You have 20 seconds to tell me why the japs aren't based

You have 20 seconds to tell me why the japs aren't based

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Cartoon watching manchildren

He said aren't

the jew fears this.

There is a prevalence of anti-Jew and anti-globalist themes in anime. They also love to glorify the military and nationalism. And, of course, they are absolutely obsessed with end-times.

better late than never nippon

Time line. I love our president and I'm happy to have been born in the exact time I was. God Bless America.

well anime is degenerate


Idk man, there's just something about those sneaky chinks that gives me the heebie jeebies

boomer detected. KYS

bless those guys


>Wake up one day and find yourself in the timeline where WWII has fired back up but America is Germany and Europe is the Soviet Union

Lunch break?

I don’t think I would be able to end up in conversations about the Jews and how Hitler did nothing wrong when talking to random people in any other civilized country.

Boomers are in their 60's and 70's. Theyll be dead soon enough, dummy

I love Sushi


>the japs DIDNT ethnically cleanse the majority of asia and become a world super power
>they didnt rid the earth of chinks, gooks and other shit tier asians

70% of them are numales

They look like ayys.


they tried, but one big stupid mistake really cucked them good.

>the germans DIDNT ethnically cleanse the majority of europe and become a world super power
>they didnt rid the earth of brits, frenchs and other shit tier europeans

why did they have ti attack pearl harbour bros? why couldnt they fight the russians instead?

>America is Germany
>Japan is Japan
>Russia is Soviet Union
>Europe is fucked

Germany was THE world super power.


so basically the cold war part 2?

b/c we were dicking them around with oil and had been messing with the south east asia since the end of WWI.


>why the japs aren't based

pic related



does that subject routinely come up?

Censoring their porn.

Japan before Anime

>that finger
berieve me

I'll never not love this one.


Japanese people know nothing about jews or Nazi germany, just because some Japanese person nodded his head to you as a courtesy while you were mumbling about hitler doesn't mean they agree with you

id rather fight side by side with a japbro than a mutt.

How is anime degenerate?

Who wouldn't.

Knock it off or be considered a shill.


We've been being economic assholes for so long we got confused who was the good guys and who was the bad guys.

that was pretty cool

Thank god because Germans are far worse than the French

>we should've just let Japan take over Oceania as well as Australia and New Zealand
Yeah nah

>Arbeit Macht "Frei"

40+ yr old men still being this passionately devoted to politics and ideology is so sad lol like get a life like actually go out and achieve things instead of being blindly manipulated as pawns of the actually intelligent higher powers

America excluded Asians from immigrating, Japan raises this point in the league of nations.

Hitler however considers the Japanese honorary Aryans.

>implying that anyone would want to invade the dusty shithole that is Australia
They'd have just cleaned house on the dumber asians

>Just give up and go with the flow goyim, we'll handle everything

We're on the march you silly kike, you're going to burn for real this time.


Holy shit this actually real, I’m starting to enjoy life now guys. Will I make it?

kek it literally did

they liberated the gook from european tyrants

They weren't going to invade, but they were planning on isolating them and making them surrender and also bomb it from New Guinea.


go to kissanime and watch the first minute of Monster Musume

We are creating a right wing alliance across the globe. We all fight for the same cause.


>openly and proudly sexualizes children
>glorification of femininity on males
>the legit cause of the low birthrate in Japan

Anyone that opposed the degeneracy that the left promotes but happily watches anime are massive hypocrites (eg 90% of this board)

The jew fears the samurai

>>openly and proudly sexualizes children
>implying that's bad

What's with all the moralfags here lately?


The Shoahgun

>glorification of femininity on males
Mostly aesthetic choice. Personality wise they're mostly masculine.

>the legit cause of the low birthrate in Japan
This is a phenomenon that occurs in many industrialized nations. Same thing is happening in Germany.

>Anyone that opposed the degeneracy that the left promotes but happily watches anime are massive hypocrites
Leftist degeneracy is on another level. Can't compare the two.

Sup Forums is a christian family board, faggot.

Interesting. What country's dance is it?

I can not. Japs are our best ally.


Should have a brigade of Knights Templar next.


The dude that kicked it all off with the fan...

Why do Japanese people all sound like they are straining to shit in old movies.

the us was blocking japanese trade and had been for decades. Roosevelt knew he was provoking the Japanese when he station the fleet in Pearl Harbor. H needed a reason to join the war.


>needed a reason to join the war.
you're right
they knew where the imperial fleet was, they just needed the japs to do something stupid

Muh dick can only be so erect

>muh dik

>implying it isn't still part one

They need to get back on track.

still more manly than american soyboys

Actually agreed. Guys on the left are actors, and about 20 years the senior of the men on the right. The men on the right are dressed in a effeminate manner as that is part of their job, working in host bars, but do not actually look like they emasculated. Soyboys love beards after all, still they get out-T'd by some nips dressed like boy band members.

"Don't play with your food kids!"

Women decide how men act.
Japanese women HIGHLY prefer pretty boy, so here we are

Every phillipino ive ever met was a based Republican but basically all chinese and thais are communist pawn faggots

Been living here for about a year in a rather rural area.

Japs are really based.

>They have a very high GDP.
>You really can't fault their views on immigration.
>They monitor muhammads and getting permanent residency is pretty difficult for foreigners.
>It's safe enough that even in major cities you will see 6-7 year old kids taking the train by themselves (incredible independence)

My only problem would be regarding their inheritance tax laws.

Why is this so impreeisve ive never seen a military march like this ,but it really looks cool

They tried, made more sense for an undeclared NA treaty with the soviets so they could focus the war effort on china and the pacific. Once again the russians had too much landmass(that is mostly useless)

We need to start using these drums in our marches.

Damn imagine if 5 million japs invaded form there. they were killing more russians than losing while being outnumbered ,russian economy would be fucked and easy win for germany until peace treaty ,and then help japanese in the south

Their men are sleeping with anime pillows?

>that Rena dakimakura
holy shit where do I buy?

There were 2 rival factions in Imperial Japan. One wanted to attack Russia and was friendlier towards China. The other wanted to attack China. The latter faction won.