If Caliburn halted her body's aging, doesn't that also apply to the mental? So throughout Camelot and every Fate/whatever she had the mental faculties of a 15 year old
If Caliburn halted her body's aging, doesn't that also apply to the mental...
I doubt that's the intention.
Ultimately I'm not sure it would matter. There might be some genuinely emotional stunting in Saber, but she did live those years, and was taught to be a stoic king. I'm sure even a 15 year old would be able to harden up enough if they faced bad shit on the regular.
A 15 year old isn't any less mentally developed than an adult.
You're forgetting that late 5th century 15 year olds were a lot less retarded than 21st century 15 year olds. All of the advancements of the ages get filled in for her during the grail wars anyway, too.
Your brain doesn't fully develop until a bit after, but it's not like she's a 10 year old.
Someone's an underage.
>All of the advancements of the ages get filled in for her during the grail wars anyway, too.
That's general knowledge, not the intelligence (i.e. processing speed and cognitive reasoning) of the brain
Altria a baka
>doesn't that also apply to the mental?
Well, that was a simple question to answer.
her body stopped growing
her brain is part of her physical body
>triggered underageb&
This is precisely the case which is why she gets shitted on by grown men Fate/Zero. They realize that she's just a little girl after all.
Be nice to Seibah.
It's fucking magic you autist.
She doesnt get "shitted" on by anyone, animeonlyfag.
She gets shitted on by Iskander and Kiritsugu and Gil splits his sides when he hears of her ideals, vn-only-kun
This. Your brain hits 90% capacity by 13, it's the wiring until you turn 25 that people confuse for "brain development".
Poor thing.
Saber was born the perfect king so it matters not