How do we stop them from killing the white race Sup Forums?
How do we stop them from killing the white race Sup Forums?
Get Jordan Peterson to debate Jared Taylor. Jared Taylor will destroy him.
by not being a commie shill. you fuckers are so transparent. you're going to lose. can you feel it?
sargon has a plan
Aren't they set for a debate?
You don't. They are the archetype of our downfall. Our only hope is the ethnostate, which will be established in the North Pole.
they both are tools used by white supremacy capitalism. they both claim to be "intellectiuals" but in reallity they are nothing more than hate peddlers. see jordan peterson mocks trans people and doesn't want to respect them. dispite the fact trans sucicide rate is abnornally high. his is due to people like him and sargon saying shit like "its okay to call them fags lulz". this idea of freedom of speech is nothing more just tools for white supremacy capitalism. freedom of speech only benefits the white supremacist capitalists. in reallity in society doesn't need freesom of speech, do you reallyl think the KKK and nazi's deserve free speech? threy don't their ideas lead to genocide and lynchings
fuck both these fag
Why is it always people that arguably fight against anti-white sentiment that get shit on here instead of people who are virulently anti-white?
You mean Jared "I have no problem with the jews, they are smart and competent people, we should be more like them" Taylor ?
wew lad
Because people who are virulently anti-white bring people to our side. Milquetoast fags serve the status quo, and help the enemy improve. Instead of letting the enemy push tranny bathrooms and white genocide, they're teaching them to be more subtle, so when the final blow does come, it will be unstoppable.
>let's all be individual together
I completely agree with this guy. All communists should be thrown in jail. They don't need freedom of speech.
That is a reasonable argument.
There are people far more anti-white (leftists, sjws) than them.
>Loves jews more than whites
>Loves japs more than whites
>Thinks it's the spanish hispanic descent that makes beans dumb instead of the obvious mayan blood
we don't need your bullshit system. we fight outside the system and don't give a shit. so go fuck yourself when we take over white supremacy capitalists will not be allowed to talk
by not being a complete and utter failure like yourself who actually cares about eceleb culture, do yourself a favor and off yourself
Way more.
Not sure if I'm being Jewed, but okay, that's a decent explanation.
killing them?
how about you focus on the left?
Both these guys are better than the marxists in academia.
The white race is being destroyed by the white race itself
These guys represent the problem
-No strong religious commitment
-Still defending their viewpoint because muh politicul opiniun importunt
You are lefty shilling fucking idiot. Why would the creator of that image macro censor the discord name if they were /ourguy/? They are lefty and so are you, leaf faggot.
sargon has a plan chill the fuck out
Sure is memeflaggy in here
Speaking of, did anyone figure out what ((they)) were studying in Antarctica?
Do they at least pay you?
Well think about it, when they were talking about gay marriage, and civil rights, no one knew they were planning to replace whites and destroy society. Now that they're pushing trannys in the same bathrooms as kids, pedophilia, mass imigration and white genocide, the agenda is exposed and immediately polarizing. The US elected fucking Donald Trump because of it.
Instead of letting the left carry on, on this path, you have retards telling them how to improve. There is no will to win, and doughy boys like Sargon and Peterson are too soft for times like these. Unfortunately, there's so many of these types of "men" that we have already lost.
Who knows? Maybe they studied it because Hitler took an interest.
Not being a white nationalist and collectivist doesn't make them against and or dangerous to the white race.
Peterson will have a break down, Sargen is losing credibility.
Jordan Peterson is the reincarnation of Frederic Bastiat.
You should fucking listen, because we know what happens when you don't listen. 200billion starved Ukrainians is what that looks like.
It's simple stop talking about them,fucking fanboy.
go find a girlfriend first, but we all know u can't so all you have is whine on internet about blacks fucking "your" woman
Obvious shill is obvious.
You guys are fucking retarded, the left wing is fucking all of your countries, and you focus on attacking people who are also enemies of the left. I guess you'll just wait till tulsi gabbard wins in 2020 to get your shit together.
