You press a button, one of these vanishes from the world and history.
Which one?
You press a button, one of these vanishes from the world and history.
Which one?
Other urls found in this thread:
a country that has tried to destroy Europe countless times or a country with the greatest empire in human history
rlly tough choice
Germany. The Germans have caused the fall of Rome, destroyed Europe in ww1 and ww2 and they are also the creators of communism(Karl marx was German). They also are the sole reason for the current situation in Europe if it wasn't for them things would be way better off.
Germany because fuck Germacucks
Press the button twice.
>Press the button twice.
Germany in an instant.
Germany, sorry Fritz.
>all those anglocucks sucking (((the queen's))) feminine penis
Obviously the UK, they are the jews of europe, like the Netherlands. UK has been trying to destroy Europe for centuries
>muh Germany destroyed yurop in ww1 and ww2
kek. Historylets everyone
Explain how Britain was at any point responsible for the First World War, or you are a larper.
fuck krauts
I'll save the Germans.
>Shaped America to be the world-wrecking pain we all know
>Literally created Israel
>Denied Hitler's peace offerings several times
>Is just a tiny island
Fuck the eternal Albion, the source of all evil in this world
Not saying the UK started WW1, even though it's obvious they wanted it. The UK and Germany were colony rivals back in the late XIX - early XX century, therefore the destruction of one of those empires would mean the glory for the other empire.
However, UK (and the other allies as well) are responsible of the Versailles treaty, and of the mess that Weimar Germany was.
>american civil war helped by french
>jews controlling uk created israel
>jews controlling uk deny peace offerings
>that took over 1/3 of the world
You should see what the Germans were preparing to impose on Britain and France if they won. If you thought Versailles was bad, Germany had financed its war through borrowing loans which they were planning to pay off through reparation payments from the Allies. This was why Versailles fucked them as much as it did, because they had to pay their war debt on top of reparations.
Germany of course
without the UK there's no industrial revolution and you're all working on a fucking farm
anglos and their love for multi-culture can fuck off
literally no1 defenders of shitskins
Well, you just admitted your country's fully controlled by jews.
Enjoy the radiations James
The Germanic people are niggers.
dude who the fuck asked britpakis anything?
Yes i know my country is controlled by jews. just as much as any other western country.
When you:
Gas the Anglo
Gas the Frog
Gas the Yank
Life be dank
who let you out the basement?
>Be Austria
>Annex Bosnia
>Make Islam a state religion
Really makes me think.
When don't you tell your queen to pay us a visit, it's been a while
>muslim fucking mayor in your capital in 2018
get nuked paki
>Destroyed the Roman Empire
>Started the Reformation
>Tried to be the Roman Empire
>World War 1
>World War 2
>Communist for 4 decades
>Currently flooding Europe with millions of refugees to permanently changed the demographics
>Might go to war with Poland in the future over not accepting refugees
The United Kingdom
Can't pick between the two, both are equally as bad.
Hmm was reading about it right now, wasn't aware of those loans.
Maybe you are right and Germany would've been harsher, but this is history-fiction so we'll never know.
The thing is that the end of WW1 was almost-directly one of the main causes of WW2, and even though the allies were the rightful winners, they exceded their limits.
What would have happened the other way? I don't really know. Maybe if Germany had won I would be defending the UK right now, maybe not. Probably there wouldn't have been a Hitler. Or maybe Mosley would have risen to power and declared WW2 instead. We'll never know.
But for what I've seen so far, really poor choices were made back in the day. That's why I usually would pick Germany over the UK, even that i respect both sides heroes.
Krauts, anglos are not nearly as bad as fucking krauts.
>30 years war
Literally the cancer of Europe.
We beheaded our king before it was cool, faggot.
So the back-stabbing anglo needs to go, we agree
easy choice.
do not even have to say which one we all know it
Think about it: We've stopped Germany every time. But how many times did we stop the Anglos?
Who hurt you user?
RIP Goymoney
DUDE you're a fucking PAKI
US , with out them and their jews, this will a better place
Germany has gotta go.
