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Come and discuss Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour, and the Church He established!
God bless you, Sup Forums.
Come and discuss Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour, and the Church He established!
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If you reply to this post I will allocate you a saint for you to ask their intercession for this year. God willing, we will have good match ups like yesterday.
You got St Martha!
Patron of cooks!
Some info on her:
A reminder that you cannot support abortion and be a Catholic!
Redpill me. What is the complete restoration?
Hopefully either:
a) the restoration of society back to following God and/or
b) the reunification of the faithful
Also I found out recently that this quote dates back to a biography written about Mother Mariana by Fr. Manuel Sousa Pereira, O.F.M. in 1790. It is such an amazing quote with such accurate prediction
I feel bad about oversleeping and missing mass yesterday. I was excited about finally deciding to go back too. That and I had a weird dream where I met John Paul II for some reason.
I guess it's good you feel bad... as you know it was bad to miss mass. But not to worry, you can always go next week. I tend to go to Saturday night vigil mass because I'm always worried of sleeping in - is that an option for you?
Also if you can, try to go to Ash Wednesday Mass this week. You can receive the ashes even if you haven't been to confession. It really puts everything into perspective and hopefully will kickstart your journey home - you are dust and to dust you shall return.
Okay lads, former proddie (one of the myriad varieties of evangelical to be exact) now reluctant atheist here. I always enjoy these threads, got a bunch of questions I'd like to ask you.
>If you're a nationalist, particularly of the ethno-nationalist variety. How do you deal with the internationalism inherent in the church and its current globalist leanings?
>How bad is Vatican 2 actually?
>What do you think of the current pope?
>What's the most autistic doctrine the church still preaches?
>What is the worst currently active heresy?
And last question needs a little context. The lutheran state church in Sweden is cucked to the point where I as a non-believer consider it straight up satanic. Does any of you know if the catholic diocese in Sweden are similarly cucked?
God dag.
It's really weird that you talked about the Lutheran state Church being Satanic because of the Saint you got...
You got St. Margaret Fontana!
Patron of Possessed People!
Some info on her (sadly I couldn't find an image)
Do your Rosaries folks!
>How bad is Vatican 2 actually?
I don't think the council itself it bad. It has paved the way for liturcial abuse, and the priests who practice such should be reprimanded, but I do not find the document itself heretical as some claim.
>What do you think of the current pope?
I think he is not the best. Yes, he is the Pope and deserves my respect, and I do not think he is heretical, but I think some of his writings and teachings are intentionally vague and it allows priests such as Fr James Martin to continue doing what they are doing. I wish no evil come to him, but I hope Cardinal Sarah will be the next Pope.
>What is the worst currently active heresy?
Moral relativism.
Degenerate kikeolics gtfo
Doubly funny considering I had a nightmare in my early teens where I believe I was possessed, which alongside my fathers reaction to it was one big part of why I became an edgy teenage atheist back then.
>but I do not find the document itself heretical as some claim.
How so?
>I wish no evil come to him, but I hope Cardinal Sarah
Who's that?
Only the Father is God
Well maybe St Margaret can pray for you to come back!
The only real people who claim V2 is heretical are sedes and they're nuts.
Cardinal Sarah is a traditional Cardinal. Pic is him
You are all kikes, Paganism is the european religion, heil Europa
Kikes will be gassed
Chop chop.
>A jew destroying european culture
Woah, I'm surprised
Christcucks truly are retarded
You need to watch some videos about paganism, varg is a good choice if you need help
Fuck your church!
will keep you in my prayers
Thank you user, I appreciate it.
You got St. Marguerite Bourgeous!
Patron Against Death of Parents; Against Poverty; People Rejected by Religious Orders; Poor People
Some info on her:
>Worshiping a dead kike
>A reminder that you cannot support abortion and be a Catholic!
Youve never met a catholic girl im guessing.
Many people are nominal catholics, user; sadly. These people would fall under that category.
What is your response to the fact that priest celibacy causes high IQ individuals to not reproduce and that it's detrimental to the species?
Seems like a pretty big deal if the Catholic church ever were to become the one and only religion and it probably was a big deal when Catholicism was all there was in Europe.
>when Catholicism was all there was in Europe.
Lies paganism never died out
Its just that kikes opressed us
Using these individuals to help others learn the truth of Christ and accept His gift of salvation and enter into eternal life is more important imo
All other Christian sects can do both.
Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus
Ill take one
>the world slowly tumbling down to the low 80s IQ because all the high IQ people are celibate
>no salvation
Dunno what's worse.
Reminder that Roman Catholicism is a dead religion which is why Mexicans mostly try to move into the United States, to escape the Hell they've created.
Its irrelevante because you are a cuck
Sure thing, user!