I've never listened to the Bargain for Blackdad, he's an easily exposed tradthot, willing to trade any level of dignity or ideals for views.
JP on the other hand is far more dangerous. He lures one in with reasonable ethics and witty one-isms that can appeal to all sides, but then is overwhelmingly individualistic in theory, which is a fallacy. JP believes that the individual is an evolution out of a group identity, and easily equates group identity to identity politics; he will interchange them when it benefits him.
While I see his use, he'll never approach the jq and will definitely defend zionism despite being avidly anti-group identity. Same thing with Shapiro, while I can get behind his aggressive and factual argumentative style, he like JP will never acknowledge the value of white ethnicity going hand-in-hand with western culture.
Fuck off, Vee, you ugly manlet
You are so fucking delusional. You think jordan peterson is helping them and not nazi larpers? You people are too stupid to ever win, we're fucked. People like sargon and alex jones and stefan molyneux and jordan peterson is who won the election and started shifting things to the right, spencer was a hinderance.
Is this Romanian proxy poster an actual female?
Post tits or gtfo
> German
> teasing anyone for dressing like a woman
>Jared "let's leave the Jewish architects of our genocide in power" Taylor
to be fair, it is suicidal to pretend jews are stupid and incompetent, and we really should emulate their racial cohesiveness. we should also emulate their willingness to genocide other rces and turn it on them.
>he'll never approach the jq and will definitely defend zionism despite being avidly anti-group identity.
this is the prime hypocrisy that btfos the petersenfags.
I appreciate that you like to defend your team, but here's what's actually going to happen: Europe will continue to be flooded by muslims, the US will become a white minority, kids are still being brainwashed in schools (not with marxism mind you, but with good ole' classical liberalism), and the globalists just have to sit back and wait.
People should be hanging from lamp posts in the middle of the street because of what's happening. Exposing trannyism, SJWism, and marxism in its most extreme forms undermines the sense of urgency, and subverts the true solution to all of this. These e-celebs are not bad people, but they are unwittingly helping the enemy. Maybe they have a plan, but I don't really see it. I hope they do.
ey look guys, another anti-Peterson thread on Sup Forums !
>who makes these and why are there over 9000 of them per week?
Leftists! Leftists come to Sup Forums and astroturf as rightwingers, then create the anti-peterson threads in a futile attempt to sway potential fans away from him!
>who are leftists, and why would they do this?
Leftists are a wide and wacky bunch of people, but popularly include SJWs, radical feminists, antifa, radical trans activists, and postmodernists in general! As to why, its simple: They deeply fear Jordan Peterson's influence on people around the world which, commonly, exposes leftism as being the toxic wasteland that it is.
>why do they call peterson followers cultists?
Because leftists love name calling anyone they disagree with! They incorrectly call people racists, bigots, xenophobes, transphobes, mysoginists, sexists, and cultists. Character assassination is a prime strategy from the leftist bible: Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky.
>thats all fine and good, but every time i see one of these threads, i like jordan peterson more. Why is that?
Great question! Its because Rules for Radicals doesnt apply anymore! The game has changed, and nowadays the old tactics of the left work against them, and actually make their opponents, i.e. Jordan Peterson, stronger!
>one more question: why do they keep saying jordan peterson misuses postmodernism?
Because these leftists want to spread the idea that jordan doesnt know what he is talking about. Ironically, these radical leftists dont believe in true language, as they believe that all knowledge is relative to one's culture and experiences, so changing language to them is part of how they maintain power over other people! Leftists are great gymnists!
>So be honest, is Jordan Peterson worth looking into?
Find out for yourself! Go to his YouTube channel, Jordan Peterson, and watch some of his content
do you remember a time on the pol where it wasnt filled with black dicks
You're living in a dream world if you think that Peterson wouldn't systematically destroy him in a live debate. The entire concept of the ethnostate falls apart under it's own weight. It either falls apart or descends into a totalitarian nightmare.
