Do you agree with her perspective, Sup Forums?

Do you agree with her perspective, Sup Forums?


Virtue signaling so hard you can see it from Mars

She's German studying abroad


when a stray dog bits a kid, it gets put down.

Not at all. You can tell she hasn't had to deal with a migrant from the Middle East/Africa; she seems disconnected.


Don't go getting all unilaterally on us.

she's a woman so of course not

>not giving women a reality check

I can no longer muster the energy to even respond to these people anymore. I've just given up on them

>Talking to a woman about politics and civilization
This isn't even bait at this point.

I think LIsa needs to be raped by a pack of niggers.


All roasties fall for the jewish lies. Exceptions don't really exist on a meaningful scale.

>that pic

Why do you guys even bother talking to women if the topic isn't sexual? Literally wasting your time.


No I do not..


you should have went full Trump and said they are sending their worst: rapists, murderers, drug dealers. Some of which you assume are good people.

dont even fuck with a logical response

I feel nothing but disgust

"either will your bloodline"

Idk what you expected, she has a nosering.

Tell her you hope she gets raped by a refugee

>let me hear your thoughts
>oh user those are the wrong thoughts. Bye!

just fuck her and shut her mouth with your cock

who cares about her opinions if she sucks dick good

What a good little goybot she is. "The future is female" only gets promoted because if how easy to control they are.

Well if you want to find a wife you have to have more of a connection than just sex. But you aren't finding a wife on tinder so I don't know what that guy expected.

Thot Patrol 2k18

Actually yeah, point this out. Call her out on being a close-minded person who doesn't like to hear different opinions.

I showed my GF the BBC job posting where it said "this position is not available to white British". She said she didn't have a problem with it. I told her I don't want to raise kids with someone who will teach their kids to hate themselves. Then I had some pull-out method sex with her and I'm able to be fully racist in front of her now. Life is great, just dominate your woman dude.

This is true. You can't pull out your true beliefs right away though. You need to have a stable relationship and then destroy their beliefs and replace them with your own. Women don't have strong opinions at all, they simply have placeholders that you can replace at any moment.

Unfortunately the convo was from a long time ago or else I'd meme her with you guys. Here's another fun one though.

Pretty much....a woman wants a leader who is competent, not some wimpy pushover who will bend over to her beliefs, a man guides his woman and not the other way around

You seem like a cool guy, OP

she has a point that cute animals receive undue compassion because people find it gratifying to "help," but the solution is to kick more puppies, not to let in more refugees.

Women don't really have any cares or thoughts outside of themselves. EEverything they do and think revolves around their own self image.

Tell this whore, that anyone who escaped from my country is vermin, and pathetic ignorant sheep like her will be the first on their plate.

>just give poor people your money you have too much lmao

God damn it, Mel

Pretty much true. So if you get them in a serious relationship where their self image revolves around appealing to you then you can completely change their opinions at will.

>let me hear your thoughts
>oh user those are the wrong thoughts. Bye!
You and every other alt right cunt.

Still better than the vermin like yourself who stay.

No, not security minded.

she's a dumb cunt that needs to be raped

there is no crisis, its just a planned invasion

haha rejected like other Sup Forums tards

next time hide your retarded beleafs if you wanna get laid

ask her for a timestamped nose pic


She kept trying to figure out why I know so much about jews. Yea it's because of my uh... Jewish friends

German women seem VERY brainwashed, same with Swedish women. I've heard this same exact kind of low IQ shit where they just repeat a bunch of vague "le compassion and we have money so we have to help the dying kids in Syria" speech before from them

Hello Ahmed, how bout you remove that meme flag so the rest can see which country you applied for rapefugee status in? Say hi to your 12 sisters and 4 moms for me will ya, and go easy on the sheep ass, you don't have to make it bleed every time.

Lmao claiming demographics as an excuse to not help people. Waaahh, but there's going to be more of them than us. That's why no on takes you guys serious. You sound like a scared pussy

>You want to hear more?

No I'd like to not be suicidal, cunt

Maybe she would have let you in to the club had you kept it up

nicely stated, well reasoned, of course she dismisses you out of hand. whores cannot into reason/logic and only think based on appeals to emotion.

only newfags and shills say alt right. Which are you?

I know a German girl who holds this attitude. We can just give money to all the migrants. Money just grows on trees, right? It is a sorry State of Affairs. I'm working on redpilling her

He rejected her. Manly.



I'd like to study a broad
If you catch my drift

This is fantastic. Good work, Bruce.

100%. Right-wingers are sociopaths

>caring what women think about societies and politics
The vast majority of women simply follow along with what the strong men in their lives believe. My grandparents had three daughters, they all grew up being shitlibs, and they all changed to being conservative after they married conservative men. Women have evolved to reproduce with strong men, and that means being agreeable

Yeah, gouvernment.

Only loser virgins say newfag or shill. Go back to fucking your dog.

Pay some Syrian guy to mug her outside her home and then pretend to save her. After scaring him off, act surprised she is the same girl from tindr.


>fucking dogs

Pick one

> we have so much money
> 20T in debt

I bet she thinks nigger with big gold rims are rich too.

>i'm pretty white
How do you do fellow (((whites))) looking for a partner?

>leaf OP
opinion discarded

No it’s not. The migrant is a rival you have no reason to expect anything from. Investing in a dog will get you a loyal companion.

Also, they evolved for thousands of years to appeal to our sympathy. They’re really fucking good at it.

Terrorist cunt, hopefully Trump fucking nukes your shithole of a country.

>you obvs have friends that are tho right?

heh... heh.... heh...
if only she knew.

>using tinder to get laid instead of red pilling resistant roasties


They're very socially programmed. You can tell they're just repeating the line they've been told to say.

. German subhumans are the main reason why muslims flood Europe.

Puppies are innocent and will grow up to be innocent dogs.

(((Syrian))) children are innocent and will grow up to ALLAHU AKBAR adults.

Still not removing that meme flag are we Ahmad? Afraid the government will stop paying for your goats? How will you satisfy your instincts amirite?

>folk hero-tier

Jews are the biggest whores in the world. They crave giant goyim cock. Especially uncircumcised. To them it's like fucking an animal. Their Jew boys have no time for them and are terrible in bed as their primal dominance is only expressed through shekel stacking.
Also do you know how hard it is to kiss when both parties have noses that stick out a foot.

>her perspective
On her knees, staring down a grown arab "refugee" dick hole? No thanks. Women should have never been given the privilege to vote.


>You want to hear more?
Yes, tell us where you live so yet another race traitor can get the chair


Standard issue liberal with standard opinions. Who cares?

I love how their beliefs are entirely around feelz. "Muh syrian child" "we have all this money an shit, why not share??". Ugh. Females and effeminate males should never have been allowed to politics.

Anyway don't write whole paragraphs lecturing thots on politics before you've even met. That's not attractive.

>this is getting a bit unilaterally.

Bitch that is not how the word works, stop trying to act smart.

Well there has to be at least some people with intelligence in politics. If not liberals then who?

Real good argument there picking up on a typo, you moron.

IQ based sortition government is the only solution.

Do you even know where you are jamal?

Using words incorrectly in an effort to try and look smart isn't a typo, dumbass.

Thank you.

Do they not sell phone chargers/electricity in Australia?

Just stop. We can you see ID and your butthurtness.


Aaahh I see.

Nah, what he said was more well thought.

She was trying to write unilateral. Look it up in the dictionary, it makes perfect sense given the context.

Nah, the ones who agree or enjoy difference are worth waiting for.

You must know and understand your enemy if you want to defeat them. Good man.