The Yellow Menace

1/3 Asian women will ultimately marry a white man, giving them the highest rate of admixture of any group. They are also the most sought-after across all dating sites. How do we beat these bastards?

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Why bother? 90% of white women are trash.

stop being selfish ego bloated cunts
# of 4/10 white girls who won't settle for anything but a 8/10 ripped 100k chad and can't even cook is too damn high
>t. chad

keep BRAPP threads on /biz/ please

The following words will earn someone a length of rope.

Killing it
Crushing it
and so on.

See a white man dating an Asian -> offer him your daughter's hand in marriage.

Actions speak louder than words.

clearly if you ever have any complaint about women and cant overcome the legal system designed to exploit you and make it worth marrying a women and having chidlren then you're just a worthless betamale whos opinion doesnt matter and deserves to go extinct

-t, redditard beef flap sucking nu-Sup Forums

>Do you want an inhaler

>How do we beat these bastards?
Fuck them right in the pussy!

I don’t need the white race to continue I just need Jews and niggers and Muslims to be killed by bleached Asians.

*not worth

Exactly this

cite your 1/3 source

do it pussy, I bet you can't

i think you just made up that 1/3 statistic

id give anything to have her fart on me and shit on my face

>1/3 Asian women

Maybe in the US. Not in Asia...

i would shoot my whiteman god lord seed inside that yellow cunt. anyone that wouldn't is a faggot.

Is creating radicalized bleached jungle asians the true solution to saving the white race?

you know, 70% of statistics are made up on the spot

Asian genes admixture is beneficial to white race

yes, 40% of all people know that

>About three-in-ten Asian newlyweds (29%) have a spouse of a different race or ethnicity.

literally no ass at all

Jungle nigger Asians do take to Islam very well so I’m wary of that aspect of it. I’d rather they stick to their roots.

you need glasses a brain and a dick, ya blind cucktard

Corrected for Asian standards.

How do we beat these bastards?
Shame and shun race mixers.

Don't have to worry that much.
Once you get into a close relationship with asian woman, you'll easily find they're not
as submissive and traditional as people usually think they are.
Let alone their poor looking, they are rather shallow-minded, materialistic and mentally fragile.

Only those who are insecure about themselves would seek asian women

Study their male offspring and their rate of depression, social failure, and inability to find mates. Then educate people on that.

Seriously....that's how you beat them. Asian/white mixed males have fucking hell of a time.

>1/3 Asian women will ultimately marry a white man

from the article:
>At the same time, intermarriage has ticked down among recently married Asians and remained more or less stable among Hispanic newlyweds. Even though intermarriage has not been increasing for these two groups, they remain far more likely than black or white newlyweds to marry someone of a different race or ethnicity. About three-in-ten Asian newlyweds (29%) have a spouse of a different race or ethnicity.

It doesn't specify that29% of asians are marrying whites, you fucking artard

By widely publicizing how vicious asian women are in divorces and the run up to the divorce.

they are basically a race of tall midgets. european included the mongoloid race in their mythology as the angry, malevolent dwarfs always stirring problems.

not only are they midgets, but they are the least sexually dimorphic of all humanoids!!

the females have little sexual phenotypical divergence from males. the male has a clit that exceeds his female counterpart by only an inch! both sexes share the same hair, shoulder, hip, breast, ass proportions. the mongoloid female is just prepubescent boy with a vagina, where the mongoloid male is a prepubescent girl with a large clit

this is striking when comparing the immense sexual divergence between caucasoid sexes.


I want to pick that thong out her crack with my teeth

>shame race mixers in public
>job gets hearsay wind of it
>lose job
>become unemployed loser

Vast majority marry whites because whites are still the largest demographic, so most racemixing pairs will involve a white

So where can a man go to get a loyal qt asian gf. Asking for a friend.

jungle asians are pretty trashy overall

some of them are disciplined but nearly none of them are cultured, moral, or smart

I don't utterly hate them but they don't belong here unless you're trying to turn our countries into slums filled full of discarded mcdonalds trash

their societies are utterly corrupt and even after they get HERE they onyl give jobs to other filipinos. they create a pockte society that they use to siphon our money and NEVER give it back to us

fuck them



Yeah, they definitely are though
It's pretty rare for them to be open to dating blacks. And just numerically, and from the types of schools and careers they tend to choose, they're more likely to be around white people


wery wery vice

Find a way to increase the size of the Asian man's sorry excuse for a penis.

>vast majority
>includes ethnicity, meaning chink+koreagook included
check your fucking eyes

You can count the number of BMAF parings on one hand.
Let's see, there's Anderson .Paak and his wife, and... that's about it.

>Killing it
>Crushing it
These aren't ebonics, if anything they are what one would picture an older white boss saying as they walk past on the job, followed by a 'champ'.

I've been dating a Filipina qt for years and could never go back to white women. White women are not cute at all.

Done anonymously online or give white birth rate statistics in public.
Doesn't have to be done in anger or made obvious.

>Vast majority marry whites because whites are still the largest demographic
>so most racemixing pairs will involve a white

that makes literally 0 sense. you assume that, because white people are the largest demographic, that they're marrying whites. not blacks, mexicans, sand niggers, or other types of asians, whatever

it wasn't specified in the article. you can't make that claim.

Dave Chappelle.


dude im black and no white girls like me at all (probably cuz im short) what do you mean?? I mean im not like a stereotype or as you guys like calling them, nigger I am not like that. Maybe that is why??

pew news

Two and counting.

