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>calls them a mistake
>lets the ZOG-MIC run free and sends more troops to die for israel
based 4-D chess
What does he mean “just”? Trump has been saying this since 2014 or even earlier on some radio shows.
Oh is Dubya a good guy for doing that now? I wasnt that old when he took office and throughout his presidency but I knew the guy was a stupid jackass
What's this retard's argument? That they weren't a mistake? That we didn't start an infinite war based on false pretenses? That we should just keep sending people over there to die for nothing?
Oh, I see, Trump said something was a mistake, so that means it's not a mistake because we have to disagree with everything Trump says.
time to start six more then!
He's a Jew.
>trump says cancer is bad
>liberals say its good and expose themselves to harmful radiation and die
Of course.
>liberals start liking bush
>liberals start defending iraq and afghanistan wars
what the fuck is happening?
They weren't a mistake, thanks to those operations America is now safe.
Trump says 2+2=4 (it's not), more news at 11
Americans are literally dying to protect pedophiles in Afghanistan in an unwinnable war that's been going on for 17 years
It's not unwinnable, not if you invest more on the troops.
Trump is finished helping israel.
his opposition to those retarded wars was a huge part of why he got elected
Personally, my first blackpill on american was the vapid worship of this dumbshit after 911
>just after Israel tries to drag us deeper into Syria/Iran
based indeed. I'm sure (((they))) got the message.
Styx was right again. Left is becoming increasingly more pro-war.
They were only a mistake if you are white.
If you're a kike then they're just common sense neocon foreign policy.
>((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((OUR WARS))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Fuck off, jew
No, he called them a mistake years ago. You only listen to what other people say he said instead of listening to what he actually says.
That's the problem with Trump, he likes to say things that people like to hear, but he either never follows through with what he says, or he goes and does the opposite.
shill harder sg sandnigger
did anyone on Sup Forums ever support those wars? Pretty much only shills did. No true right winger would ever support war in iraq or afghanistan.
kys jew
So is Trump now backing liberals into a corner where they are forced to endorse the neo-con, hyper interventionist foreign policy that they spent the better part of the last 2 decades railing against?
God Madcuck Mattis is such a faggot
Trump should fire his ass.
How short are your memories? That's part of the reason I fucking voted for him
>hate patriotism
>pretend to be a patriot
He said it this morning
>“As of a couple of months ago, we have spent $7 trillion in the Middle East. Seven trillion dollars. What a mistake. But it is what it is,” Trump said at the White House as he introduced a domestic infrastructure spending plan.
are you retarded? democrats have always loved those wars and republicans have always opposed them.
what are you talking about faggot were you too young for the Wolfowitz doctrine, Cheney and Rumsfeld? Neo-cons used to be democrats but switched parties when the dems turned into non-interventionist hippy pussies.
Dems were against war from 2002-2008 only
>ban muslims from entering white nations
Problem solved, not a drop of blood.
Underage detected.
who is he
is his pic of a donkey?
Great there is an 8 yr old on this board. Go play outside, this isn't where you want to be.
this is actually true, as soon as KN got into office they were all for drone strikes
how much is soros paying you shills? I want to know right now!
Pic related did, literally and figuratively, nothing wrong
so you're saying you supported these wars?
the afghanistan war is his mistake now.
>Bush Jr and the neo-cons were pro war
>the Wolfowitz doctrine and the project for a new American century were real
why is this even controversial to say? i actually hate soros and all globalist/neomarxists but that doesn't mean i want to gargle the balls of neo-cons who want us to die for israel.
This is the absolute state of this board.
These underagefags are not aware of the political shitstorm that existed before Obama’s first term.
Read a book, nigger. Obama got elected because of democratic rage against the war on terror.
this picture is absolutely disgusting. it is considered a pejorative to be proverbially "draped in the flag." That is lost on a goose stepping autistic fucktard like you.
bush jr was a democrat you retard why do you think he opposes trump now?
