Is Applebee's /ourdiningchoice/?
Applebee's Kicks Niggers Out for Not Paying
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disregarding their color, they deserve being arrested for dining and dashing
holy shit that whining is annoying as FUCK
Nigress causing a scene... Color me suprised
look at how fat those nigger bitches are..
my god and of course they play the racism card because if we dont just let niggers eat everywhere for free, then of course we're racists.
i hate entitled niggers like this so fucking much
Independence, MO - back to back champion of meth capital of the world, niggers killed the mall there and refuse to be held accountable, color me shocked these people are being accused here
> we haven't beeeeen heeere
>holy shit that whining is annoying as FUCK
yes, but the ending makes it TOTALLY worth it
oh it is so satisfying
I know you guys think this is funny, but it really isnt.. there is no proof they dined and dashed the day before
>People think this is funny(IT'S NOT)
Why would a restaurant deal with the drama and inconvenience if they didn't then?
theyre black female and fat, thry could put a bullet in their heads for no reason and there should be no trouble
also trips of truth
>Do dey have cameras? Dey can see when we here?
wow nigs are this fucking dumb. forever 14 years old
quality response
> "lol its funny cus they black!! niggers!! haha I have no sense of empathy and hate my mother!"
Them being black increases the likelihood though
Shaun King says there is no proof so that right there means there is a 70/30 chance that they did dine and dash.
Unfortunately Applebee's can't release the video because it will just stir up more racial tension the way facts always do.
>tfw even applebee’s is too good for black people
Jeez I dont know, have you considered that the people who are at the restaurant just made an error?
I love my mother and hate niggers
Checkmate atheists
This wouldn't happen in Wakanda.
Wow that sounds very convenient, so lets just assume these black people are guilty without evidence!
Why do you assume they were profiled because they were black?
Fat people should be treated like the cattle they are.
>there is no proof
proof enough
This is why you always make the customer pay before you serve them.
>assume individuals who commit the most crime are guilty
Sounds good to me, glad you agree
what happened to Eli Manning in that pic?
>seconds 28-31
>we just tryna haf dinner
>can we just pay for our food
Then the rest of the video
>we aint been here, we is gud nigresses and dindu nuffin.
what in the actual fuck.
unconvincing whining
niggers killed every mall in my city. the last one standing had a shootout at fucking cheesecake factory
And all these nigegrs say white people are privileged, meanwhile they're stealing fucking food and complaining because they can't get away with a crime
Maybe not on this video, but NO corporate restaurant is going to risk doing this to a customer (especially one that's recording) if they aren't absolutely sure that this is repeat behavior. There is a reason that the entire service industry hates dealing with black people
Wow loud obnoxious thiving niggers i'm shocked. When i was a delivery driver in college the only people who would not tip were niggers. I made sure to always pull over before going to their apartment complex and spit in their grits and sandwiches. Hope the jungle bunnies liked a half poo in the loo spitting in their breakfast.
No, guilty means "proven without a reasonable doubt", just because you're a racist doesn't mean what you believe is just
They admitted to it user... start at 20 seconds and listen to them confess that it is their food...
In her Facebook post she wrote
Hey facebook friends and family I need your help reposting this. Especially in black history month black people cannot continue to be treated this way. My friend and I were shopping at the independence center in independence, Missouri(Near Kansas City), when we were done we decided to get a bite to eat at Applebee’s. About an hour into out dinner we were approached by a Independence police officer, a mall cop, and the restaurant manager. We were told that we were accused of eating and not paying for CHICKEN the day before (dining and dashing). Mind you that we have proof that can show our whereabouts and it’s not even in our character to steal. After being mocked, humiliated, and embarrassed we were asked to pay for our food, leave, and not come back. After leaving, calls were made to the restaurant and the manager stated that our accuser remembered that there was a SKINNY girl and a girl who wore MAKEUP. In 2018 is this really what we’re debased to? Our weight and whether or not we wore makeup. She could not recognize any facial features or any defining characteristics . This is a clear example of RACIAL PROFILING that should not be stood for. Just because we are black does not mean we are all criminals and I will not be treated as such. #repost Applebee's Grill & Bar
Car to Mars and vaccine for cancer in development, both from this week. Also, almond butter and jelly is the white man's sandwich due to its higher cost. No grape jelly allowed.
Sure it does. Just because you're a nigger lover doesn't mean we should take you seriously.
>but NO corporate restaurant is going to risk doing this to a customer...
yeah, uh huh? and who are you - someone who works upper management in a restaurant chain or just some random shitposter grasping at straws trying to justify racism ?
Still no proof
They admitted to it you retarded fuck...
I know it isn't popular here but black lives do matter and you really should listen and believe
Holy shit dat food be nasty AF do Americans really eat that shit?
Why the fuck would you ask the cop "can i just pay for my food?" If you were innocent?
only retards eat applebees they microwave most of their food
nice flag
never been to one where anything was good
Listen, faggot.
They have tapes.
There will be corroborating testimony from multiple witnesses (the employees).
Anything else nig?
You call me retarded but I fail to see where they even once admit their guilt? Clearly what they ask is "can we just pay for our food and leave" which is more likely to denote paying for the food infront of them and taking it to go to avoid the fiasco than an actual admittance of guilt.
Its okay, your hate towards black people is illogical - just embrace it
Is there any race-specific virus bioweapon that'll only kill niggers? If not, how can it be created?