I'm talking about mixed pairings dumbshit, jfc learn to read. MIXED couples almost always have a white in them because they're the largest demographic
Nearly half of Asian women married white men in 1998. And yes, WHITE husbands, it's specified

Most white women who date blacks are trash anyway, you're better off finding a higher tier woman of your own race


i've been crying with laughter, hysterically, for the last 2 minutes wtf

>dude im black and no white girls like me at all (probably cuz im short)
White women are statistically the second least likely group to racemix, black women just below them.

can someone give me a breakdown how dating someone is going to change society for the better

Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

there is no cure for yellow fever


?? are you sure??? I dont believe you. I see mixed people all the time

you can try one of 2 things
1) Make white women more desirable than asian women
2) Make asian women less desirable than white women

Alternatively wait for the jews to do number 2 for you.

and also then why are there soo man babies on here complaining that white women like my people

then why are there soo many babies on here complaing about white people liking my people

You don't need to ask twice

Accept the fact you belong underneath their feet.

Same. Trad qt filipina. Livin the dream.

im currently looking for a top tier asian chick. I will accept nothing less.

yeah, specified in this article from 1998. you can't just say that it's whites without backing it up, dickface

go fuck yourself

Just give in. Asians and white cultures are superior so obviously a union between them will stand forever.

>tfw jungle fever

Is fem/pol/ really a thing or is this just roleplaying NEET memebois who like to pretend to be jealous white women on the internet?

>Let alone their poor looking, they are rather shallow-minded, materialistic and mentally fragile.
>Only those who are insecure about themselves would seek asian women

Doesn't that literally describe the average Sup Forumsack though?

># of 4/10 white girls who won't settle for anything but a 8/10 ripped 100k chad and can't even cook is too damn high

But wouldn't that make them less promiscuous and more likely to be a virgin. If their standards are so HIGH as you claim, then beta guys have no chance.

On the other hand, the more submissive a (asian) girl is, the more likely she will be promiscuous since men find it easier to dominate them.

Using this logic I'm thinking that you're so desperately sought out asian cutie 3.14 is actually a massive slut. Especially is she's westernized, because chances are she's been:
-the attention of several men
>asian girls are easy
- has fucked most of them
> since they're so docile and submissive
- with most of them being white
> since it's apparent a lot of asian girls have white fever

>Similarly, half of the children of white fathers and Native American mothers were identified as white, while more than half of the children of white fathers and Japanese or Chinese mothers were listed as white in 1990. "There is no one rule governing the choices made by parents about mixed-race children's identities," Waters said.

>Yet if a picture is beginning to emerge of racial and ethnic melding, one group is noticeably absent: African Americans. Rates of interracial marriage involving blacks, while increasing, remain far lower than those of other racial minorities. Fewer than one in 10 black men and one in 25 black women aged 25 to 34 took white spouses, according to the 1990 census.

>Some observers fear that the emerging portrait points to a future where many African Americans will still find themselves on the other side of a color line. But rather than separating them from whites, this line could separate blacks from everyone else.

"In the America of the middle of the next century it might look like the race problem is a black problem and these other groups maybe followed some other kind of model into some kind of pluralistic acceptance," says Roderick Harrison, a Census Bureau demographer who is compiling a data bank for the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies, a Washington think tank.

>Harrison and others say the differences in intermarriage rates between blacks and other minorities illustrate the larger fact that disproportionate numbers of blacks remain outside the American mainstream.




why /biz/?


Why are Amerimutts obbessed with race-mixing with garbage so much. Yes I agree our women are pretty shit but why not just marry Slavs in massive numbers instead.

>Slavs are subhuman

Compared to Roasties and Asians, they're quite the opposite in fact.

I’ve dated 2 white girls before (I’m latino)
Never again. What a pain in the fucking ass they are
>You gon' think I'm Aquaman

>Trad qt filipina. Livin the dream.

So you basically married a nigger? Why not a Nip or Slav if you're going for Asians. Brown goblins are ugly freaks of nature who are only like because of green cards.


Here's the real redpill:

Asian girls are hyper materialistic when they're raised by parents who want a rich in-law so that they can get rid of the worthless daughter. Many asian families immigrate to white countries to make money and as a result, the traditional upbringing and values that they presumably had (provided that they weren't subverted by communism to begin with) take a backseat to mammon.
Thus, the daughters spawned in westernised asian families are vapid, shallow gold diggers who prefer the wealthy white man, even the beta cucks, as long as they have a fat wallet. You would be a fool to believe that the asian waifu you got would not be easily subverted by a big black wallet and jettison your family in favour of mammon.

You can bet she is constantly talking about your small wallet behind your backs and is actively looking for the rich degenerate Chang who owns multiple properties and abandon you for the big yellow wallet.

White is over. Now it is the age of the hapa.

Pro-tip: You don't beat them. No white man can resist the yellow demon ass.

>Now it is the age of the hapa.

well done!

good thing my girlfriend grew up in foster care and is thankful to even have a clean room. I've got the best of both worlds


>posts nigger picture
You're the one that shills for white thots. Not us.

I like Slavs, who aren't white according to Sup Forums nigga

The age of hu-white is over. The time of the hapa has come.

read faggot

who is she

> Asian men getting BTFO

How is that Asian masculinity reddit board taking this?