>Promotes a healthy life style
>Shows how friendship is valuable
>Teaches not to discriminate
>"Be a maverick"
Why do people dislike him? I for one am a Maverick. Yah! *dabs*
Promotes a healthy life style
He's a kike.
He's not even a 2nd degree mischling go back to you Sup Forums containment board.
doesn't he have a brother? I feel like I have stepped into another dimension
Yes, Jake Paul. But I'm not part of team10. I'm a logan pauler 4 life bro. You feel me. *daps* Yah! Yeah! Maverick merch!
oh when I heard about this Japan story I assumed it was the other one
They're both jews. Hence, their degenerate behavior.
He is a kike though, even says so on his wiki
1/16th Jewish does not makes someone a fucking Jew, Maverick! Yah!
Logan Paul is my hero. Zero people shouldn't have a hero
1/16th Native American gets you Native American scholarships and preference here.
It was enough to turn the blood line from an aryan, whose purpose is honor, community, and family to a kike whose sole purpose is spreading degeneracy and pursuing selfish deviant pleasures while attempting to profit from it.
True, Yah! Yah! Everybody need someone to idolize. Lets harmonize.
Doesn't change the fact that he's not Jewish.
Look up prominent Mischlinge, the aryan spirit can be dominant in a half-breeds too.
We live in the Kali Yuga where everyone are full of materialistic appetites, doesn't help that he's living in America. You're even full of biological materialism if you take such problem with this.
His 1/16th Jewish side is not the problem.
He's like a modern day Epicurus, objectively.
Discriminating is good. That's how you pick your friends.
I should change that to
>Discriminating due to materialistic reasons
Since his bestie has dwarfism
He's a vlogging faggot, the only people who like him are edgy 14 year olds who want him being a disrepectful faggot who dumps fish on cars because its SaVaGe. Kys shit troll.
Fuck the Mavericks and Mark Cuban too.
He looks like an annoying cunt.
he doesn't do any of those things.
He's a crisis actor, and likely mossad.
>"He looks like an annoying cunt"
And he's a fat cunt.
What's your point, faggot?
Some bleeding heart Liberal cunt from my highschool hates him so I like him.
Yes he does all of those, he's a modern day Epicurus.
Although I'm not a fan of utilitarianism and ease it's far better than nihilism.
>and likely mossad.
never change Sup Forums
What are you, the president of his fan club?
Or are you him?
He’s 1/64th Jewish so that somehow makes him a kike even tough he looks and acts nothing like one
He's not even a 2nd degree mischling, in Nazi Germany he'd be considered Aryan.
He got rich at a young age by being a cringy douchebag.
He and his jackass of a brother are the perfect example of mental maturity not even entering it’s initial stage. 12 year olds look up to them as their icons and want to be just like them.
Generation Z is doomed. Kill me.
This guy's a fucking dope.
We are around the same age, both in the western world.
Metaphysically we're connected since we'll be on the same plate.
>mental maturity not even entering it’s initial stage
Yeah, definitely agree with this.
We're not boys and men anymore. It's boys, teenagers, 'young adults' and elders which is socially very bad for civilization.
Agreed. People seem to think that it's totally organic how someone built like that would just suddenly start vlogging and acting the way he does on camera. Ain't nobody built like that is actually going to spend all that time vlogging unless it's for an express purpose. A purpose that wouldn't be seen easily on the surface because to the untrained eye and mind it would not be noticeable.
He's a better role model than many on the site
>skinny fat, suicidal lets players who browse reddit and play Zelda vs a built, utilitarian American who plays the gym
Is iceland less autistic finnland?
>Metaphysically we're connected since we'll be on the same plate.
So, you are his "Alter Ego" huh?
>Agreed. People seem to think that it's totally organic how someone built like that would just suddenly start vlogging and acting the way he does on camera.
It's a "Breed pretty and dumb so that we can keep outsmarting you, goyim!" type psyop.
Think about Norwegians but imagine them slightly more autistic with a weird talent in traversing international politics. That's an accurate explanation. I've never been to Finland so I can't say.