Careful pol. It could happen to you.
Careful pol. It could happen to you
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That's depressing
thats what happens to people who betray thier race, he has lost all sense of purpose, his life is now a void
and he drinks beer, not ale ... so might as well be a trap/sissy at this point
>from CHAD to virgin
men are literally the new women
feminist jews won
He was NOT 145 in the first and he is NOT 180 in the second, so Im guessing this is fake and not even the same guy
Why is it all these fat dumpy numales have that stupid ugly beard now? What? Is shaving too much work for their lazy fat asses now too?
its okay to move to the dad body once you are actually a dad, the problem is people get the dad bodies around age 20-30 because of shit dieting and exercise and pop culture encouraging it
>not only is he a fat numale soyboy race traitor, he's a manlet
let this all sink in
the absolute STATE of males in 2018
plausible if ~5ft3-6 which also explains the ugly chink kids
how short is he?
He could be a manlet.
If he is say 5'9 like myself. I'd guess he is 160 in first pic and 195lbs in the second.
Looks like he stopped lifting/exercising as it's pure pudge
It hides a soft, fatty jaw line
>Careful pol. It could happen to you.
No one on this board looks anything close to the left. If so prove it.
Mating with a zipperhead? No
>implying most ppl here are not soyboy fat body type
You have 2- years and look like 40 years old dads but truth is you are virgins.
The left is nothing special. Anyone that puts in a bit of effort in their 20s is going to look like that.
Is it weird i no longer associate beards with anything decent,masculine or normal? I see a guy with a beard now he's either a commie,a muslim,a pedophile,a numale or a really butch dyke.
>that soy smile
Those arent his kids.
>145lbs 180lbs
From a manlet to a soylet
Damn, Wil Wheaton use to look like that?
He looks a bit heavier than 145lb in the first pic, but the second is about my body and I'm 180lb.
I'm 30, 6'2'', 170lbs, and about 5% bodyfat.
Slovak and Dutch ancestry, so pale I can trace veins from one wrist to the other.
you are a skeleton
Chad cant be let tho
Tbh he saw himself in peak performance, lots of men go their entire lives without seeing themselves in the kind of shape
He looks like a swimmer in that photo. Swim team at smaller schools are soyboys.
Prove it. You can blur out your face.
His cheeks annoy me so badly. I just want to press hot red fire pokers into them.
It's possible, but usually just up to second tier chad.
>Makes an adult cry with words
Literally cringed when I expanded the pic. Top kek
Dad bod is never ok, you must stay strong and healthy
>like any of you fructose fat fucks look better
im 5'4 and 180 lbs and i dont look fat like that. then again im mexican. mexcians are built to last. best fighter pilots
Being unhealthy is NOT OK
Holy shit from chad to literally numale
Not smart enough to be the best fighter pilots lmao
>posts a skinnyfat pussy
Somebody is projecting
>whats so funny about that?
well my microphone looks like a penis and it pee pees white on your face and youre gay so its looks gay because you are still smiling at me but in a threatening manner.
He has 2 kids, you have a fleshlight and a mediocre job. He is the real man, regardless of looks.
im unironically ripped
>145 lbs not cut
clearly a manlet, nothing of value was lost
Did his Asian wife marry Chad or Soyboy? If it's the former guaranteed she is fucking around with New Chad.
At least he didn't get divorce-raped and had to pay half of his shit
>Taiwanese wife
She definitely married the soy version
I'd kill myself if this ever happened to me. Imagine waking up one day with your mouth gaping, reading for some cock. You see a nintendo switch lying in the corner of your room, wrapped in a bow. It's a gift from your wife, for that vasectomy you got yesterday.
so is he in a hotel in thailand or something?
It's like those pictures of normal girls before and after college. The soysmile, cuckbeard, craft beer... it's all there.
Nah. I've always been conscience of how open my my mouth is when taking a photo and have painstakingly kept the clearance between teeth low.
the fucking gook kids in the background. White men who fuck gooks are worse than women who fuck niggers!
>From boy to soy
Oh no!!!! I could be happily married with two kids! T-The horror...THE HORROR.
I look worse and have no kids, no family, no savings, nothing.
38 years
WOW kill some muslims for Sup Forums
>Kona Brewing Longboard
Fucking race traitor
Nigger tier thinking tbqhwy m8. When you start oversimplifying shit to make it easier for you to deal with, you have officially gone nigger tier.
>in front of his wife’s son
Yes, very progressive! Good goy.
you're right veli!