1/3 Asian women will ultimately marry a white man, giving them the highest rate of admixture of any group. They are also the most sought-after across all dating sites. How do we beat these bastards?
The Yellow Menace
Why bother? 90% of white women are trash.
stop being selfish ego bloated cunts
# of 4/10 white girls who won't settle for anything but a 8/10 ripped 100k chad and can't even cook is too damn high
>t. chad
keep BRAPP threads on /biz/ please
The following words will earn someone a length of rope.
Killing it
Crushing it
and so on.
See a white man dating an Asian -> offer him your daughter's hand in marriage.
Actions speak louder than words.
clearly if you ever have any complaint about women and cant overcome the legal system designed to exploit you and make it worth marrying a women and having chidlren then you're just a worthless betamale whos opinion doesnt matter and deserves to go extinct
-t, redditard beef flap sucking nu-Sup Forums
>Do you want an inhaler
>How do we beat these bastards?
Fuck them right in the pussy!
I don’t need the white race to continue I just need Jews and niggers and Muslims to be killed by bleached Asians.
*not worth