Would you read a manga based on the SCP Foundation?
Would you read a manga based on the SCP Foundation?
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Yap, I'd also watch an anime about it too. Honestly, I'm kinda stunned it's not happened already.
Oh god yes.
And i want it to be super cheesy and over the top like the stories too.
None of that "professional" writing shit, i want whoever is making it to pull actual 15 year old fanfic writers stright off the street.
>Item: One ordinary human child
Tissue Test Record:
Termination Test Record:
Child began to scream and cry when SCP-682 was introduced into the cell. Subject was immediately and messily devoured by SCP-682.
Notes: Okay, so that didn't work so well. Maybe the fact that the kid was crying made 682 perceive it as hostile intent… Guest Researcher Dr. W
>Item: One ordinary human child, drugged to cancel extreme emotional reaction
Tissue Test Record:
Termination Test Record:
Child stood and smiled, giggling at SCP-682 with no sign of fear. SCP-682 devoured the subject messily.
Notes: Hmmm… maybe we can try that again. I'm sure somewhere out there there's a kid who'll make friends with it like SCP-053 did… Guest Researcher Dr. W
Item: One ordinary human child, drugged to cancel extreme emotional reaction
Tissue Test Record:
Termination Test Record:
Child stood and smiled, giggling at SCP-682 with no sign of fear. SCP-682 devoured the subject messily.
Notes: Hmmm… maybe we can try that again. I'm sure somewhere out there there's a kid who'll make friends with it like SCP-053 did… Guest Researcher Dr. W
Made in Abyss
I don't get this autistic roleplay thing
welp, it's a open and free license, someone can grab it and make a commercial product with it
>Symbols have been compromised
that's the best part
>MC is a Christmas Cake working as a researcher at the foundation
>her love interest is a field agent
>comfy episodes with the safer SCPs
>insane episodes with the reality warping shit
>multiple horrible end-of-the-world episodes that get reset
>amnesia drama
would watch
yo please tell me there a place where i can get the full thing in english
The interneto
Nah, anime doesn't really do horror well.
You've never seen the Corpse Party OVAs, have you child?
If its handled correctly, yes. Especially thr joke entries.
Do you have anywhere specific all I can seem to find is a Japanese Tumblr page with an untranslated sample
It hasn't been translated.
If you don't know where to get doujin then you need to lurk more, faggot.
Oh hey, the anything dispensing coffee machine. I'll order a cup of sauce for user.
Fuckin ehentai? I should fucking guessed thx mate
With a cover like that I would have expected better content.
Time to list your favorite SCPs, Sup Forums.
>The Endless IKEA Store
>Tupac's CD that predicts crimes
>Mr. Original Character
SCP became shit when any literal who started pumping out retarded articles that were either trying too hard and missed the spirit of the more well known ones or trying to be outright funny.
Ancient Greek(?) mecha
Coffee machine
Joke tomato
>A funny yet tense episode about keeping SCP-2006 busy faking to be scared while avoiding him having contact with any scp that would teach him be scary for real.
this is my husband, please me nice to him
Who is the reoccurring character that dies all the time?
Link to ancient greek mecha?
SCP is a comedy.
Should have known. Poor Chris #2, should have kept his mouth shut.
I honestly feel that a Neil Blomkamp short film suits SCP better, similar to the Oats Studio ones of recent.
A manga would be interesting, an anime I'd be worried about unless each episode was episodic revolving around a Subject/Test log or something.
Why the fuck am I seeing constant threads about this shit in places where it doesn't belong?
>The symbols have been compromised
>do not let them take you alive
That fucking barn would be a good one shot.
Make it a mix.
You have a cast of regulars who are relatable fun characters, and then every now and then, serious shit, with different leads. Later on the regulars might comment, or relate to the it in some manner.
> Corpse Party OVA
Eh, I'd say apart from the few scares and creepy moments it was more of a gore flick then anything else.
What board does SCP belong to? /x/?
They were shit.
From where I am, house robbers and criminals use this type of signs (not literally these) to advice other criminals, is pretty spooky seeing this in your neighbourhood
>Just as test person 1 (child) tried to befriend SCP's, test person 2 (mother) started stabbing the SCP's with a fountain pen.