Cure for heartburn?

Cure for heartburn?

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There is no "cure" aside from don't eat stuff that gives you heartburn. Otherwise, take Zantac 150 Extra Strength once a day. It solves my heartburn and I get heartburn from absolutely everything.

proton pump inhibitor

Also those fuckin freckles are so fucking cute


Fucking freckles means either her mom, or her mom's mom fucked a nigger, and her DNA was just a lot stronger. Fucking mutt.


Almonds. Always works. Cigarette ash works too but I wouldn't recommend it unless you're desperate.

You're all right Carlos

Anything with calcium like tums or whatever but if you are probe to acid reflux you need stronger shit.

Protip once you all hit 30+ every fucking meal gives you some form of stomach irritation unless it's straight up just clean salad.

Coconut water

Sauce for real this time pls

Drink a sip of water and hold your breath for about 20 seconds then exhale for 5 seconds and repeat for about 2 minutes


drink milk like a real white person


Activated charcoal

these generic question posts are always kinda sad because your life is so centered around a political discussion board on the internet that theres no one else you can turn to when you have a basic question such as this

too tiny nose 2/10 would not fuck

It's also good for hangovers if you get the kind which contains aspirin.

tablespoon of bicarb soda mixed in water

What does sex feel like Sup Forums?

3 Tums usually do it for me.

Also, if you're in a pinch, pickle juice

Not a cure, but have a low GI diet and avoid triggers like caffeine and spicy foods.

It can't be replicated with any non-person alternative. It's quite magical.

Chronic heartburn can lead to esophageal cancer. I used to take Lansoprazole for it.

Aspirin is poison and NSAIDs contribute to male sterility

fuck you op. i only got itt cause i thought the chick in op was an amputee. i was going to fap but cant now because she has arms.

A bullet

33 here. I'm skinny as fuck. I'm 6 ft 2, 140 ponds or 63.6 kg for you euros.

I eat fast food 24/7 and eat anything I want and I'm fine. I do not drink alcohol though, alcohol is trash and kills you quicker than heroin or meth.

I only eat 1 meal or so a day and snack abit around noon, so that's Moreno than likely why.

It's quite odd though being surround by obese people or chubby people 24/7 though. Only people to match my weight and height are gays or video game players and both are rare, statistic wise.

So people think I'm dying or gay due to my weight, and I just tell them I'm a faggot and to give men money or I'll drop aids into their food.

Who knew being skinny would be rare in the U.S. In 2018.

Most women are bigger weight wise than I am unless they are under 5 ft 7. I just enjoy coasting through life though and don't wish to get married or have kids.

I'm just here to watch mr.bones wild ride and trying to not get hit by life too much, sorta sucks but better than being a black kid in Congo escaping machete coons.

amazing when it's with someone in love with you who wants you to get them pregnant.

there's simply no better feeling.

enjoy that metabolism while you can. when i turned 30 someone flipped a switch on me and i gained 40 lbs that year with no change of lifestyle

swallowing nigger cum

Dollar general has cheap generic zantac that works! Make sure they are by dghealth and are brown pills 150mg. The other kinds they sell don't work! The brown ones come in 50 tablets for 5.00$ or 95 for 8.95$


Apple cider vinegar. A tablespoon or two.

Generic zantac or ranitidine!

Hire a prostitue and realize how disappointing sex without love is. Or take our word for it. Your call.

it's a fun thing you can do for free with your girlfriend. But having a girlfriend isn't free.

It's not as good as like, dirtbiking, or mushrooms, or hunting.

this, zantac is goat

Bleach: 4 cups.

Salad is the worst imo

Jesus man. I'm 5'7 and 63kg and I already feel so malnourished my mind's going insane. How's your mental health?

stop eating stuff that gives you heartburn.


get a biospy of your esophagus for possible GERD


This. Get an endoscopy. There's no cure for GERD btw. Be ready to quit many foods you take for granted.

this is best

This advice is given by a lot of smart people like Chris Kresser. But shit. Sugar, caffeine and fucking spice. Kill me now. Fuck.

