>How do we prevent this balloon from exploding?
>poke a hole in it and fill it with water.
Being this retarded
Just nuke it bruh.
Who cares.
Create a massive chemtrail screen and dome around the USA and let the ashes sink there and not expand elsewhere. Irrigate with sea water if necessary.
>We don't want this volcano to spew lava and ash everywhere so let's poke a hole in it so it can spew lava and ash everywhere
This truly is Drumpf's America
I wouldn't trust the current crop of clowns at NASA with a Cessna.
Yellowstone going off would be like a reset button.
Except it's not water beneath the surface, it's magma. The water will act as a heatsink, just like what's in your pc, relieving heat over time and rain-checking the inevitable. Also I could see standing water minimizing some of the fallout in the case of eruption.
Have you ever tried putting an extremely hot object in cold water?
Is it worth the risk of accidentally setting it off. It could be 1,000s of years before it goes off naturally
Magma is liquid rock, rock is mostly ceramic material. when you cool down a ceramic material too fast it will explode.
...is now an affirmative action jobs program for cat ladies. Do not allow them to do anything, they're containment.
The heat sink on your PC and your processor are made of metals, so the heat transfers quickly. heat doesn't travel through ceramic materials.
I may have only gotten a B in heat transfer, but I also got an A in Strengths of Materials.
If you drill holes in that volcano, you'r only going to destroy the integrety of the soil which is already straining under the massive amount of pressure.
This is just another attempt at getting more taxpayer money and keeping themselves employed
Too late, NASA is going to hit the reset button, funny how the last reset button to human civilization was also in America about 12k years ago. Guess it's just special that way.
This is the dumbest idea ever, and why the fuck is NASA doing this shit, they're a space agency for fucks sake.
The hole is supposed to be 6 miles deep. Don't you think the water would heat up on its way down to the point where there wouldn't be a 1k~ degree difference?
What happens when you throw water on magma.
Yellowstone would go off big when the pressure drops - it's like opening a shaken bottle of beer, the drop in pressure allows the dissolved gases to escape (explosively). A slow release of pressure could disarm it (but they could fuck it up).
Show yellowstone this pic of amy it always cools down
Cools me*
>prematurely set off Yellowstone
Water has a high heat capacity, it takes a lot of energy to heat it up.
wow they found a unicorn
Yellowstone caldera will go off once the sun's magnetic poles switch which will in turn flip the rest of the planets polarities as well.
The resultant flip will heat up the core and all the volcanoes will erupt simultaneously, weather will be catastrophic and most of humanity will be wiped out.
Have a good day!
i'd pound it
>Not simply making an underground tunnel so it heads to the ocean
>What happens when you throw water on magma.
Same thing that happened at chernobyl...but without the nuclear fuel.
>what happens when you throw water on magma
Gee idunno, let me just consult the volcano in my backyard real quick
Also if the ceramic is in a liquid state, why would it "explode" since it's still malleable?
So a B.A. and zero experience is enough to be a NASA engineer?
How fucking big is the water tank they're going to build that's going to store enough water to hypothetically put out a super volcano going to be?
This would be the dumbest idea ever. Volcanos explode when hot magma breaks into cooler magma. This is usually a crack caused by earthquakes - or drilling. So, if it doesn't just outright explode, it will prime the pump and spped up the next, inevitable big(ger) one.
Dumb user here
What's the difference between magma and lava? Doesn't lava cool in water with nothing crazy happening and it just turns to rock? High-school was a long time ago.
How would they puncture the thing without popping it?
>I'd eat that pile of shit!
Eagles fan detected.
You put your fingers on each side and you squeeze until you have a new moon in the sky.
OK, so if you have a pressurized tank, would you drill a hole in it? Also the ground is a ceramic material and does horrible under tension, which is currently is. Sure drilling a hole is one way to relieve the tension, but you're going to get the same results if you just let it go on it's own.
Magma is below the surface. Lava is above. Same shit
If you were to wait until it fucking blows up, it will definitely kill everyone. If you blow that load right now before it gets all built up, it might not kill everyone, maybe. It's fucking grade school logic, but I'm not sure if that's all the nuanced geology we should be accounting for.
We're talking about this NASA, right?
Yeah, humanity is fucked
>omg like why don't we just like pour water on it ???
Grade school science. Exactly. Kys.
geologyfag here. it is actually pretty pointless. The magma chamber is only ~70% full, and there's been an eruption within 500 years every time it's 100% full. we don't even know if this will work like we think it might, and even if it does work, we're going to be paying a ton of money for the amount of water that they need, and this will only work for however long we keep adding water, which eventually will cost more money than if we had just let the volcano go off. It's under a hotspot, like hawaii is, so we're kind of stuck with supervolcanos until it travels into the atlantic.
It really isn't that great of an idea, and nasa just wants money. I mean we have the USGS, nasa needs to get a life or just roll over and die.
they're going to the Nether
>tfw plantary reset button also needs to be poked with a needle object like my electronics.
Please tell me this is some elaborate joke. No wonder we had to outsource that shit to the Russians
this, show it who's boss
>Have a good day!
> Anonymous (ID: GfeckUff) 02/12/18(Mon)17:58:51 No.160257038▶
>i'd pound it
> Anonymous (ID: 32HhIlkx) 02/12/18(Mon)17:59:58 No.160257161▶
> (OP)
>>Not simply making an underground tunnel so it heads to the ocean
Do you think the people at NASA might just be a little smarter than you are?
women are fucking retarded. they have lower IQ. Burger women are the worst.