The only way forward is to balance smart immigration with strong integration efforts. The US's mistake is allowing foreigners to congregate in mass and preserve their backwards culture. We need to split them up settle them apart and Americanize their children.
They're helping normies to see the extremities of these marxist nutbags, it's turning a lot of people off who just don't buy this shit anymore when it pops up on the news.
I hope white nationalists can be a loud enough voice so people can hear the important messages without just seeing what the media paints the facists/Nazi's as.
Just unsubscribe from them and mock them on twitter.
Captain Janeway is the most red pulled character ever on television.
Not in six years.
sure lets offer your daughters to help "americanize" jamal and ahmed
>here's my larp where I pretend letting the enemy win and making all of our lives terrible will suddenly bring about a fascist revolution
The jews love having you as an enemy that's why they paint swastikas everywhere. You're living in a fantasy senario. You don't give your enemy all the political power for years and years hoping that the culture will shit and you can fuck up the country with a revolution. Even if that happens and we implode the country it'll be generations or suffering way after you are dead.
the mods have been that lazy for 6 fukin years?
It's really hard to do, especially when you have people like these two faggots who expose marxism while deriding white nationalism. I see them as literal poison for the West, but I might be wrong, and they're just stupid, stupid people with good intentions.
>You don't give your enemy all the political power for years and years hoping that the culture will shit and you can fuck up the country with a revolution.
Oh, like the West has been doing for the past century. Be careful, you wouldn't want to be called a racist by these people. Think of the PR!
I would've liked to see your reaction when the cuckening happened, that was something else.
>this is going to turn into a totalitarian nightmare. I mean are you guys really going to force these people from their homes?
>what we really need to do is force these people from their homes and force them to live where we tell them to. Then we force their children to Americanize
This is retarded on so many levels. May God have mercy on your soul
I don't know if lazy is the word. Maybe subversive.
Most of those threads are probably bots anyways.
On Sup Forums a peado posts every single day and its "banned" to come post again the next day.
The only reason the fat fuck is an e-celeb is that mutts get a hard on everytime they listen to English accents
He is beyond retarded, ultra whitetrash uneducated shit-tier sophist
It's not even that they need to be BTFO, but they do need to realize that JP isn't a first and final source for life advice. It would at least be a start if they acknowledged their identification as JP's "Buckos" is the same identity politics their clean-room messiah abhors.
>Leftists make these threads.
Hardly. Sup Forumstards like to pretend that the most polarized forms of SJWs group together make concerted efforts to interrupt our e-celeb gossip. It seems like you believe that "the lost boys of kek" are an untapped support group, which in a way is true, every domain group has uneducated members that are easily swayed.
>who are the leftists
I wrote the previous paragraph before even reading your next line, incredible how you actually paint the image of SJWs and the whole LGBTLMFAO gang as having grudge against Peterson. Your image of leftist foot soldiers actually fearing something is hilarious. Leftists fear nothing, they are their own gods and have far too much pride to actually understand an ideology to fear it.
>buckos aren't cultists
You're practicing the same level as character assassination by claiming all criticisms of JP come from 'leftists'.
>Answering questions you yourself posed.
JP knows exactly what he's saying. That's why we know he's dangerous.
>leftists actually understand what they're doing
False. Leftists aren't a direct danger, they are tools of globalists far more capable and collected than SJWs and Antifa could ever be.
>Is JP worth looking into?
Definitely. Everyone is worth questioning though. JP has a strong message, but the effects of it pose no threat to globalist agenda. He's perfectly inoffensive and polite, a strong virtue, but blindly listening to him will leave you educated without a means to change the world; weak.
Or we could just let fewer of them into the country so they have not choice but to integrate. Or pick people from more similar cultures to our own so the degree of integration needed is less.
But that would be sane and logical. So let just let 30 million muslims completely take over entire cities.
no passion for pollitics heaps of passion for black cocks amiright?
How fucking sensitive do you think the white race is?
Been listening to Jordan Peterson a bunch, along with the book “Hero with 1000 Faces”. I’m really interested in the history of the human race and our psychology, so the Bible series has been borderline indulgent for me.