You got St. Bernadine of Siena!
Patron of Advertisers; Advertising; Against Hoarseness; Chest Problems; Communications Personnel; Compulsive Gambling; Gambling Addicts; Italy; Lung Problems; Public Relations Personnel; Respiratory Problems
Some info about him:
What is an intercession?
Salvation and eternal life with God > anything on this Earth
You ask the saint to pray on your behalf.
Something Roman Catholics ripped off from Christianity which predates their cult, lad.
real post
i realize that christianity is the light of the world, but thanks to my heathen parents im going to go to hell unless i can get baptized
according to the internet its a long drawn out pain in the ass process requiring fucking sponsors and shit
is the internet right or wrong?
Vatican II isn't that all great, mostly because it's really cloudy on Church teachings. It's so unclear that it cannot be considered Doctrinal according to Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Paul VI. It was better under Vatican I, it's a pastoral thing "okay here's our plan on how to deal with these people yadda yadda." Worst heresy? probably allowing racemixing. Pope Francis is not a great Pope, but he is our Pope and we've had bad popes before. Well be fine. Most Autistic Doctrine? Nicene Constantinople Creed and mariology.
>real post
This is how you can tell when it's one of those Jesuit liars writing a post.
Sponsor not in the sense of money, but spiritual. It's used during confirmation, mainly that if your parents die or fail to teach you in the faith your sponsor will take over those duties (if my memory serves me right). The process is usually September until Easter.
Please note that if you die before you get baptised, you may still attain salvation. This is a baptism by desire - remember the good thief beside Christ.
No no no, christianity DESTROYED Europe.
It led Europe to countless meaningless wars, also it destroyed the Roman Empire.
Christisns are race traitors, converteu to paganism, it will chance your live (watchong varg can help)
I NET christcucks can't debunk the things I stated
We believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible;
And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Only-begotten, Begotten of the Father before all ages, Light of Light, Very God of Very God, Begotten, not made; of one essence with the Father, by whom all things were made:
Who for us men and for our salvation came down from heaven, and was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary, and was made man;
And was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate, and suffered and was buried;
And the third day He rose again, according to the Scriptures;
And ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of the Father;
And He shall come again with glory to judge the living and the dead, Whose kingdom shall have no end.
And we believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, and Giver of Life, Who proceeds from the Father, Who with the Father and the Son together is worshipped and glorified, Who spoke by the Prophets;
And we believe in one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church.
We acknowledge one Baptism for the remission of sins.
We look for the Resurrection of the dead,
And the Life of the age to come. Amen.
While I'm a non-believer I believe that Europeanized Christianity is the way to go. Focusing on the New Testament and the teachings of European Christian scholars should define modern Christianity. Over the years the church has forgotten or has chosen to forget that the seemingly senseless and superficial things that it used to claim served a much deeper purpose - protecting our culture, identity and giving us a legitimate reason to protect ourselves. The church needs to return to its authoritarian traditions and repressive measures in order to reclaim the position of Europe's main means of defense once more.
>pagans dont allow racemixing
Im sorry? You dont have a Torah like us
>reliability = how many texts were copied
How does this make sense?
When will you turn against your royal family? Fancy a little Swedish Revolution to match the one that papist heretics held in France?
Deepen your faith brothers and sisters.
I urge you all to read Rene Girard if you haven't.
I believe he will one day be remembered as a Church Father.
His studies of ancient myth, great novels and, later, anthropology, have served to provide even further evidence of the uniqueness of the Gospels and Christianity. So much so that not even Atheists can mount any argument that doesn't resort to strawmen.
>The church needs to return to its authoritarian traditions and repressive measures in order to reclaim the position of Europe's main means of defense once more.
I agree, but that will never happen with Roman Catholicism.
Alexandria was a cesspool of filth and dregery. You trust Gnostic GREEKS? Hell No. I'd trust Constantinople with my creeds. Much better history, even though they too are grreek. Also St John Chrysostom thought Greeks were inferior or something, I read all his homiles and stuff its always "yeah I hate Greeks they are so inferior" wierd
Debunk my claims, faggot.
Daily reminder that Uriel is the name of Satan. Eastern Catholics venerate a false Archangel.
>2nd papist prime ministers in a row
>just voted in sodomite marriage
>Christisns are race traitors, converteu to paganism, it will chance your live (watchong varg can help)
fuck varg and fuck you i dont want to go to hell
>The process is usually September until Easter.
Seriously I am a neet hermit I dont have anyone that can sponsor me and I sure as shit dont have months to devote. Cant i just pay them to dunk me or something lol, like the good ol days?
Her necklace is shaped like his nose, lol.
i need one
"I dun reed tu good der boss"
Careful, user. That little post could cost you your eternal soul.
