The transgressions cannot be quantified. Jews and PoC are running roughshod over white males and have been doing so for two/three generations. Why are whites such pussies and not standing up for themselves?
Frustration Thread: Where are the Whites
(((They))) control the institutions and push anti-white narative 247.
Whites aren't allowed to have their own interests. It is somewhat accepted to be racist discriminate against whites. Whites pay a disproportionate amount of taxes (and receive less welfare per capita). Diversity hirings.... An so on...
God's work D2
I've been saying this for years now. When are we going to stop being such fucking cucks and kill these baboons?
Ethnostate when? Race war when????
Uncucked whites are out in the rural areas. These faggots are only controlling the dumb niggers and white trash in the cities. Real people are all just outside of the big cities planning to murder every last one of these kikes when the time comes.
Seriously, drive 30 minutes in any direction of a big city. Walk into a Wal-Mart or a store. Notice how many men are wearing camouflage.
>Jews and PoC are running roughshod over white males
The badge should say "HELLO I'M: A giant pussy and everyone beats me up".
Stop spamming my dude. This thread will be seen.
And let's not forget...
He tried to save us and they killed him for it
>be jewish
>counter signal white thread
I believe:
>Jews and PoC are running roughshod over white males
>whites such pussies and not standing up for themselves
Go to where the niggers are and stand up for yourself whitey. See what happens.
This is not the life I experience. I’m white, high paying job, work with other whites and some intelligent Asians.
Meanwhile blacks are the ones cleaning the facilities i work at. No illegals because they can’t get the clearance to enter the places I work.
Most blacks and illegals are living pay check to pay check, maxed out credit to try to give the appearance of success.
While those of us who aren’t complete fuxking idiots have already saved enough to live a comfortable life, no debt, and never worry about money.
So tell me again why I need to stand up for myself when I’m litterally the one standing on top of them.
THe whole idea is to not have to go where niggers are you filthy rat jew
This OP. This. How hard can it be to get off your ass.
For fuck sake OP. Did you read your own post? It has nothing to do with running away, which is your first instinct faggot.
Why do I give a fuck about what's happening in liberal hell holes when I'm /comfy/ as fuck out here in a 98% white county with low taxes, fiber internet and Amazon Prime?
Let the kikes terrorize the liberal whites until they learn.
>the transgressions cannot be quantified
>the consequences will never be the same
Good for you. Do you like living in a safe neighborhood? Do you want your kids to go to a good school? You can't be this dumb. I'm talking about society. Not all whites are as successful as you but they deserve to decide who they live and commune with without the government forcing diversity on them.
Micah is /ouragent/.
The days of gen x and Boomers are over, we are the ones who will eliminate all of this bullshit and reclaim our nations.
It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late,
With long arrears to make good,
When the Saxon began to hate.
It's not about just you, it's about our entire race dumb fuck. There are lower class whites that get the brunt of the hate. While you're in your little gated community there are a good chunk of whites who live around them that are in trouble. No one is standing up for them, or making a community group to help each other out. I highly doubt you and your rich yuppy coworkers will have more than 1 kid (population replacement lvl is at least 5+ kids) so you're just contributed to white genocide and funding our replacements with your high taxes.
I'm just asking OP why he thinks whites are such pussies. Doesn't that bother you? I think that's some bullshit.
So much discrimination against white people in liberal media
They've been taking their ancestors achievements for granted
They started to actually believe the lie that race is a social construct. They wanted an easy to disgest world view that doesnt make it hard to get along or empathize with anyone, no matter how detrimental they are to their lives on a communal scale, they were individually too selfish to care, and deluded themselves
They are losing the privilege to do this as the nonwhites destroy are societies from within, it is becoming impossible to ignore
Also, jews
Micah is a faggot. Europe has plenty of diverse cultures and ethnic groups. You’d find more diversity in a group of 10 random white people than in a group of 10 random nogs.