For some reason, the tone and repeating that over and over, I think they were there before.
they were accused of leaving without paying the day before. if so they were stupid enough to come back the next day
>white man's sandwich due to its higher cost.
>things are better because its expensive
enjoy that iphone because its expensive
>"Excuse me, we believe you may have not paid. We would like to settle this"
>"If you could just calm down we can-"
All this drama when they're innocent, right?
The solution is right there in front of you. All you have to do is reach out and grab it.
Give the niggers what they want in exchange for what we want. Nothing could be simpler.
So you could leave the restaurant and take your food to eat elsewhere ?
Asking to pay for food =/= admission of guilt.
Yeah probably around when Donald Trump gets impeached for collusion with Russia
Suddenly passable written English! All it takes is for it to be a cry for attention.
>Accused of stealing food
>Is it cuz we black???
>No you stole food
>O it's cuz we black den
>50k reshares
Why can't white people get away with this?
>barely 5 seconds in
>no one coherent sentence has been said but I’ve heard “I DONT MMMM-MMMMMM” 3 times
Why didn’t white people just pick their own cotton?
Yes, you can create bioweapons that only harm specific races. Israel is known to have some. This is one of the reasons why scientific studies done on race are pretty much banned. It would make it much easier to make bioweapons targeting only one race.
It certainly doesn't imply guilt
Hatred twords the race that makes up 13% of the population but commits 50% of violent crime is irrational? Man you are retarded.
watch this make nation news
fuck drumpf and all that
Why do people eat here? It's expensive subpar shit food.
>She could not recognize any facial features or any defining characteristics
Wide nose, big lips, nappy hair + weave. There. Happy?
ok, if you didn't dine and dash then provide a receipt or credit card statement proving it!
>we should kill people because they speak differently than me!
Applebee’s is gross. It’s just pre-cooked frozen food heated up.
because (((White))) people never do their own work
they had all you can eat chikin tendies all last month
>admittance of guilt.
Yup - I know its crazy to think that your racism and improper use of statistics still doesnt justify yourself, but cool it with the insults - dont take it all out on me
I actually think that blacks will, in the end, save America. If it wasn't for blacks Americans would think all races can co-exist just like the rest of the west thinks that. Nigs taught America an eternal lesson, by the time other western countries learn this lesson they will actually be 3rd world.
>Applebee's employees are infallible
Nah we should kill people because they defend niggers.
>Why didn’t white people just pick their own cotton?
One day when I get my time machine I am going to spend the rest of my life traveling in time to remind white people not to be cheap and stop importing shitskins. Just hire white people and pay the extra money it is worth it in the long run. Part of me wants to blame it on the Jews but its not their fault it is just the white mans greed.
you do know no one in prison actually broke any laws, right?
someone who didn't do it doesn't start laughing and screaming, then start playing mind games with the accuser. They would offer proof. "I ate somewhere else yesterday" she should have a credit card statement from the day before
she's done this several times before.
dumbass soyboys thinking this is profiling
It'd be better to create a STD that doesn't affect whites. Niggers fuck each other without protection all the time because they're idiots. Rather than pay to sterilize them one at a time, it'd be better to infect one so they spread a virus that sterilizes or flat-out kills all of them.
>Israel is known to have some.
It wouldn't surprise me to hear that they created a weapon to kill whites, but it backfired on them because of how many of them are mixed with whites.
>Why can't white people get away with this?
Black people think that stealing is justified. White people think that stealing is a crime.
Yea but how much tendies can you eat realistically? If you eat more than one basket thats degenerate enough.
Yeah, so woke. Mystery of the ages. Need more evidence.
I so wish there was an actual problem of whites abusing authority to fuck with blacks. What a fantasy world.
I think if my mere response qualified as projection, this whole board of projecting onto black people would be especially worrisome
>improper use of statistics
Sorry, nigger, how is that improper? That's simply a fact. Niggers commit crime in huge numbers. They also contribute next to nothing
>being this new
7/10 got me to chuckle.
Upper management, since you asked
I know this is bait, but I’ll bite. There is a clear difference between the way an average white person and an average black person handles situations like this. Do you really believe white racism truly exists? Do you really believe white people, hell, corporations would want this kind of negative attention if they couldn’t prove the accusations? Especially in today’s political climate.
Here’s another one that made the news and even had rapper T.I. “protesting”.
That crying one needs help, she's absolutely fucked in the head.
Did you read the description ? They said they had proof of their alibis.
It is profiling - just because you *think* you would react differently to being in a similar situation [while innocent] doesnt mean everyone else has to
oh man, the insecurity is palpable
>vaccine for cancer
lol, no. You know how many times we've been promised that cancer would be cured and then it turns out it doesn't work in humans? This has been promised repeatedly, what always ends up is
>we get a new treatment that works slightly better than the current treatment in certain circumstances
still good, but stop thinking cancer will be cured in our lifetime. It won't, all money is being sent to gibs and or scientific institutions have been corrupted and are no longer meritocracies, meaning the people who could make changes are incidentally weeded out.
>Why can't white people get away with this?
We don't all look the same. Try to describe a black woman in a way that doesn't sound like every other black woman.
Facts aren't racist
This is what cucking to niggers accomplishes. Niggers think they don't have to pay for shit. I hate niggers.
actually faces are racist, because not all races are created equally which is the fundamental racist claim
They're getting paid to look for a cure, not to find one. As soon as it's found, the money stops flowing in.