereas in asia it's seen as common sense for partners to come to a consensus and not try to impose their will on each other. Only feminine men don't like making decisions anyway.

Lastly, the women are incredibly feminine, and when you're with them you'll notice they naturally bring out your masculinity. Unlike western women you don't have to fight to let it out. When you marry you become family, and children are treated as additions. The core of every family is the parents, and parent worship is normal. This is largely why asians don't go through the nonsense "rebellion" phase that western teens do. Everyone works toward enjoying the present and having a better future.

Why the fuck would anyone want to gamble on a western white woman?

I'm literally living it. My Chinese wife is literally bare foot and in the kitchen cooking as I type this. After that she gets on her hands and knees and scrubs the floor. No joke. She's also fit as fuck and goes to the gym a couple hours a day. Contrast that with pic related.

Asians are human fucking garbage, these gooks need a fucking bullet, all of them. Sick of their fucked up ways, asians, jews, niggers and muslims are all retarded, nuke their entire countries, slaughter them all. Japan china korea etc, turn it all to glass

Well, my girlfriend is Japanese and she's definitely traditional/Conservative. Likes kids, wants to be a housewife, never slept around and isn't influenced by any western degeneracy. I'm pretty happy.

I honestly don`t see the appeal. I get to bark orders more than enough at my job, I don`t get it why would you feel need to maintain the apparatus of command even at home. How can you realistically relax at any point if you`re constantly being put under the responsibility of absolutely everything with a partner unable to make decisions by herself, independently.

you fucking dumb faggots obsess with importing women from other countries just so they are clueless about how much power they have in the west and supposedly wont ever step on your balls

doesnt even work, shut the fuck up about "muh traditional white women" or "muh traditional non white women"

its all fucking meaningless until the state of society completely flips around and women arent being encouraged to go fuck new men on your dime with child support or whatever

jesus fucking christ just shut the fuck up about women and fucking do something politically, you arent going to shit out enough hapas or white kids to outbreed or outvote shitskins in our own countries so long as they still have human rights, you're all a fuckin joke

That's called being a man you fucking faggot.

Found the cuck.

Unfortunately, there is no proof. Even more unfortunately, in these cases with no proof, anons believe what they *think* is true, whether it be the Asian tradwife or the not Asian tradwife.

I'm observing more anons leaning the way of the Asian tradwife.

No, I think that the desire to dominate over others is very base for those lower on social hierarchy, who have never wielded actual responsibility over others.
Its not about something so base as sex. I just have found that time what I spent during my mandatory military service to be most enjoyable of my life. Following orders is nice and simple, especially when your own window of responsibility is far more limited in the collective whole.

I rather have an independent wife than a chink dog

The person you replied to literally fucking told you that the woman runs the house. Why would he need to bark orders at the woman in charge who is taking an active roll in leading the house?

A good woman take the house and makes it her domain. She takes personal responsibility for the environment that her family resides in and takes and active and leading roll in improving it.

Most anons are lying

Just be better than your woman and live in a country were male authority isn't compromised by the state.

>the typical gook fucker

Lying about their opinion?

The evidence will never manifest itself with interracial relationships where the white male is dominant because the white boys will be getting the low-grade yellow fruit.

I know asians they are red pilled. But if you cheat on them they will know and fuck your friends and have you find out shes been getting pounded by the homie for a year. Dont cheat on them lol

image mocks both white race and asian race
>i wonder who could be behind this post?
>could it possibly be a self hating hapa?

Same here completely based awesome Thai woman with good values not a white not a scammer not after a visa none of that shit. I wasnt hurting for being able to get white girls I just happened to meet this one and I won’t look back. They are out there, forty for all the drunk abusive faggot aussies and brits that think they are buying a blowup fuck doll but they are so dysfunctional that they will ruin any relationships Ching Chong or Elenor Britteeth

Not a whore * (but not a white works too lol)


>the Philippines

Had me until there. Same as marrying a Thai bar-girl.

First of all she’s hot and second I have more hair and keep my mouth shut lol

Oof, that flag change tho

I`m doubtful of that, most relationships that I have seen of similar nature the woman plays delicate role of irresponsible fucktard unable to take any personal responsibility if it was not her "decisions ". Housewifes are fucking afoul humans, since they completely lack any real life experience and personal responsibility, they are completely unable to relate to their working partner.