>b-buh the infrografix
can you post the paki rape gang inforgraphic?
There's probably rape in your cuck-country too, but your media doesn't report it.
tell me about the cuck media some more, bongostan
wait a few years and England will be only in history books, as the Roman Empire
As much as I love my people, culture and history I'd commit harikari.
The kikes used us to demonise all white people and murder the defenders of western civilization, I for one want blood.
I thought this was going to be an easy question. Then I spent more than one second thinking about it. It's a tough one. I'm not going to go into all the many reasons it's tough, because I'll have to make like 3 full posts. But I'll say in the end, after much debating, I'll choose to eliminate Germany. At the end of the day, that would mean the Holohoax never happened, and the Jews don't have a monopoly on (((feels))) when it comes to shit they pull. Sorry Germany, it was a tough call.
lol RIP Austria. I'd have more to say but your country has been eternally irrelevant.
All the more reason to nuke your limey ass.
literally thousands of britpaki girls raped and kidnapped since then, and here you are with your little 2 year old screencap
The people of Europe will never be free and safe until the G*rman race perishes from the earth.
>Loans for war that are paid by the loser
>get rid of immigrants
>get rid of nazism's memory
>establish fascism again (people would be complaining about soviets)
>make europe great again
>attempting to turn protestant countries against one another
O.P. should kill himself.
>Thank you for your contributions to modern technology but this is the third and last time you fucking krauts shit on Europe.
So long, Fritz.
agreed. In Austria everything is fine. Not much to worry about refugees. We have great police and safety.
...just look at UK, US and all the other degenerate shithole countries full of dumbed down delusional retards...
Before Queen Victoria they sat on the thrown of German states too before Prussia annexed them because Austria was weakened by the same revolutions that swept across europe and where connected to Marx.
tough choice, but i'd say Germany. For all the shit it did, the brits at least gave us the industrial revolution and adam smith.
Germany but I'm biased obviously.
Britain of course.
Obviously Germany. Communism would have been contained and we might never have had an arms race and would have avoided two world wars.
Erasing Britain would do far more harm then good. Colonialism was not usually a zero-sum situation at all. England uplifted far more people then it ground underfoot.
Preserving it is the only ethical choice.
And personally, two generations of my family specifically fought Germany to protect England, my bloodline has already made this choice for real.
>all that inbreeding
literal shitskin newshit mongrels shitposting their shit opinions
Ah Quebec, when did you get here?
The nigger is surfing the wrong way. See Calais.
The kraut race needs to be wiped from the planet once and for all.
Very nice
>being this arsepained
You will always be a mutt
Which gene testing kit was that?
>existing without the UK
Where do you think Marx wrote the Manifesto?
>my bloodline has already made this choice for real.
>implying your bloodline had any choice
Marx was a German, though. He could have wrote that manifesto in France, it wouldn't matter.
Even as an American of Bavarian ancestory (1/8 dutch from one granny) I vote Germany goes. My relatives all left for a reason.
Why is he rubbing feces on his face? Are Anglos also scat freaks?
Ontarian, born and raised
Nuke the britbongs. Had it not been for this fucker we'd all be goybots living in a dystopian kike-controlled world right now.
>Americans in this thread saying UK
Have fun not existing anymore either, faggots
I am all for friendship
>shit, shit, shit
well, shit.
Good. I'd rather be living it up in Europe where my ancestors came from than this shithole.
>google scat
>realise Cancuck reveals his disgusting fetish while trying to accuse others of it
Out with the Anglo
What is the definition of vanish from history? Because if you go back far enough and wipe out Germans there wouldn't be any England either. Britain would be Celtic
>Germans have caused the fall of Rome
"Destroyed Europe" lol moron, look at the state of affairs in all the "winning" countries, USA UK France etc, all being flooed with third worlders, you fought for the Jews and against you're own, Germany fought for their own.
Karl Marx was a Jew dumb ass
You should really see your GP mate, your weekly state enforced buggering must have done a number on you