It is a once per week class where you go with the other potential converts to learn about the faith and ask questions. If you do not have a sponsor, I think the parish can find you one.
Kill yourself.
so what, i just google "church" and walk in the front door and find a pedopriest and ask him how to not go to hell or what?
You got St. Jane de Chantal!
Patronage: Against In-Law Problems; Against the Death of Parents; Forgotten People; Parents Separated from Children; Widows
Some info on her:
Kek I didn't notice that
>You trust Gnostic GREEKS?
>...even though they too are greek
I have no claim in "trusting" anything without sufficient evidence, so unless you have actual evidence for a God claim im not interested. Merely pointing out the odd thought process of a picture.
You can't join a cult you're already a part of, user. But nice larp.
1. If you're going to be Catholic, have some respect for the clergy. Not all of them are evil. Yes, some have done evil things and they should be brought to justice but to tar them all as 'pedopriests' is awful. 2. You can either walk into your local chapel or phone them/email them. Tell them you want to convert. They might have you have a meeting/email with the priest so they can learn more about you. 3. You go to RCIA and learn about the faith. 4. You are accepted into the Church in Easter.
Varg is an atheist who believes we are pure Neanderthals. He denies the Indo-European migration theory and says the reason there are similarities in Indian religion and Sanskrit language is because they inherited it from European Neanderthals.
Paganism is spiritually dead. It is the worship of natural phenomena that don't care about you and cannot hear you. Also his "genetic memory" theory about reincarnation is BS. Neo-paganism from Varg's perspective is just the worship of race and nature. There's no spirituality or metaphysical idealism involved.
Maybe fellow Pollocks can help me. I've tried to get back into Christianity/Catholicism, and 1/4 of the time the priest is literally just shilling for alms, half the time he's preaching something that holds no relevance to me or talking about whether or not God exists/Catholic sacraments, and the other 1/4 he might say something that's useful for me to become a better person. Yet I can listen to someone like Peterson prattle on about the Old Testament for hours at a time.
How do I overcome this? I wanna meet trad grills and develop more discipline in my life, have a reason to get up on the weekends, exc. I'm deist, more or less. I'm okay with ritual in my life, but not vain repetition.
That is heresy
Verses proving salvation to anyone that believes and not of works.
4:14(John 6:35)
7:21-23(John 6:38-40)
3:3(Acts 19:4)
19:4(Luke 3:3)
1 Corinthians
2 Corinthians
Hey I don't care about you stupid gnostic manuscripts. Alexandria is OVERRATED. Do you know what happened when St John Chrysostom of Constantinople wrote "Against the Jews"? it was perfectly rpeserved. Do youknow what happened when Clement Alexandria wrote his "Against the jews"? He was ATTACKED BY JEWS and ten they destroyed his book! YOU CANT TRUST ALEXANDRIANS
1 Thessalonians
2 Thessalonians
1 Timothy
2 Timothy
1 Peter
3:21(Colossians 2:12)
1 John
Meds are niggers, not european.
Look the 100 Yeats war, 30 Yeats war, Christian destroyed Europe, and you can't debunk this
Matthew 7
21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
>in b4 Father's will is do works
John 6
38 For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me.
39 And this is the Father's will which hath sent me, that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last day.
40 And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day.
>in b4 James 2
>Roman Catholanon reporting in
The problem is, I believe in the bible, I know its true, but the church is corrupted by the nature of being run by mortal men.
So I dont really have any desire to be a churchgoer, ill read the bible on my own, but I know I have to be baptized, even jesus had to be baptised.
Also the earth is 6300 years old
>I'm deist, more or less.
I hope you don't take communion then.
Try to find a traditional parish near you, google to see if there are any Latin Masses nearby. Those parishes are more based.
You don't understand, I worship my ancestors and the gods, how i do that? I honor them, not like christcucks that pray like "UH pls kike god send me to heaven"
Find a ggo Baptist church near you. Even though gmyou don't agree with everything you're still commanded to go
L.O.L. most of the pseudo-Christians in this thread definitely don't want to hear that.
I dont know what this has to do with whether the claims made in the book are sufficient enough to make a god claim, or how reliability has anything to do with how many copies of a book are in circulation. I also dont care about what you think is overrated, but im not gnostic.
>So I dont really have any desire to be a churchgoer, ill read the bible on my own, but I know I have to be baptized, even jesus had to be baptised.
Missing Mass is a sin. The whole part of going to Mass is to partake in the Eucharist.
Why do so many of you speak my language? English-speaking people aren't a Roman Catholic people.
The Emperors were nĂ³rdica that's why there are many similarities between morse paganism and roman paganism