Filipinas by now are genetic level scammers. Great cum dumpsters but best avoided.

To gain?


Every Japanese girl I've ever dated has been really dedicated to me and obviously actively tried to be a good girlfriend

Every Western girl I've ever dated acted as though she couldn't be bothered to put effort into the relationship because she knew she could just find another, possibly better one immediately after breaking up with me

I suspect this may have something to do with my relative desirability to Japanese and to Western women though

Go to any asian country and you can see it for yourself

No. It's just you lying. I been to Japan and most of the women look below average

The ones from wealthy families are so incredibly entitled despite being retarded, that it boggles the mind. The poor ones are idiots that think getting fucked by a guy means they're getting a happy home

Beauty is subjective.


As if anyone here would touch you.

Then stop saying postmodern art is bad

>Asians are more attractive and make better wives
You don't fucking say...


>That selfie licking a dog printed and put on the wall

Is a blank wall that bad? Jesus

Never made the claim

While you might doubt him, the fact is, given what he said, your response makes no sense whatsoever.

You are gay

Tits or gtfo


See the 11th fallacy on the 2nd sticky.


People arent staring because left wing media practically shills it at this point. A Hapa is only half the white and this percentile only decreases in time with low Western birthrates amongst whites. For trying to preserve the white race, you failed from the start already.

Sucky sucky faggy

Except I didn't mention female attractiveness at all in my post you fucking retard


I`m not here to debunk your romanticized idealism, my point still stands. Stay at home parents are irresponsible and immoral people.

i just want to get back at white "women" for not fucking me and being fat

How idiotic.

I don’t care.

Because they are all below average

In some place of china, the more stupid the women become the better they are. So training them to be complete obey their husband is possible.

go marry a white woman, you wont have to worry about being a man


What we must fight for is to safeguard the existence and reproduction of our men and Asian wives, the chastity of our daughters and the strength of our sons, the freedom and independence of the homeland, so that our families may prosper for the fulfillment of the mission allotted them by the Creator of the universe, Jesus Christ. Every thought and every idea, every doctrine and all knowledge, must serve this purpose. And everything must be examined from this point of view and used or rejected according to its utility.

OP here, good info and thanks for being one of the only serious answers here.
>Lastly, the women are incredibly feminine, and when you're with them you'll notice they naturally bring out your masculinity.
Yes, about a year ago I was dating a japanese girl and i definitely could feel this exact feeling going on. The whole "makes you feel like a man" thing. Same thing happened in high school when I was dating a Korean girl. It could all be coincidence though
Is there ever a single thing that Australians ARENT mad at?
You're the one whining here; I at least tried to generate some conversation by asking anons with asian wives about the experience + also proposing if we (we, being western men sick of degenerate Stacy lifestyle ruining our women) could apply cultural significance of being a good wife like the asians do.
Tyrone called, he needs your totally-trad Aryan gf at his place by 6
This. I wish more western women would see the objective good in being a housewife and the objective bad in being "independent"
Philippines is kind of a shit hole but I'm just going by general attitude of their women
The problem that arises from liking Asians is that any asian girl raised in America is subject to being just as degenerate as white girls. Thanks for the reply though
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" as they say, and my eyes say the japjap girls are beautiful
Asian or not, I would never date a hoe who uploads shit like that for anyone to see on the internet

Lots of shitty issues with society today, anons. Best of luck in whatever you got going on. For me, it's figuring out what I'm going to do with my life as I'm 20 years old and still have no clue what direction to take

LOL and just who's job should it be to raise your children? The state?

Then you have no sense of objectivity and can only be a nihilist. So you are just inconsistent

I would naturally take half of that responsibility. I don`t just like the idea of leaving another parent home, allowing them to completely control the ideological development of my offspring.

>I don`t just like the idea of leaving another parent home
Communal living is the answer for that. The wife's brother or father should be present when you are not.


Most of the child`s time is anyway going to be spent at educational institutions. But I want to offer my children what my father offered to me, the comradeship of the party. Like my father and his father before him, I`m an communist/socialist in 3rd generation. It would be vital of my own mental welfare to get any children I have into young pioneers.