>for nothing
i think you mean for the poppy fields, rare earth minerals and oil..
The wars create more terrorists not less, retard.
are you a literal retard or are you just baiting me? bush jr. was a neo-con rhino which is why he opposes trump now.
didn't everybody else call it that years ago
wow Trump is slow
>fuck drumpf
>neo con rhino
so you're saying he's a democrat?
Ideas. Not people. Ideas. Stop repeating the same mistakes. Or do you not know that he's a closet trap? If it was just the ideas that you put significance on, his appearance wouldn't even matter. But when you make it about a name, you carry everything they do into because of it.
Again, I say, stop repeating the same mistakes.
If you want to prevent a bomb from going off in Times Square, you should remove the people who want to put bombs in Time Square.
Or is that racist?
>... because they were
Yes. Removing Saddam and thereby giving isis a ground to breed on was a mistake. Point?
Most Republicans are still neocons look up any faggot from Paul Ryan to John McCain to Lindsey Graham, they're all faggot good goy neocons who want you to die for Israel.
Neocon wars just create more terrorists and US immigration policy welcomes them into the country. It's called "Invade the world/Invite the world" strategy.
you just listed a bunch of democrats. I seriously think you're a retard.
This. Democrats love war and want another war with Russia! They must be stopped!
>braindead muslim cant understand that there are more than just jews and muslims in the world
Is Trump going to jew jitsu the left into defending the Iraq War?
Yup. When the enemy has psychosis, you use their psychosis against them.
Oh for the love of-
So are lefties now FOR the war in iraq? What the fuck.
they were. massive waste of cash.
>deporting muslims is racist
>killing thousands of them in wars and bombing campaigns isn't
Really makes you think
shut up nigger. those are RINOs, and they have an R next to their names.
they always have been you retard. Republicans never supported the war.
Yes, he wants more whites to die for israel.
you're shining like a fucking cia nigger.
> They'll false flag times square if they dont get their way
That's what I just read. He needs for fire that mil-fag Mattis.
kill yourself retard troll, rhinos out, dems out, nationalists only
Actually American troops are not safe because the (((government))) keeps sending them to die in meaningless wars.
Desperation. Two scoops.
Jesus, man, she looks pretty fuckin haggard for 30.
Hail, Theoden King!
That would be something.
You mean (((30))).
>Liberals calling Iraq and Afghan wars a mistake for 15 years
>Now that Trump said it they have to believe that the wars were a good thing
Did you just wake up from a 20 year coma?
It’s hilarious how they’ve basically turned full neocon.
>liberals now supports a federal police state
>liberals now support the CIA and FBI
>liberals are now warmongering with Russia, Syria and Iran
>liberals are now supporting armed invasion of third world countries for resources
Quite hilarious
They can't take b8 of that magnitude... can they?
And yet he's expanding the military. Sounds like he's full of shit.
Looks 45
>alot of city miles on that ho
He needs to cut it in half. Might balance the budget a bit.
you're the retard if youre saying you supported the war.
why would republicans support a mistake?
I think Israel is safer. America was never in danger.
It's even worst. Saddam was keeping a secular country with iron-fist. After we ousted Saddam the result was ISIS.
Tell me, was a mistake to topple Saddam?
Nothing wrong with that
I agree, the army especially is way too bloated. We could keep the same level of functionality but get rid of like half the Army and some of the Air Force.
>2003 the right was retarded for falling for what the media/CIA was selling them about the Iraq
>2017 the left is retarded for falling for the media/CIA are selling them about Russia
Why would Republicans support a mistake? Because, just you're hearing today, you're not a good patriot of you don't support removing this threat to our country. The evidence was contrived then and the evidence is contrived today.
Is that dude agreeing or disagreeing with trump?
>the right is retarded
wow, soros really isn't bringing his best these days.
I said 'was' retarded. You're the only retard I've seen in this thread. Or you're a trolling faggot.