I’m sad that he’s been dragged into the political scene.
Why would you consider for example, Jordan Peterson's call for group cooperation and individuals to transcend their groups through the responsibilities that give their life meaning to be stupid? Do you disagree with him that this tribalism is creating conflict and their implementation has been destructive/not as pretty as the proponents probably hoped?
What about Sargon? I know his comments about "so what" about the white race trigger a lot of people but what about his anti-identity politics, universal rights sort of liberalism? What's the big issues with these guys ?
Joseph campbells writing always bothered me, so manu great ideas in his head, but his writing is not very good
For a short.time after moot banned porn.
Was a long time ago.
Not that you asked, but I don't consider JP's call for group cooperation a logical or possible idea for societal improvement. I claim that groups cannot inherently cooperate in any 'fair' manner as one group's ideals will inherently benefit the offering group more than the other group. I won't call it stupid, but it seems slightly hypocritical that JP believes that all human psychology and societal hierarchies are biologically determined (which I agree with to a point), but that we shouldn't form the tribes and groups that we evolved to thrive in. I agree that tribalism creates conflict, but unlike the previous several millennia there is never any resolution to that conflict because of artificial social constructs that prevent one people from wiping out another.
So in short, this is what I hear from JP: Tribes will always exist because of our biology, but tribes will also create endless conflict and we should all just get along by evolving beyond groups to become individuals that still have a necessity to represent those groups because (you guessed it) of our inherent biological hierarchies.
I refuse that line of logic, though the premise is admirable it will never work as a permanent societal ideology.
I do not believe in the individual, I believe in the family unit and a society built on benefiting the classical family unit.
The bigger issue is that the plan is to destroy the West by flooding it with apes, who are low IQ and easy to manipulate using propaganda. This is done in order to create a one world government, probably in Israel. Do you understand? Any solution that is not white nationalism is doomed to fail, either in the short or the long term.
The window is closed for white nationalism, I believe. Now, we have about 20-40 years until the next crisis. If we had a united front post-2016, we might've been able to sort this shit out. I don't know if the Alt Lite is serious about their proclaimed beliefs, or if they are playing the long con, and are waiting to show that they are actually white nationalists. Somehow I doubt that it's the latter.
Either way, a part of me thinks that the systematic destruction of the West is for the best. Aryans survived on polar bear fur and snow when they where in Hyperborea, and I have a feeling that they'll thrive in this circumstance as well.
Careful with that Black-pill user. Systemic destruction of the west also means systemic destruction of whites. While both have large snouts and appear to be white, polar bears are infinitely less dangerous than (((them))).
> flooding it with apes
> Any solution that is not white nationalism is doomed to fail
That's a rather large leap in logic.
Address me you meme.
Nice trips, I will if the thread doesn't 404 before I finish with this client meeting. I've got to go slay a dragon, shouldn't be long.
Do your best, bucko.
Americans don't understand that they are a county that has been purposefully poisoned by their government since the 50's to be docile and stupid. It's actually fucking sad that their government was so powerful that it basically was allowed to create a generation of retards through pumping chemicals and lead into everything and pumping it down their throats for 50 years with no one batting an eye. Only in the late 2000's did people really start caring what they were shoving into their bodies.
We'll see what happens. If I set the black pill aside for a moment, I do think that the globalists are extremely weak right now, and could be for the foreseeable future. The only problem now is this cuck civic nationalism/classical liberalism, which will give them enough time to regroup once the apes have birthed a few generations into the West. I can already see the propaganda targeting the mudshits: "You were refugees in Syria, bombed by the imperialist, colonialist white people."
No, it's not. You just haven't figured it out yet. Rome fell because it was a civic nationalist society that was flooded with apes.
I kind of doubt you've spent the time looking into alternatives mate.