Tried to find the sauce but no avail

Tell me the sauce

it was right there in the image
more specifically

Damn. Sorry that our western women are acting like whores

Wish women here could act like yours over there

just go for one you don't want@gamble with feminists

Here's my take on it. I think it's a myth

A lot of people on here say white women < asian women for several reasons:
- feminist
- too dominant and aggressive
- have too high standards

But wouldn't that make them less promiscuous and more likely to be a virgin. If their standards are so HIGH as you claim, then beta guys have no chance.

On the other hand, the more submissive a (asian) girl is, the more likely she will be promiscuous since men find it easier to dominate them.

Using this logic I'm thinking that you're so desperately sought out asian cutie 3.14 is actually a massive slut. Especially is she's westernized, because chances are she's been:
-the attention of several men
> dating statistics show asian women are preferred by all races because....asian girls are easy
- has fucked most of them
> since they're so docile and submissive it's hard for asian girls to decline their advances
- with most of them being white
> since it's apparent a lot of asian girls have white fever

Jesus fuck, didn't your ancestors kick the commies' asses fighting for the right for you to exist? I mean seriously, you live next door to fucking russia.

good point leaf

>A fucking commie

Agree 100%. Wife is feral jungle asian, trad AF, cooks, cleans, sexy. Could not ask for more. Done w/white girls long ago.

My grandfather was imprisoned during the wars. His father died in 1918, executed for treason like most red guard officers. Far as I`m concerned my ancestors gave their all for the revolution, it would be same as desecrating them if I did not carry the torch of Marxism.

>reasoning with orangutans

the eternal malay strikes again

As a Korean living in Canada, it really makes me laugh how East and West have the grass is greener mentality when it comes to women.

I'm sorry guys, but women in Asia are just as fucked up by Feminism nowadays as western women.

Only difference we have is that it's still being looked down upon to just live together without getting married. However, even that is slowly changing towards western standard.

God damn...

My experience exactly.

Your weakness oozes from your pores and through your keyboard

Asian TradWife or's legit.

Spending a bit of time in an asian country is the cure for yellow fever, Asian women are not subservient, they're conniving.

Korea isn't all of Asia mate

I spent plenty of time in Asian countries. You must have just gone to Japan.

asian women act traditional in the beginning but show their true colors after a while. they are golddigging whores who will line up the next man before leaving your ass.

only white christian women (like fundamental baptist) and unironically non-hoodrat black women are worth marrying.

tekitsu mitsu

Feminism has beaten down western men so much that being pampered by an Asian chick is a dream come true. I've never dated a western chick who took off my shoes and socks for me after a hard day's work.

i Have sympathy for all the guys going Asian.
Trying to pretend the vast majority of western women are not fucked and spending years digging for a unicorn you might never find can be pretty depressing.
If I went Asian, I would relocate to Asia so any kids would be raised there though.
The Asian genetic pool could handle tiny amounts of white DNA way better than the white genetic pools are handling all the non white DNA.
The mental health of hapas is probably going to be better in a stronger, more defined culture where they have a better chance of blending in.

Kill yourself. I thought people like you and your father already left Finland a long time ago.

> the mental health of hapas
> speaking seriously then not realizing this is a meme based on 2 or 3 people in all of history

>The mental health of hapas is probably going to be better in a stronger, more defined culture where they have a better chance of blending in.
literally a reddit meme

Korea is fucked man. You guys are the most "American" asians
Sisters of Magellan are fucking insane

>hideously ugly asian woman to make genetic mutts or a beautiful white woman to further the glory of Europe.

maybe but that place is horrifying enough to make you want insure yourself against that just in case.

>constantly being put under the responsibility of absolutely everything

It's called being a man, faggot. Pressure is a man's duty. You may in fact be gay, which explains why you need a woman do think for you.

I think you skipped what this thread is about, melbourne fag.

White woman today at least are no longer feminine, no longer submissive to the man and have been subverted by jewish education into really believing they are equal to man.

>waah i want to make pretty babies!!

Because you're probably a faggot that cares more for looks than control.

The Roastie was already blacked.