Do you know me better than I know myself? My original post was an expression about how whites have been avoiding the notion of staging a defense based on race. What the fuck is your problem?
>he thinks whites are such pussies.
He doesn't understand that as long as whites live comfy lives they don't give a shit about each other, see When we see whites becoming poorer not the minority you'll start to see a rise in white nationalism
If you're retarded enough to live around niggers, kikes and liberals. You deserve what you get.
It's not nearly as out of control as you think. You have to remember, niggers and liberals cannot function on their own and cannot think or live independently. So they'll never come out of their kike containment zones.
friendly reminder
no amount of leftists propaganda is going to stop the pendulum from completing its swing
His ignorance is just ignorance to me man. Just some faggot looks for bumps with an easy bait thread.
Crazy how much of the coast we lost, major cities constructed, flooded with poc to fill in service positions, live off the government's tit and vote blue.
Thanks for the bump you faggot
It's like watching an invasion commence, isn't it?
But I'm out here on the West Coast in a Red county and I've traveled extensively through the Northwest and liberal strongholds back when I was a bluepilled Obama voter. Those faggots are never leaving the cities or anywhere where their delusion won't hold.
Also taxes are sooooo much lower how in rural areas, it's infuriating. Plus you spend some time around real people out in the sticks and then go back to Seattle and Portland and see the utterly zombified alcoholic whites living in cognitive dissonance in trash surrounded by homeless heroin addict camps in what looks like a fucking disaster movie.
Fuck them all, let them drown in their kike havens.
You're welcome, cocksucker.
>If you're retarded enough to live around niggers, kikes and liberals. You deserve what you get.
>What is Obamas section 8 housing
>What is forced busing innercity kids to white schools
Do people have the memory of a gnat? Obama granted thousands of nigs/ beans section 8 homes to white neighborhoods. The government (or jews, whom ever you want to blame) is forcing lower/ middle class whites to be exposed to diversity. No one wants to live around them, thats why white flight exists, but the government keeps placing nigs in white towns. Your map is telling, nigs and brown people don't move unless the government moves them, which they do.
That's probably right. OP said he's trying to get whites to "stage a defense", basically weak bait. I've seen a bunch of posts (this thread and others) where we talk about PoC like they're children. Who the fuck is scared of a child, is my point.
I shouldn't take the bait.
Why are you here? Seriously, WHY ARE YOU HERE? What are you doing here? Are you jewish and/or poc?
REEEEEEEEE! What are you some fucking screaming lib. Just because OP makes a stupid point doesn't mean he needs you to create a safe space fuck-o.
I completely understand what you're saying and it is all engineered specifically against whites. However, if you just go 15 minutes outside of the kike run nigger zones, all that shit goes away. What I'm saying it you can live out of the nigger containment zones and have a wonderful life and lower taxes without even having to play their game.
Why give those fucking faggots taxes to live on their nigger reservations? Move to the sticks, live much cheaper and safer and be infinitely happier.
Police state, there's no escaping the law. Also you can't uproot and start fresh anymore. If those two things were changed, nigger killings would happen every night user
I just saw antifa videos on yt. If one of those protests happened near me I would beat them for burning the flag. js id go there like PCPd up and tear the masks off their faces. cant do nothing besides post this
Youre running away from the problem, not fixing it. They will out breed us and eventually move into our towns.
The fact that a bunch of brown people are taking over our country and whites just saying "lol just move" is sad and pathetic.
The tragedy is that brown people will become a major and start replacing our historical figures and culture, and claiming they are brown as well, and always have been. It's gonna get so bad that future historians and anthropologists, that they will start having debates on if America was white or not, just much like we are arguing if Egyptians were nigs.
Society is getting to the point of straight destruction. War is on the horizon. War will make men out of the borderline strong. War will even turn some weak men to realize their wrongs and become strong. But many will be purged along with their weak willed hearts. War is coming, and war never changes.
Things are gonna get worse before they get better