This is me favorite anime character. How come anime especialy the new ones dont have any Black characters?
This is me favorite anime character. How come anime especialy the new ones dont have any Black characters?
Other urls found in this thread:
>What is; Lock Rock
better question why doesn't anime have any Asian or japanese looking characters? to spite most of them taking part in japan
More racebait threads, just what we needed.
its very hard to make a good black anime character because japs are f stupid
Because Japs aren't obsessed with blacks like Americans and Europeans are.
Not racebait Just Want People to recomend some animes With Black characters. Not every thing is racist dude
subhumans aren't popular in japan
This is more or less why, the only black people in Japan are either US military or undocumented Nigerians swilndling tourists in Roppongi.
black lagoon
michiko to hatchin
afro samurai
the bondocks is not anime but whathever.
Ninja Slayer had some black guys dealing drugs and getting their ass beaten.
Actually Rock Lock
>newfags dont know know about Azrael
Lurk more disrespectful shit
He hooked up with the hottest female in the series, also I'm a white guy and always thought he was a cool character.
His girlfriend was hotter than Maka and most of the other girls at the academy.
Watch more anime.
Better question is why are all nignogs so retarded and egocentric.
Because nobody likes black people except liberal white americans. Niggas gotta treat whitey rite, cause they yo only homies.
Not trying to be mean, but why do black people think that every brown colored character is black? There are more than 2 races, you know.
>Better question is why are all nignogs so retarded and egocentric.
Why are you upset over a question
Why should they care? They don't like them and don't think about them, same reason you aren't asking for more Mexicans in anime, or Iranians in BET sitcoms, or Brazilians in Chinese soap operas. It's a non-presence that the audience and creators do not care about or even think of.
Why are you upset about my post?
Your post Was very racist and not even trying to Anserma ops post
I guess Your right but alot of Black People Watch anime
Answer ** my bad
They dont care nor feel obligated
God bless Japan.
Nice falseflagging kiddo.
Have you tried Ping Pong? Flowers of Evil?
One drop rule.
because Sup Forums is not a place for questions
we have two boards for that
I honestly don't know why people don't use these boards.
Why is everyone getting triggered??
Children of ether - Crunchyroll original with Shingo Natsume and Mitsuo Ito and the director of Boondocks.
Where were you when American Anime was saving the industry?
In the grand scheme of things, that is not even remotely true. I would bet the percentage is less than 3% of viewers, and all of that is streaming mainstream anime and never contributing any money whatsoever.
With who did he end up?
I don't remember.
>Crunchyroll original