>supervolcano magma chambers always have super eruptions
it's honestly much more likely it will just be a normal eruption. either way it's under a hot spot, so it's not a one and done thing. it's going to keep filling up for a length of time you can't even fathom.
>Letting the pressure out slowly is the same as doing nothing and letting it explode
I expected this to be a leaf post.
>poke a hole in it and fill it with water.
Hole OK / Water bad
Is there any kind of honest estimate on if or when this shit goes off?
>less likely than an asteroid impact
I'll poke a hole in these women and fill them with water...or something else.
Oh, it's also not a threat to Humanity, just a threat to North America.
WTF? Probably fake news, their job is not geology, most definitely not on earth anyway.
Are they asking the volcano for consent before penetrating it and filling it with fluids?
Imo we should be building for geothermal energy there. Put a massive data center and industrial tech complex right outside the park.
what is this 5.0 shit? I may be an old fag but when I went to school there was literally no possible way to have a grade above a 4.0
no user, let it explode and begin the period of global cooling!
>we saved the climate!
not until it reaches 100%, at least for a supervolcano, then the clock starts ticking and we have at most 500 years
"Tiny quartz crystals grow within the magma as it pools inside chambers; as these crystallize out of the magma as it cools, they trap small inclusions of melted rock. These are initially round, but over time, when the crystal is adrift in hot magma, these diffuse and change shape, eventually taking on the form of the polygonal crystal they’re residing in. This transformation process is, however, interrupted if the magma erupts and rapidly cools.
Using a technique called 3D X-Ray tomography, the researchers could measure the shape of the inclusions with incredible precision, allowing them to work out how long the magma had been pooling for. The team then used this technique to look at the quartz melt inclusions within the magma of four supereruptions that took place between 760,000 and 27,000 years ago. Troublingly, they found that the time between the formation of active magma and the eventual supereruption was no longer than 500 years."
>the based black guy on the left
he knows first hand how fucked they are
this is almost a good idea. the main problem is that adding water or something to generate energy actually adds volatiles (water and co2), which reduce the melting and formation temperature of the melt. filling up the chamber faster and could make a bigger and faster explosion than just poking a hole in it.
Build a super walmart on top of it
I think your GPA can rise above a 4.0 with certain college classes or something
Good to see someone who isn’t retarded in this thread
Thanks for the info.
yes and no, their job includes all things atmospheric, and an eruption at Yellowstone would certainly majorly affect the atmosphere
This is really weird. When someone first told me about how yellowstone was a giant volcano I jokingly suggested we should just drill a hole and dump water in it.
Is Yellowstone god's answer to California?
MIT has a different grading system namefag
So it wont happen in our lifetimes
Why just poke a hole in it. Make it the world's biggest geothermal power planet
If the pressure can be relieved over a period of a year rather than all at once, then maybe there'll just be a lava plain rather than several cubic kilometers of dust blocking out the sun for a decade.
Yeah it's risky but it might work.
I was just a janitor though.
>only one man in the picture
>he's the only one working
Powerful. :^)
>scientists want to prevent catastrophe
>virgins on an internet forum think this is bad because they don't understand how it works and use caveman logic
This is my last post on this shitty website
You're wrong, we want it to go off sooner. It's the reset button just like nuclear war would be a reset button. Nuking the polar ice caps and causing a mass flood event, world wide catastrophe, we want fucking chaos!
Might not be a bad idea though. Relieve the pressure.
Intentional then
>poke a hole in it and fill it with water.
this is the stupid part. all they need to do is get the high pressure gas out and then the magma chamber will sit there and won't erupt
only if we use a shaped nuclear charge and hit the Marianas trench with another at the same time. for science.
What exactly is retarded about it?
You release pressure slowly in order to prevent it from being released rapidly via an massive eruption. In the process you get a means to generate geothermal energy.
see you tomorrow
>Being this retarded
>Believing in the volcano hoax
>Mfw America uses Yellowstone to power itself for free for 200 years
because there is so much pressure already that, if not careful, you could cause the explosion.
post your hand and well see if you have what it takes to be a nasa engineer
please god yes
It depends, if it's gassy or liquidy. If it's gassy then it'll go boom. If it's liquidy then juicy chocolate magma will rise up and reseal upon contact with the air, forming a new skin. Also there's no tools powerful enough or big enough to dent it, the caldera is the size of Tokyo. They do realise this yes?
You can't get over a 4.0. Whenever somebody says they're 5 or 6 or whatever it's a 4.0
Pressure is already being released around the park via vents and hot springs. Again, if the magma is more gaseous than it is non gaseous then it will explode with a violent eruption (like my dick over your mothers tits). If not then it will ooze out, like my gonorrhea infection (that I caught from your mother).
What, they could just use a regular oil-boring drill, those things go down many hundreds of meters
seems like they'll just make steam. also a hole. which as i understand it is what a volcano needs to be deadly. also--what's this going to do to all the geysers?
The equipment will malfunction at some point. But it depends on what is really causing the ground swelling, is it gaseous pressure or is it the magma reservoir filling up and causing the ground swelling. We won't really know until it pops.
and no a regular oil boring drill cannot enter or get near a magma chamber without breaking. Don't be a silly billy or I'll make you sit in the naughty corner.