How many of these fucking Shareblue threads are there going to be? Shit like this is honestly so retarded. These guys are reasonable and drop casual red pills all day but some fucking Shillary hack keeps smearing their names
I have actually. But tell me a couple of them. I hope they're not Sargon's/Peterstein's.
to americans its not reasonable to try and reach peaceful resolutions
Peterson literally did an entire series of biblical lectures which he presented at packed university seminars last year, you absolute mongoloid.
Don't worry maple-kun with another 50 years of poison, we'll be at your level.
Set the black-pill down for good. Only boomer pre-apocalyptic rapturists are allowed; the rest have to fight the good fight.
Sargon isn't reasonable, he's exactly as he appears on surface level, an e-celeb with no strong convictions.
Peterson is reasonable, but his ideology has dangerous implications.
There's no such thing as peaceful resolutions between two different groups occupying the same society.
All of Peterson's biblical lectures are completely metaphorically-based. He is also of the firm belief that reasonable morals can be completely drawn from secular ideologies. Which by statement is the antithesis to theology.
>All of Peterson's biblical lectures are completely metaphorically-based
As opposed to what? Taking it literally?
>implying an ethnostate wouldn't descend into totalitarianism.
Yes. Giving no credence to the bible as containing literal events disposes of any purpose to appreciate its additional metaphorical impact. It can appreciated as a great work because it contains both, not exclusively one or the other.
Your legitimately suggesting block-busting as a solution? Are you completely fucked?
Just stop letting them into the country, it doesn't have to be complicated.
It definitely wouldn't, it would become either a republic or evolve into monarchy from that.
>America wasn't founded as an ethnostate
>ruining the ethnostate hasn't harmed the republic
Careful guys, a society completely dominated by white males might descend into a republic.
Does this shilling work? All it does is make people side with Peterson as a reflex
Peterson's ideology is based on a deep understanding of the full spectrum of your mind and radical self-mastery. How is learning about yourself and gaining personal mastery a dangerous thing? He's essentially repackaging Stoic beliefs with Jungian psychology.
And do you disagree that there can be secular moral systems?
P.S. thanks for being more civil than the average Sup Forumsack.
I've no doubt there are some stories that are based on true events but there is no point in considering that factor, besides he himself said it from the start that he would analyze it in that way.
>talks about how women are the deciders of a man's value
>Stoic beliefs
I wish I had your optimism.
Current USA is 56% white. How do you intend to convert the USA into an ethnostate without taking totalitarian measures?
I've never heard him say that, but he DID say that women have traditionally been the sexual gatekeepers and that's pretty obvious if you look at evolutionary psychology. And please don't say "evolutionary psychology is a Jewish trick", since the discipline has already done a lot of damage to leftist narratives.
> I don't consider JP's call for group cooperation a logical
Do you mean his idea of the left and right using their different aspects to keep eachother in balance or his idea of finding your group (occupation, sport, family, community, whatever) and then using individualism to "transcend" merely following a group?
> I claim that groups cannot inherently cooperate
I kind of agree here, but I see it more as if the categorization of people is more prominent then there's more abrasion, whereas for example if you're buying some copper to make some electrical wire in the capitalist sense, the group falls away into the background and allows people from different "groups" so to speak to cooperate. It's a great criticism of classical liberalism that it created too much harmony.
> I won't call it stupid, but it seems slightly hypocritical
yeah a bit hypocritical but if you listen to his talks he talks of biological aspects that humans are the only animals that can consciously transcend them to some degree. So if you buy that, then it kind of makes sense.
> social constructs that prevent one people from wiping out another.
Doesn't sound so fun or even necessary.
> So in short, this is what I hear from JP:
I would add that what he's saying is that identifying yourself along the lines of race for example and nothing else is dangerous, whereas you still need groups and to be able to function in society, at the workplace, in your family, in your sports team but your goal for life needs to be more than just following the group it needs to be your goal, your meaning to find your own path into the unknown and bring back what you learn to the group.
> I do not believe in the individual
You don't believe in the autonomy of your own consciousness/soul and it's need to cooperate with other souls? Why don't you believe in yourself and the character, beliefs and actions of others? What use is stopping at the categorical level and ignoring everything passed that?