How the FUCK does Zimbabwe have a 95% unemployment rate?

How the FUCK does Zimbabwe have a 95% unemployment rate?

You answered your own question

That’s employment in the organized sector. Most people in zibabwe are subsistence farmers and the like and aren’t accounted for in government statistics. The 5% is the country’s elite

Not hard when a handful of farmers feed the government and the rest of the population has nothing to do but fuck and starve.

Lazy niggers don't work.


The only limit niggatry has is either mass extinction or a 100% unemployment rate. Now that I think about it, those two factors go hand in hand

>I read a book by an expatriate Rhodesian who visited Zimbabwe not too many years ago. Traveling with a companion, she stopped at a store along the highway. A black man materialized next to her car window. “Job, boss, (I) work good, boss,” he pleaded. “You give job.”

>“What happened to your old job?” the expatriate white asked.

>The black man replied in the straightforward manner of his race: “We drove out the whites. No more jobs. You give job.”

Have 19 white farmers and 1 black one.

Conan should fire his entire staff and hire Haitians

Bring back Rhodesia

They threw all the white people out

Yet some people still sympathize with what they're doing. What a fucking joke.

It's because of colonialism.

Fuck off Cassandra

what do you call a farmer who doesn't farm and doesn't live at subsistence level? because that's what zimbabwe actually is


>How the FUCK does Zimbabwe have a 95% unemployment rate?

I don't know why, but this post made me kek

They sit around a fuck all day. Instead of dying off from hunger because they aren't working and maintaining shit, they live because western white countries spend millions giving them food and water. That money could have went to your last paycheck or gotten you a better paying job btw, so yeah you should be mad.

You know that the reason they hate whites there is because they were literally slaved and colonised, their whole family and society were destroyed, right?

systemic white oppression?

its 95% black

read up retard

you have to have a society for it do be destroyed. savages living in huts is not a society, it is an animalistic existence.

Cuz they are 2% white, 2% Arabic and 1% Asian

Kek approves.

literally whites are cucked
> atleast black people have balls to say fuck you.

fucking based black man single handedly BTFO whole white cucks

When Mugabage took power in the 80s he specifically made sure that the whites were welcomed.

The reason why they started stealing land in 2008 because the UK rightfully stopped paying the Lancaster house agreements as the money was going straight into the pockets of government cronys instead of the people.

That is why they really hate whitey, it is because whitey refused to pay for corruption.

Because whites are racists and ruined their lives and country.