We did it reddit!
Do these dumb niggers even read the comments on the petition? It's 90% /ourguys/
Give them an inch and they will take a foot. Before you know it nigs will be petitioning the government to establish the Wakandan state in Africa through military force.
I'm a bit conflicted, Sup Forums. On one hand, Jews have to forfeit some of their money. On the other hand, nogs get said money. It seems that no matter who wins, we lose.
If it means getting them all out of our continent and into’s hard to say no
That's the idea
pol just helped the black community well done guys
Awesome, I hope they get every last cent.
The further we isolate nogs from the blind normies, the better
it may be too difficult to get them to self deport, but even if we have to live with them forever, we don't have to actually 'live' with them like we have for the last 30 years
"Nothing is beyond our..." something, something.
The perfect crime.
How would the mainstream media report this when they find out Sup Forums was behind this after all?
>"Sup Forums helps black community"
Fuck off, this sets precedent. All we have to do now is force them to do it every time a nigger only film is made. Keep pushing and eventually blacks will be so entitled they'll demand a country of their own.
Then we've won. We get to get rid of em and at no cost of violence to us or any of that.
Make another petition. Lets Make Africa Gay Again.
Do they have a petition I can sign?
Hey Bros lets do this.
Imagine, pol
Creator of nations
That's nation building I can get behind.
You fools this will only backfire. They will use Jewish tricks and tax loopholes to make shit tons of money and gain publicity
saviour of people the pol
let them. Put them on a boat, give em some guns, and let them murder each other on their ancestral homelands. Solves all our problems
guilt trip western leftists on how Africa kills gays
Make Africa Gay Again lololol
This is a good idea. Worth our effort imo
>Dirty antisemites in Sup Forums trying to steal money from poor innocent jews in (((Disney))) corporation
>Dose damn dirty antisemites are stirring up racial tensions in order to drain our money! Cried the jew, as he strikes you.
every black movie gives 30% back to the black community
It's a win win. Jews get jewed and nogs destroy themselves in apefrica.
Hey as long as they agree to move to this Wakandan state, I'm all for it
So we get to exterminate the current Africa niggers?!
every jew or white movie gives 30 % back to white and jews
and the first nation we create is the black ethno state?
What the actual fuck?
Is this you?
Red Group, Gold Group, all fighters lock in and attack position. We'll get those sons of bitches, hoorah. Let loose those memes!
But if the niggers get the money they'll blow it on air jordans and bling to try and make themselves look rich but at the same time making them more poor by not putting the money towards good shieeettt aka flush it down the toilet
they will buy drugs and OD and the jews lose money its a win win capeshit is a golem
dude use your brain it cycles in the economy
No, it's pure win.
>Nigs turn on Jewish overlords with "GIBS ME DAT"
>Jews can't have their pets turn on them
>Jews unleash their full might on the dindus
>Without jews funding Dindus, BLM falls
It's pure win.
They'll spend it on useless brightly colored sneakers in the first week and be right back where they started.
These people are off their fucking rocker if they think daddy Disney would even consider donating 1% of profits.
The gofund me for this would cause a numeric overflow
The US debt clock would become envious
We do more than the democrats, and we hate them. Kek
>jews say no
>blacks riot for gibbs and shriek about it for days on social media and tv
>blacks boycott jew films
>jews say yes
>nog rejoice
>demand even more gibs more often
>jew profits cut even further
no more virtue signalling its time to pay up or shut up
Why the hell not? It be easier than a white one since most niggers aren't patriotic. You know damn well it would go viral on black Twitter. The comments would be hilarious.
If it worked fantastic but even when it didn't you know how fucking stupid they would look when it came out Sup Forums was responsible?
As long as it's not our money being wasted
because they already have several in africa
good luck getting them on the boat to go home
they want their ethnostate here with us under their thumbs
>Disney caves in and donates $250 million+ to black communities
>Dindus spend the money on drugs, guns, sex, and cars
>Dindus no longer qualify for welfare/food stamps
>Government stops giving Gib Me
Awesome! Let's do this
ayy lmao, keep sharing this bois
>im in favor of this. my wifes son is black
shut it down
no we want to help black communities
>jews have to decide between pandering to their pets and their shekels
we wuz Robin hoood and shiite
$4,000 no more no less
That’s what makes it so fucking intense
if you haven't already signed the petition, get the fuck on it.
which is why the money will flow back to the nose
They are already dependent.
A full 360 win.
are we the juzzz now
desu i dont give a fuck about movies
Silly user, niggers never hold onto money for long.
Oh fucking yes. Perfection! Now just to get them to retake their homeland (i.e. fuck off home and die of starvation, or start actually being constructive and rebuild Africa).
We have to blame reddit so the goyim go after reddit rather than /pol
Realistically, Jews will just give the money to Jewish charities, skim 80% off the top, use 15% to help fund child trafficking, and then use the remaining 5% to fund a playground in the ghetto.
These fucking inbreds need to control their urges and use some real names and beliveable comments
Would you fucking idiots stop signing the petition with clearly fake names and saying shit like "he didnt do nuffin"?
You're not funny and it's not helping the validity of it.
shut your mouth
>niggers hate white people
>niggers accept welfare dollars paid for by white taxpayers
>niggers still hate white people
You act like a nigger cares where their gibs come from.
however movies nowadays are pure leftie cancer good you don't have interest in them
>only 25%
fucking shoulda pushed for 35 at least
I think I just heard a far-off plaintive laugh from Walt.
>D'Shekelcaust McKaffir
It’s 90% Sup Forums inbreds and 10% Sup Forums retards just fucking this up
This could possibly be a start to turn around race baiting culture.
Rather nogs have it than the kikes
>make movie catering to nogs thinking you're going to snatch up a market share
>Sup Forums campaign forces you to donate profits
>"Hey guys, should we make another movie for niggers?"
>"Nah, no money in that"
You gotta think 7D Plinko man.
lol well done
literally this btw goyim won't shut down pol because if pol shuts down then millions of user from across the nation will flud the entire internet with redpill.
> pol is their containment board or you can say quarantine
All of you dirty ass monkeys need to just stfu and go collect your welfare checks and quit with all this racial bullshit finger pointing, it’s the year 2018 for fucks sake get over it. You ain’t kuntakintay and your momma ain’t Harriet Tubman
dat flag doe!! rarity
I support this
>Realistically, Jews will just give the money to Jewish charities, skim 80% off the top, use 15% to help fund child trafficking, and then use the remaining 5% to fund a playground in the ghetto.
4% of a multi-billion dollar franchise? What does the black community need 3% for? That 2% will buy one hell of a playground. That's why we're pledging 1% of the net profits on all Black Panther toys over the next 10 years.
Oh, sorry negroyim... looks like that line was a huge loss. No profits to speak of. Not surprising. Even the original Star Wars hasn't shown a profit yet! You know who's to blame, though? White people.
Gr8 b8 m8
already signed the petition, alerted the NAACP, called my mom, butt dialed the cops
virtue signalling people should put the money where the mouth is
>it’s the year 2018 for fucks sake
V low quality b8
i think we might have accidentally weaponized them
Its called sampling. Rappers do it all the time.
My sides!
>Give them an inch and they will take a foot.
I actually thought you meant niggers will cut your foot off if you let them but you're probably just saying that wrong.
Friendly reminder you can sign it a million times because they don't verify emails.