True Capitalist Radio #544

Crypto and stocks breakdown! POTUS unveils 2019 budget; eliminating programs and triggering everybody. Trump sides with Ghost about the Rob Porter situation; enough of this ridiculous #MeToo! POTUS sends back Democrat Memo to be redacted; Dems stall to release it again. Number 3 at DOJ steps down partly on fears of having to take over Russia probe. Donald Trump Jr's wife rushed to the hospital after opening a letter with a whiter powdery substance. Ghost question's Paul Nehlen's (running against Paul Ryan, again) motives and gets bombarded with Alt-Right/White Nationalist sh*tposting. Malaysian Newspaper publishes "How to Spot a Gay" checklist. U.S. mainstream media gushes of Kim Jong-Un's sister (Kim Yo-Jong). Other news and commentary, plus chatroom & Gab shoutouts and Radio Graffiti.



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carpet munching monday


bmar is still a nigger

Vanessa "Corn Starch" Trump

ghost is a jew

>getting zerg-rushed by niggers is getting your ass kicked

Why is Ghost such a nigger-loving faggot?

ghost is a choo

sup G

that's why we hate him enough to listen to his bullshit show

buy 42 coin goy

I'm not G you fucking nigger

But G, you say that in every one of your threads.


Ghost isn't John Conquest, he's a radio producer of shows that have featured and memorialized John Conquest through the years.

>tfw you're in the thread but can't be assed to listen to the actual show
Fuck even posting's feeling more forced than I want it to. Is he even done with crypto?

he's just this second moved to gab

yeah, he's taking his new official TCR chat room to the god damned woodshed

moments like this is why I love this show.

he's drinking now. Hopefully it gets better

>Ghost thinks continuing to sink tax money into the giant blackhole that is the US Military is a good idea

That's pretty unpatriotic, G.

G's not wrong, go watch documentaries on USAF, US Army, and US Navy basic training. It's not good.
Even USMC has gone to shit. Paris Island is a pale ghost compared to what it once was.

the fuck.... bronies talking about money...... lmfaoooooooooooo.....


He's only doing this monday wednesday friday now right?

See The US military has gotten a fucking blank check since 9/11 and it is WORSE by every measurable standard than it was in 2001. The US Military doesn't need to be given more money, it needs to be fucking audited and anyone found to be stealing or milking the system executed in a Stalin-tier purge.

Oh yeah and every piece of equipment adopted adopted since 2001 needs to be thrown into a shredder and go back to whatever we were using before then. Especially if its made by prison labor, this is supposed to be the Land of the Free, not Nazi Germany.

Get rid of the ACU and go back to the BDU
Get rid of the M320 and go back to the M203
Get rid of the crash-prone V-22 and go back to the CH-46
Get rid of the dozens of proposed M16 replacements and go back to the M16A2
Get rid of the F-22 and F-35 and start producing F-15s again

Sometimes. He's started slipping on this schedule too.

Also did he seriously just ban someone from the chat when he said he wouldn't do that?

Save the A-10

Obama PC, Radio Graffiti


The FBI is responsible for all background checks and security clearance vetting for positions in the White House.
The FBI sat on the Rob Porter history of beating his bitches for an entire year on purpose so that they could unleash it on Trump and General Kelly at an opportune moment to smear egg in Trump's face.

The FBI could well have completed Mr. Rob Porter's background check within 2 weeks tops.
Dirty dirty dirty. Hoover would be proud.

At least the A-10 is actually capable of getting off the ground, unlike 90% of proposed aircraft.

A10s are fucking deadly when they BRAAAAAP

Cans in the political hour are the best cans, I will admit. Incoming cans BTW.

What the fuck is going on with my phone today? It's dropped my calls like 20 times.

>Ghost just said he was in love with the Engineer

Paul Neilen is /ourgoy/

You got your ass kicked english cock sucking nigger lover

>Ghost thinks Neo-Nazis came up with the Horseshoe Theory

I wonder if I could get an artist to trace over this, with Ghost in place of George W. Bush, and Trump in place of Ronald Raegan?

Oh shit, I forgot to add the pic...

>Ghost thinks Cantwell ignores him because he can't win a debate against him and not because Ghost is an irrelevant piece of shit

>get zerg-rushed by Unionist hordes and still win against them for three years
>ass kicked

>Hitler killed more Germans than he did Jews

Oh yeah you gave niggers the vote

For that, every last Unionist deserves a bullet

oh shit, spitting fire now.

>being bald would get you put in the oven

>throwing retards into the ovens

Yes! Another number station call

Lets see if Ghost shows up at the end of the thread again. Standby