What will the bigots of Sup Forums do when incest is legalized? Two consenting adults should be allowed to marry and have sex without worrying about the police throwing them in jail.
What will the bigots of Sup Forums do when incest is legalized...
I fucked my grandma, I'm fine with it.
if that was my daughter I'd be having another daughter
I don't think incest will ever be legalized, but I also don't think places where it's already legal or semi-legal will change, either. It's not a priority, but no one is going to risk their political career arguing for a dad to fuck his daughter that he had with his daughter who is also his sister.
>laws will change and then i'll rape a family member!
that'll show us.
ive had sex with my sisters. its not a big deal
>my sister is raping me can you help
>lol, ur gay
Our society is already dysgenic enough. Last thing we need is to normalize another kind of degeneracy.
I mean, is the help column wrong?
>response amounts to "wat a fag lol"
He's got a hot twin sister who's a complete tsundere for him and he's whining about it. I mean, how many of us would eat an entire pile of fresh hot wet donkey shit for just a dream about that.
>story ends at oral sex
You would think he could at least write back to the paper when they fuck each other. Complete boner kill.
we need a sarda flag
That's a nice set of tits.
>muh evil sister
>shut up goy, you are gay
Top kek, it wouldnt be so funny if it wasnt so terrible.
>I mean, how many of us would eat an entire pile of fresh hot wet donkey shit for just a dream about that.
Dreams user, fantasies.
Truthfully you know it is bait shit insane and morally corrupt.
Hope you were being unironic
tits too damn big
>"Help! My sister wants to fuck me and sexually assaults me every night"
>"Nigga, you gay"
Disgusting and sage.
I'd riot