Algerian girls

Are nativ algerians caucasian ?

they're Berbers
cousins of Semites
depends on your definition of Caucasian i suppose

Did berbers fight the jew ?

no they saved pretty much all Sephardim jews from reconquista

Oh god my GF's kabyle but she hates the jew. What must I do ?

I'm in swiss med school, she's really skill in somatic, iI this ok to let her in ? We have not enought meds in my country .

They are part of the Caucasian race.

Yes even Arabs are Caucasian. Even some Indians are Caucasian. I know that Sup Forums (of all places) doesn't know shit about races but being Caucasian doesn't mean being Aryan.
Some native Swede mixing with some med-fag isn't race mixing even though Sup Forums wants to believe it.


>t. Poo

That's a scientific fact my little mongrel friend. Unlike you I'm actually 100% Bavarian and not some failed race mixing experiment like yourself. Hence I can actually reason like white people usually can. Obviously the only thing you little Nigger infested mutt can do is scream insults.

Of course they are. They aren’t negroid or mongoloid or australoid are they? You retard

>but being Caucasian doesn't mean being Aryan.
and being aryan doesn't mean being European
it's a linguistic term
the average Arab semite is gonna have more yamnaya admixture than an aryan speaking indian

I was obviously referring to Aryan as in "blue eyes, blonde hair" and not the original meaning of Aryan.

Both the Berbers and Basque have the highest level of O negative blood than any other people.

Spics too!
I've O-, my soon-to-be-gf has O-, my best friend has O-.

me: abo+spaniard+anglo
her: yurop but dunno where-castizo
brodie: italian/spaniard.

Here's a Moor. So yeah all across north africa

St Augustine of Hippo was from Algeria. He was there before the Vandals came, and also Libyans and Carthaginians were white too so it's not really outside the realm of possibilities that Algerians had native whites for a loong time

i know i'm probably preaching to deaf ears
but nazi anthropology is total garbage
a relic of a time when dna and ancient admixture was poorly understood

Don't lie, that's Jesus.

>Are nativ algerians caucasian ?
Yes, but whether they're White or not - that's for the whims of autistic Sup Forumsacks to decide. I'm a Caucasian myself but I don't consider myself White, and I'm pretty sure most of the people like me (Armenians, Georgians, etc) don't either

Actually it does seem that some artists, unfortunately, have tried to model Jesus after the Moors and other groups


>super cute girl
>super cute kitten
>catholic iconography in the background

If she likes fantasy fiction, she would be a perfect girl.

Could someone post pictures of levantine arabs/ European hybrids. I was shocked to see full blooded levantine arab relatives with blonde hair and blue eyes, but im sure the hair will fade to black as they age.

Not blonde, but a famous qt in her day.

Would you guys consider this to be white enough to be allowed into the ethnostate? What would levantine arabs even be allowed into the ethnostate? Cause I've honestly been pushing for a white ethnostate with hopes that levantine arabs are listed under people who could enter it.

I swear Americans fuck up any racial unity with their autistic white larping.

I'd breed with Isabelle Adjani, so yes.

But Berbers aren't the same as actual Arabs.

Yea your right its honestly best to keep any idea of a white ethnostate as pure as possible, meaning only celtic-germanic and germanic people only, after all they created the reality we live in.

Have sex with her and start a family.