Also losing weight and sleeping with your head elevated help.

what does it feel like to ejaculate raw inside a girl you love, who loves you back, while deeply kissing her and holding her tight against your body in the missionary position?

fucking nice one carlos

you're going to die young of autoimmune disease like many in our generation

>This. Get an endoscopy. There's no cure for GERD btw.

Yeah. No. You're also going to die young because you buy kike lies because you want the easy bandaid solution

If you're insecure and neurotic like most of us are you won't enjoy it that much anyways. Those two curses make anything unenjoyable. Handle those first.
What the fuck are you even talking about? An endoscopy is a diagnosis not a solution.

I'd rather die then have a kike stick his Jewish bullshit down my throat

This times million

Have gerd

I do a shot erry morning
3 years now

unironically this. ice works for many things.

thoroughly satisfying good buddy



How is an endoscopy a kike conspiracy? How the fuck are doctors supposed to diagnose you otherwise?

This. Works great.

>I eat fast food 24/7
>I only eat 1 meal or so a day

A gf

Yea these people are retards
>I keep eating and I don't get weight I don't fucking get it
>I eat 1 meal a day of 1100 calories and thats it and don't gain weight how is it possible bros am I lucky?

>enjoy being 140
Nigga, he's just a tall woman

There's almost nothing better in the world. I've only really truly been in love with one person, and while I can look back on other girls I've had sex with who were hotter or wilder in bed, I'd still take the sex with the girl I loved over the others any day.

And yes that was my one shot and now I'm going to die alone.

milk works well.
almond milk works best.

how to cure coalburn?

Stop being fat, stop smoking, stop drinking (alcohol and coffee), stop eating trash but most importantly stop being fat. Congrats you're cured.

eat a spoonful of baking soda

same senpai. would give the world to be back with her, but at the same time, gotta let go.

>BMI ~30% already
She gonna get fat soon.

Prilosec. Amazing stuff

Eat small amounts of food between meals, some crackers and juice should help.

Quit eating carbs

Lettuce on an empty stomach is the worst unless I'm in ketosis. I get zero heartburn in keto even on cheat days. I have to be out of ketosis for a few weeks before I start getting heartburn again.

self-induced vomiting. i'm serious. you ate or drank too much, there's not enough room in your stomach and/or your metabolism sucks and can't process it all fast enough. get that shit out of there.

same here. i used to be thin as a rail. instant beer gut inside of a year out of nowhere with no change to eating habits. now i'm skinnyfat and want to die.


It's nice but if you have it as much as I do you actually wanna take a break cause you don't let your damn dick recharge. Orgasms aren't as powerful or great. But i make my GF squirm and cum a few times so it's enough for me. I get blow jobs during her periods

Literally take some Tums. Get the normal flavors, berries suck ass

I have severe acid reflux and I started drinking high PH water which helps. Along with 450mg of Zantac daily on average.

I like the tropical fruit kind.

Totally overrated

eat a banana... will clear it up

It's nice when you both love each other

When it's some random its overrated and feels kinda stupid at the end user.

sex without love, okay

sex while in love, the greatest feeling in the world


kill it

Nexium (a PPI) or try an H2 antagonist. They take a couple of daya to weeks to start working

>Been feasting and pigging out so much that TUMS are now part of your nightly meal


Take omeprazole if you want to drink alcohol.

>alcohol kills you quicker than heroin or meth
Alcohol is a carcinogen but it is nowhere near as bad as those. They are much more addictive and will deteriorate your body to nothing within a few years. Even alcoholics live into their 60s.

Loose some weight, low doses of zantac like a 1/4 of a tablet before bed worked for me. But losing 30 lbs really works for just about all my issues, keeping it off is the problem.

All good tips but not foolproof cures.


Stop eating a shit diet you fat loser

Mix some baking soda with water. Just make sure you don't drink too much ;)

this also any base compound. heartburn = too much acid.

what the fuck lol