>How do we prevent this balloon from exploding?
>poke a hole in it and fill it with water.
Being this retarded
Just nuke it bruh.
Who cares.
Create a massive chemtrail screen and dome around the USA and let the ashes sink there and not expand elsewhere. Irrigate with sea water if necessary.
>We don't want this volcano to spew lava and ash everywhere so let's poke a hole in it so it can spew lava and ash everywhere
This truly is Drumpf's America
I wouldn't trust the current crop of clowns at NASA with a Cessna.
Yellowstone going off would be like a reset button.
Except it's not water beneath the surface, it's magma. The water will act as a heatsink, just like what's in your pc, relieving heat over time and rain-checking the inevitable. Also I could see standing water minimizing some of the fallout in the case of eruption.
Have you ever tried putting an extremely hot object in cold water?
Is it worth the risk of accidentally setting it off. It could be 1,000s of years before it goes off naturally
Magma is liquid rock, rock is mostly ceramic material. when you cool down a ceramic material too fast it will explode.