Who is preloading /ourgame/ here?

Can't wait to collect swords n shit.

Other urls found in this thread:


I can afford it but I have to go to the shops to put money on my card and cbf

>not pirating in 2018

>not playing civ 6

I'm not a nigger, and I make a living developing copyrighted shit myself.

just torrent it

I hope thats a joke

>pirating games behind an auth server

is this possible with steam games?

I'd rather watch Black Panter.

>Steamweeb oracle has spoken.

5 years until 1488 it is

>can't play as a grill

not this game faggots.

i don't have time to play it but i was thinking to buy it just out of appreciation

is it a good game though? if this is just more vidya politics its gay no matter which way its being pushed

Why is this /ourgame/?

>is this possible with steam games?
It will be cracked and on thepiratebay.org in 2 days, I have dozens of cracked steam games

>not playing civ 5

>ey is 2018 why we be buying clothes instead of stealin' an shit

>1.0 MB/s


>not playing eu4

i remember some chatter about this game a while back. too poor to buy anything right now, trying to pay shit off.

We have abo-tier Internet.

>if this is just more vidya politics
It is only political if you think it wrong that there are no POC in the game.

Will it be available tonight or do I have to wait until noon tomorrow?

Fuck yeah.

The sad thing is, 1mb/s is really damn good for us.

"Historical accuracy" is now considered a far-right extremist political message, just like free speech.

its political tit for tat if you buy it because there isnt any, just as retarded imo
ill wait and see if its a good game

Hope you guys get better internet lad


jesus, that internet speed

When you own the libtards epic style by buying some jews shitty game xD

not back for a euro

i have good internet connection but steam download is always

fuck me, its the eternal jew

>The sad thing is, 1mb/s is really damn good for us.
That just hurts to read. I'm sure others can get better MB/s here in the states but the highest I've clocked is about 14MB/s and that's just on my laptop for school.

>playing a game from 2018 in the year 2018

no, it is a nice effort but high white nerd culture is already dead, if a person tells me he is looking forward to the next release of popular media i automatically assume he is mentally challenged and tell him not to speak to me ever again.

Shit man, it took me 23 minutes to download this.
Any idea when it unlocks?

It's up

Wait not for Steam, I'm dumb. I don't know what my download speed is

And I pay 80 dollaridoos a month for that.

I pay 70 a month for this

>made by a jew
I'll wait and see if it's good thanks


*breathes in*

*smacks lips profusely*

At least I'm white.

Looks a hell of a lot better than Skyrim's combat

>80 dollaridoos a month for that
70 a month for unlimited 15mb connect here, but that is really cheap, I've had the same account fot 15 years so they won't fuck with me at all in case I switch isps

That looks like shit... like Skyrim enemies. I thought it was supposed to be realistic.

yeah? what did you do today to further the white race? you chink larper cuck

eu3 is better

yeah, if it was realistic it would have



damn bruh

G-guys, this game is actually a piece of shit.
It's like an even shittier version of Oblivion with Mount & Blade's retarded incest-baby redneck cousin's combat system, and, worst of all, walls and walls of text.


It took me like 20 minutes for KC:D to download. Or something like that. I just started it seen the number, fed the birds outside and came back and it was done.

>not playing vic 2

How is this politics related? /v

paradox is announcing 2 more games in may maybe Victoria 3 and it will be disappointing I bet

My mate told me about how they told PC faggots to get fucked when they said they don't have any black people in the game.
I don't even know what the game is about but i'm buying it just to support them.

based SJ user
wanna meet up?

Nah, I'm a Central Valley scumbag.

If you pirate this game youre the problem. Any other game is fine, go for it, they deserve it because they employ nothing but soyboy faggots but not this one. Suck it up and buy it you faggot.

Bobby Fischer was jewish, and this guy is not. he just had someone in family who married a jew.

it's the same as amerimutt telling you they have german ancestry

ill get it eventually just on principle but not atm

nevermind, DROPPED

NPCs look lifeless and boring, hard animations, weird combat. There's no ambient life in this except NPCs walking around. Not buying this.

Fact: Civ IV beyond the sword is the best of civ series.

Lets meet up in Tracy. See you there user.

I pay around $99 for 300Mb (37~MB) down. Honestly its too probably too fast I may lower it.

The new Civ6 expansion helps it a lot. I’m tired of civ games taken a step backwards every release then recouperating to best ever after expansions. I rather pay $100 and have no expansions and the game be in its final form up front.

Can't wait till I finish my game and you dumb larping NEETs buy that shit with your single moms money.

I need to build a new rig to play that shit and just my fucking luck the gpu market is fucked all to hell for the forseeable future.

Can't be as good as Kuwait Drivers 2: Oh shit you're American no problems plz sir

Bass Pro Shop in Manteca.

does combat suck with a keyboard?

>tfw I was actually there for it's opening and also for the movie theater opening
desu lets go see Black Panther together after

Looks boring as fuck

Yeah but we can go outside without being snowed on. As long as we're careful.

(((someone))) tries to profit off subpar product via political controversy

Out in California you visit the snow. It doesn't visit you. Unless you live in the mountains.

>the gpu market is fucked all to hell for the forseeable future.
wut? I picked up an nvida 8gb 1080 for just 350$ last boxing day, the fucker rules for the price. Just grab a year out of date card, it will still run everything on ultra settings

>not supporting our game
lmao wolfenshite faggot DETECTED

Mate I download on steam at 13mb/s


we have to support products like this

I'm having a look at the beta before i spend any moonay.

you realize all gpus are sold out or 200%+ marked up because of cryptomining? googled your card and its minimum $650 now if you can even find one.

>not playing civ 5

That beta shouldn't even be called an alpha, it's like 5% of the game. Notice it's 6 GB but the full version is almost 40 GB

I'll wait for reviews before deciding. I've learned from No Man's Sky.

What's your real flag, Moshe?

I’m mad that this is coming out at noon tomrorow while I’m at work , guess I’ll play a little during lunch break.

Yeah but those graphic's look pretty bad and this might give me a sample.

Fuck, glad I bought a 1080ti mere weeks before the bitcoin mining craze started

Speak for yourself

>googled your card and its minimum $650
>googled it
800$ holy shit, I retract my comment


The gameplay doesn't look very good.

lol what a fucking nigger.